Recent content by KaydeeKrunk

  1. KaydeeKrunk

    What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

    I believe everyone is entitled to Basic Human Rights. The world in my opinion is in such a disgusting place right now, the fact that people don't think everyone deserves food and water and a place to sleep is beyond me. Just staying alive is a struggle for so many, and the fact that we have to...
  2. KaydeeKrunk

    Hello Fellow Kids

    Yes yes, she was my bestie Turt here. Your name looks awfully familiar so I am sure we used to interact a bunch! Nice to see you're still around! 😊
  3. KaydeeKrunk

    Have you ever posted a video? Or streamed?

    I started a YouTube a while ago, it was going to be for all kinds of spooky and artsy stuffs. I made a few videos but kind of lost steam around this time last year after two projects went to waste unfortunately due to other people... I have some stuff recorded I just need to edit and voiceover...
  4. KaydeeKrunk

    What's Bothering You?

    Been having a rough go the past few weeks as my gf's schedule has been all over the place and we really haven't been able to talk. I hate feeling so needy for attention like this, but dang if it isn't incredibly lonely... LDR are soooo hard. Sometimes I wonder why I ever put myself through this...
  5. KaydeeKrunk

    Hello Fellow Kids

    I am on my second incarnation of my island. My first version was spooky and gothy and witchy. This version is more cottage core and naturey themed with slight haunted vibes. I mostly want to restart because it makes me want to play more. Now that I'm basically done with my current island there's...
  6. KaydeeKrunk

    State your favorite collectible from the user above

    The kitty plushes are SO cute! I like the ghostie one a lot. (It will be really hard for the next person to choose...)
  7. KaydeeKrunk

    explain your user title!

    mine is "The Late Great Turt" I changed it when I kind of moved away from using the forums as often. I might change it but I mean, I feel like I'm still always late, kind of great, and forever a turt.
  8. KaydeeKrunk

    S e n d M e m e s

    becuz i am a possum :3
  9. KaydeeKrunk

    Hello Fellow Kids

    Oh gosh, this is a tough one. I go back and fourth a lot between them, but I want to say it's a two way tie between Coco and Kiki, also I ship them so it's like... a two for one deal. 😊
  10. KaydeeKrunk

    How many male/female users are a part of this community?

    Years ago when I initially voted on this poll I selected "female" but since have had a very complicated relationship with my gender identity. It's funny years into my life finally coming to some very clear realizations that I feel I should have known about MUCH sooner. Looking back, I mean I...
  11. KaydeeKrunk

    Thank you! Yes, it's been... A few years! Nice to see you're still around! <3

    Thank you! Yes, it's been... A few years! Nice to see you're still around! <3
  12. KaydeeKrunk

    The Bell Tree Is Now 19 Years Old!

    Merry Birthmas! I know I'm only newly returning after years but like, I've been around. And this community has always been such a lovely place to be. Tysm for making and maintaining such a wonderful forum. <3
  13. KaydeeKrunk

    Hello Fellow Kids

    (slips into the Intro-Thread, attemptingly in a "cool" way) Uhhhh, have not been on here in... probably forever. (As in like, three years.) SO I figured maybe I would re-intro myself. I'm Kaydee, 30y/o, NB and a burglar of turts. Anyhow I decided to lurk for a bit, and see what's new around...
  14. KaydeeKrunk


    Ironically I've picked back up on it recently, after watching someone on Twitch playing it, I've been doing my first ever mage build and it's pretty great. I'm a Necromancer! - - - Post Merge - - - Ironically I've picked back up on it recently, after watching someone on Twitch playing it...
  15. KaydeeKrunk

    ariane's smol art thread 💌

    OML #1 I haven't been on in a long while and your art is so amazing, it's crazy to watch how much you've improved and developed you style <3 #2 the snake cupcake looks like my Bowie and I love it