Recent content by milesupshur

  1. milesupshur

    Hi! I was wondering if you had lolly or vesta? I asked u on the thread but you never replied...

    Hi! I was wondering if you had lolly or vesta? I asked u on the thread but you never replied! ��
  2. milesupshur

    Cycling The Cycling Town of Orlando

    Hi! Can I get Vesta?
  3. milesupshur

    Selling Villagers! ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ

    Do you have Lolly or vesta? o:
  4. milesupshur


    Ahh! Yes I'd accept this ♥ Tysm! Just VM whenever you're ready and how you'd like 2 do it! (drop off/pick up!) I'm going to be rn but I'll probably be on at 7 PM EST!
  5. milesupshur

    Hi! Yes I do! How much was it? And do you want to drop off or have me pick it up?

    Hi! Yes I do! How much was it? And do you want to drop off or have me pick it up?
  6. milesupshur


    Hi! I'm finally getting around to finish my house, so i can make the perfect house! Currently, I'm making these rooms; Kitchen Living room Bed room Bathroom Laundry room Green house So this all includes items for those rooms I can make an offer in TBT, IGB, and possibly trading Here are my...
  7. milesupshur


    Can I get heart-print tights, kitchen corner, birdbath, refrigerator, sink, waistcoat, washer/dryer, and the white tuxedo jacket? I'm not sure how much but I can do like 120k!
  8. milesupshur

    Moving villagers where you want (No plot resetting)

    Nope! Not since the amiibo update!
  9. milesupshur

    Selling the town/ resetting the town

    I believe that the town tree is based on your nintendo ds system (basically it's a real time based game, so in game time doesn't count towards it) so I'd change you 3DS system time?
  10. milesupshur

    Moving villagers where you want (No plot resetting)

    Sadly I don't think that will work as it too close the cliff! It will need to be one space back from the cliff in order to make a villager move there So basically, XXXXX XHHHX XHHHX XHHHX XXDXX XXXXX CCCCC
  11. milesupshur

    Alright! Coco is fully moved in! I'm ready to get maple now!

    Alright! Coco is fully moved in! I'm ready to get maple now!
  12. milesupshur

    Hi! I'm ready right now to get maple and coco!!!

    Hi! I'm ready right now to get maple and coco!!!
  13. milesupshur

    Cycling Elvera's cycling city! {Amiibo cards used}

    Hi! I'm wondering if i'll be able to pick up Maple and Coco tomorrow? I'll be active probably around 7 PM EST and from then! Please VM if you can!
  14. milesupshur

    Cycling Elvera's cycling city! {Amiibo cards used}

    No preference! I'm ready for both of them now!
  15. milesupshur

    Moving villagers where you want (No plot resetting)

    Before I start, there has been a guide already made regarding this topic. While the guide itself is pretty good at explaining the basics, it does not include all information. THIS METHOD SAVES YOU MORE TIME THAN PLOT RESETTING The Welcome to Amiibo update added many new things, but the updated...