• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

☆ Life in Lawai'i ☆

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


I've been so caught up in Animal Crossing: City Folk, that's it's kind of been a long time since I've been able to feel like playing New Horizons! That is, until last night. The sudden urge to get back into New Horizons overcame me! When I turned it on, the sounds and visuals all felt SO high tech, a complete 180 from City Folk. I gotta say, I've been realizing more and more how much Animal Crossing is a huge part of my life, and ALL of the games are absolute gems to me. All this is to say, I think I'm back into New Horizons now!

Then it hit me. I have yet to buy and download the expansion pack, Happy Home Paradise! What a perfect time to get it! My life IRL is slowing down, I have some free time, and I've been craving some New Horizons again. Quite honestly, the reason I didn't buy it before was because I was holding off for a moment when I could really get back into the game, because it's been a solid year or two since I did anything more than just small cosmetic tweaks on my island. Anyway. I finally started today, and I am SO excited to play this as a way to relax and maybe gather some blog content. I'm sure I won't be blogging too much about HHP, but maybe every once in a while I'll post an update with a screenshot of a room I designed.


I almost flipped out when I saw Lottie. Maybe not in a good way, LOL. I haven't seen her since New Leaf!! Honestly, I didn't love her back then. It's funny to see her ugly face in this game. Maybe I'll end up having a soft spot for her, as I actually really like her role in New Horizons so far :ROFLMAO::love:

I only have a couple screenshots to share today, but here is my cool new uniform!


My first (and only, so far) client is Eloise! I did her as an intro today, and I probably won't do another tonight. I just wanted to get through the intro and get my toes wet. But she is super super cute, and I loved her home idea of a cozy reading area for my first project. I had a blast!​


I'm a tad bit upset because I actually really like the build I did for her ( I'm not much of an interior guy, hopefully this expansion pack will help me with designing my own homes! ), but, when we were doing the super cool end montage in the home, I accidentally skipped through it. 🤣😂 So! Enjoy this super quick gif I put together of the one (1) screen I got before it completely kicked me out of her house, lol.


What a fun way to begin to close out my week!

Until next time!

PS. Yes, I did play City Folk this evening! Nothing interesting happening, I picked up a green lava lamp and I'm just getting prepared for Halloween 🎃

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Mini Lawai'i Update

Honestly, I forget to blog a lot these days 😅 I've been doing a lot of redesigning on my island! I keep finding beautiful inspiration for how I can do the "tropical island" thing better than I am.


Will this gif load? Lol it's huge....

Last night, I stayed up wayyy too late reconstructing my shopping area! I added a surf shop in addition to nooks and ables, so it feels like a little shopping outlet/pier thing. I love it!! Wanted to share some content.


Happy Friday!



Booted up the ol' island for some after work fun! Summer can't come soon enough for me, so a little Animal Crossing tonight was just what the doctor prescribed. I didn't do tooo much on my own island today, but I went through all of my mail to clear out old unread messages and open up all of my gifts. That blinking of the mailbox notification drives me nuts, lol. So happy it's clear now. I had about 30ish unopened presents, so I went through them all and went along w my day.


Now I didn't snag any photos of it, but I did reorganize a lot of my flower beds and the placements of a lot of my roses that are completely overgrown. One day I REALLY want to get good at placing all of my roses around in rainbow order, but for some reason I can't get myself to do it correctly in one sitting, so I end up just moving them all to a new location that I'll have to move again in the future. Oh well. At least they're a bit better grouped and look somewhat intentionally placed.

I took a trip down to Paradise Planning for something a little lower stress for me, and I was met with the perfect request! Design a beach-side Café. Absolutely can do! I wanted to keep it pretty chill, so check out what I came up with! --


I love love love this outdoor seating area, I really wanted to go with a colorful look so whoever showed up to this cafe could choose what color umbrella and chairs they wanted to sit at!! I have such a thing for mismatching colors for interiors and furniture designs these days.


The interior is rather warm, I went with primarily woods! Check out those colorful chairs to match the outdoors. Overall, it's pretty minimal, I think I allowed myself to be able to come back to this design in the future. The walls are pretty bare to show off the wood, but once I'm a little better at wall and ceiling decor, I think this place will really transform.


And that's all!! You can see in the back there is a little Jukebox... 80s inspired. Can't change me. It played a really cute island tune!

That's it for this entry, this was such a nice end to my Monday!

Until next time!



Excited to be back with some more City Folk content!! City folk has to be one of the most charming Animal Crossing installments. Every time I boot this game up I'm always shocked at how easy it is to get sucked back in!! I took a lot of screenshots this time since it's been a couple long months since I've played, so hopefully I can keep this entry concise and fun!

To preface, I play and recording my evening last night (Monday, April 29th) right after posting last entry for Life in Lawai'i (New horizons), but I didn't want the posts to get merged.


Remember how great the interest used to be?? :.)

Unsurprisingly, upon booting up the game, I was met with a lot of this!!


I think it's been since last october?? It really doesn't feel that long but I am wearing my costuming still and had candies in my pocket, so it must've been.

I only really cared about 1 villager tho. You can see from my header photo that Punchy has not left town!! I was worried, because in this game the villagers definitely can and will move out without telling you while you're on a break. It stinks. But happily he's still here and he remembered me!


Another thing I forgot about this game was just how quickly weeds grew!! You kinda can't tell from the screenshot, but weeds came back so fast and are so evenly dispersed on my town, it was too daunting of a task to pluck them this time around.


Now the rest of the game play went pretty normally, but I was able to see some of the best NPCs!! I took a trip down to the city with Kapp'n, and most stuff was closed. I was able to stop over and say Hi to Katrina and Redd, which I didn't know would be open! That was lovely. I also stopped at Serena on the way to try for a golden axe. I had to. That was not as lovely. Please enjoy this series of screenshots of my evening as a closer!​





I do have a boyfriend I fear


The city was sooo dead.



It was real!!


I consider this short day a success! That's all I got for this entry,

Until next time!



2 entry logs in one day??? I can't put Animal Crossing down this week!!

This blog entry should be a chill one, I've been getting my own island back together recently, as I kinda neglect it when I do things like Paradise planning. I was so jealous of all of those animals getting super cool vacation homes that I said Lemme just focus on my OWN ugly house for this evening. So that's what I did! Before I get into the designs, lemme show u some screenshots I nabbed while just walking around my island! I usually play before bed, so it's always night time in Lawai'i. I was so shocked at how beautiful the sun looked. Everything looks soo tropical. 🌴



I swear I could just sit on the ground all day under these palm trees.

One of my goals for today was to FINALLY utilize the new home exterior customizer, I never really put too much thought into that, so I felt like it was time for a change. I was off on my way to Town Hall to talk to Tom Nook about it. In the above screenshot you can get a glimpse of what my home looked like beforehand, pretty minimal color beige. I felt like it needed more personality.


I ran into these two singing on my way to Town Hall.


Check it out!! This will be my new home starting tomorrow. Recently I'm really loving Natural wood-y colors with Yellow and Green. Such a cheery duo. I ALMOST went for the cyan house exterior, but the design of it was too solid for me.

Now on the good stuff!! Today, I redecorated 2 rooms in my house -> 1) my main living room and 2) my backroom/bathroom. Both were pretty lackluster and didn't feel like anything that would ever exist in the real world. I think I just like the lighting and colors of them but somehow thought it looked good? Idk. I have before and after pics.

Here is the before of my Living Room!:


I suppose I was going for a night club look. I don't hate the idea but the execution was just so poor. I opted to NOW have a more live-able area that looks like an actual living room. Check it!




I think it turned out SO cool!! Despite not having many items, I worked within what I owned to come up with this vibe. It's very woody, plants, and minimal pops of color. Ideally the posters would be more Graphic Designy in the real world, so maybe one day I'll find some custom poster QR codes to decorate with. For now, I think the vibe was definitely translated properly!

Next up is the bathroom:


I think I was going for a golden Sauna vibe with this originally?? It makes little sense. The new design is actually pretty wild also, but I think a lot more successful!




I brought back the disco theme!! Lol. This is my new disco bathroom. It's pretty funky, but I imagine this would be a fun place to pee. I'm happy it's in my home.

That's it for this entry!! Just a couple of interior updates. I'm sure I'll play a bit more tonight, but I don't want to pressure myself to have to make an entry about it, so hopefully ya'll readers have a great evening!

ps. Totally unrevised entry. I didn't read back for any spelling errors this time :.P Sorry if u see em!

Until next time!

Mini Lawai'i Update

Booted up my game to check out my new home exterior that I picked out yesterday! It looks SO GOOD. I'm so hyped. I thought the green and orange look could look a little strange, but I think it suits my home perfectly. Let's go dude.



I've been playing soo much HHP recently, that I think a new type of post would be a great way for me to show off some of my designs! HHP Recap Collections will be my way to using this thread as a gallery for uploading screenshots of the interiors and exteriors of rooms on my goal to completing the HHP DLC. Please enjoy!! Here are some rooms and exteriors I've designed in the past week --






J A C Q U E S ' R E S T A U R A N T




M I S C. H O M E S !



That's it for now!! Will be working on some more homes tonight, so please stay tuned. Until next time!


As you might be able to tell from the title of this entry, there will be SPOILERS for Paradise Planning DLC! I finally beat it!


I know I'm about 3 years too late to the game, but if you've been following my blog recently you'd know that I've only now just started to get into the 2.0 updates to New Horizons. For whatever reason, home designing was not of interest of me for the longest time until recently. IDK what hit me. But, in the past week and a half, I've been grinding out designs in HHP after work to get all 30 done so I can design my villagers homes! That's all I really knew about beating this DLC. What I DIDN'T KNOW was that the end party was a BEACH RAVE. UM??????? Is that not PERFECT for Lawai'i??


I was freaking out at all the neons, lasers, dancing etc. When I saw what the villagers were wearing, I was OBSESSED, so imagine my surprise when I learned you can BUY THE CLOTHES too?????!!!??? Omg. I could faint rn.


This blog post won't be tooooo long, as I just wanted to mark this date as the day I "Beat" the DLC, but I can update you all on some of my most recent builds in HHP while I do it! Please enjoy~


I'm particularly excited about my apparel shop! It's actually inspired by the layout of a surf/clothing shop near my house. Similar colors and everything. I think it looks so cool with the big skateboard wall!! 🤙



That's it for today's update!! I'm super excited to take what I learned from Happy Home Paradise and apply it to the island of Lawai'i!! I'm sure I will continue to make home designs in HHP, just probably less frequently. To me, it's the lowest stakes, stress free fun when I'm just looking for a taste of Animal Crossing at the end of each day!

I will DEFINITELY be coming back to the island for more KK Slider shows and apparel, too. : P


Until next time!

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Had SUCH a fun afternoon in Lawai'i. I've gotten to the point where a lot of hard work is finally able to be enjoyed. Because I can now decorate my villagers' homes on my own island, I've been taking it one-by-one to really give them all a custom place that matches the tropical party aesthetic of my island!


Today, I focused on Peck's house! Because it's located right in front of the Southern Beach (like, right in front), I let him be the owner of his own Pirate themed beach bar! Inside is a darker, more divey aesthetic, where outfront I gave him a double bar right on the beach that's more of a tropical or tiki vibe. Sooo excited for this. I was able to enjoy it this afternoon right in the sunset.

I think there's opportunity for me to take this outdoor bar more pirate-y and put in some barrels, cannons, etc. That'll come a little bit later but for now it's pretty family friendly.


(You can see Peck's house in the background. Gave it a little pirate skull door decoration, lol.)

While we're on the topic of redesigning the villagers' homes, the only other house I've redone so far is Punchy's! I gave him a nautical bedroom that's primarily blue and white. Matches his fur color. Gave him a big ol' bed right in the middle of the room cuz he's a lazy sleeper. I'm obsessed!!


After all that hard decorating work, I went down to HHP and low-and-behold, DJ KK is already performing again today and tomorrow!! Totally enjoyed myself and got a bunch of screenshots because the sunset was too beautiful.


Overall, just a nice relaxing day in Lawai'i. Thanks for reading!

Until next timeeeeee~!

+ ☆ Additional Note ☆ +

I actually went ahead and updated my dream address and map photo on the OP, it was many months outdated!! Please, if anyone is reading and/or is interested in ever visited my Dream Address, totally feel free to post any screenshots of your travels right in this thread!! This thread is very open to comments and I'd love to see pics of others relaxing on Lawai'i. 😁

Hoping this post merges, lol. 🤞 (Edit: It didn't!)

Just a real tiny update for this evening, not a fully entry! I've made a couple tweaks to my apparel shop, and I think it looks so so so much better. It's full but still walkable and functional. I think this is my favorite build I've ever done in animal crossing! Really reminds me of hollister lol


Other than that, after beating the HHP expansion I've just been relaxing around and doing some of the cool looking home concepts to help me unlock more items for the villagers on my island. I'm starting to fall in love with this deserve landscape with the starry sky, as well!


Hope you all had a relaxing evening today, too. 💕🤙

Yo yo ! Happy Tuesday evening TBTers. Quick little update on Lawai'i for today.
Something that I've never really got into in New Horizons (or any animal crossing game really) is the objective/challenge to collect and breed every color of flower in the game. I honestly never understood how important having nice flowers on in the town really was. I guess I've matured because for whatever reason last night, I decided that I NEED to level out the entire back portion of my island (which was honestly under utilized) and turn it into a flower collection display! I want to have one of every color flower in the game displayed on the back of my island now!!

The first step was to flatten out this overgrown, natural landscape that I had built here many many years ago. It never really looked that good and I also never really came back here. It was time to.


Next step was to build the 8x11~ish plot of land (That is closer to 15x12, it's huge) that has a spot for every color flower, and fill in with the ones that are already somewhere on my island!!



It's already looking super great, and I'm REALLY excited to finally try out hybreeding for very specific flower colors. I think some of them are generally pretty hard to get, so I need to do a little research into how to do it. I think at this moment, I don't want to purchase the ones I'm missing straight off tbt yet. I wanna give it the old college try to grow them myself. Will give me something to look forward to each night!


I have a teeny-tiny little dedicated breeding area right to the left of my flower display, so this is where I'll be working and putting my energy!


Currently, I am working towards breeding these flowers to complete my collection:









Wish me luck!

That's all the updates I have today! 🤙

Group 956462.png


There's an interior decorator on the loose in Lawai'i.... He's going around and updating everyone's far outdated and mixmatched homes!!

Been spending some lovely time in my villager's homes and sprucing things up for them! Wanted to share a couple with ya'll that I did today! I hit up Vesta, Lopez, and Beau this time around. Check it out!--


A new spa for, our resident mom on the island, Vesta


A modern, boyish studio for Lopez; White and browns inspired by his coat


A nordic wood-work inspired cottage for Beau, maintaining his Euro-country side aesthetic

I had so much fun designing these ones today, I'm a little afraid to finish all my villagers' homes and run out of places to decorate. Lol

That's all for today!! Take it easy peeps 🤙



I've literally been playing Animal Crossing ALL day. Nothing super noteworthy, but just enjoying the weather in game and relaxing while cleaning up some old areas.

I spruced up my island entrance a tad, took some pics around the island, and updated my dream address. I'll probably decorate a home or two on HHP to unlock some more items, but overall, a chill day! Enjoy these screenshots I got around the more natural parts of my island 🤙



PS. Is it bad if I don't title today's entry with a whole graphic? I think I wanna stop doing that all the time to take pressure off of the amount of energy that goes into these posts. I want them to be casual.

Anyway, thanks for reading! have a great weekend eerybody.

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Hey everyone, happy Sunday! Idk if anyone else is feelin' it, but I'm really dreading work tomorrow :sick: I know I have a super busy important week coming up with a lot of work that needs to get done, so I turned on a little animal crossing tonight to ease the stress a little bit! Had a fun day around the island. Overall, checked my shops, went to work, watered my flowers, all that good stuff. Got a couple highlights to share of this evening, so please enjoy these screenshot of my scary sunday!


My first and only HHP request of the night was a spooky themed home for Clay, was very happy to provide for him! Was feeling a little lazy, so it's not the best build in the world, but it was fun to play with the halloween decorations, I miss that time of year right now!


Back on my island, I wanted to grab a quick cup of coffee where I ran into Beau! Then, I took Kapp'n's boat out to a mystery island to relax a bit.


Why does Beau look so sad? lol

On the mystery island, I actually got super lucky!! I found the last 2 windflowers I needed for my collection!! The Orange and the White. Let's go!! Wasn't expecting to be finished with the windflowers so soon, but my flower garden is coming along really nicely. 🤩



And finally, back on my island when I was planting these flowers, I ran into Wisp!! What a nice surprise!!


(I did not care to find his spirit orbs lol. No time for all that.)

I guess it was a spooky sunday afterall. :3

That's all I got for today!


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I've been having sooo much fun with The Bell Tree World Championships these past two weeks, that I wanted to share some of the Animal Crossing creations that were made specifically for this event and for Yoshi's Islanders!!


Green green everything green!! All of my Team Cheers for Yoshi's Islanders were animal crossing builds. Starting off, the first cheer I created was a GAME ROOM!! A place for all of team 2 to come together and play the event games and watch streams on a big screen!


I tried a more experimental design with this wall partition to create a projector screen-type HUGE Tv. COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA!! I felt so big-brained


Next up, I created my version of Yoshi's Island! An outdoor build this time around:


Going back in-doors, my third build was a collection of mini islands in a home, to represent our Cabin sleeping area!​


And last up, for my final cheer build, I put together a FINALE PARTY!!! WOO! A place to celebrate our efforts and just relax after a super fun event.


That's all I got for this entry, just showcasing all of my builds for the TBTWC in one place. I truly had a BLAST this event, and will forever cherish these builds on my HHP island.

Until next time!



I'm having such a chill afternoon in Animal Crossing today! Did all of my chores, and then decided to take a Kapp'n ride to a new island. I ended up on a later Summer island, so I collected shells and decided to fish and hunt for bugs!


My haul ended up actually really well today-- I caught at least like 5 new critters for my critterpedia. I guess I never really did fishing or bug catching in the summer season previously!

I really need to put in the effort to completing the museum, I feel like that's a really iconic Animal Crossing goal that I've NEVER achieved. I'd like to get that done before considering New Horizons completed.


Donated a bunch, then took a break. :] Will prob hop back on soon to keep on fishing! Not a huge update/full entry for today, just a quick update so I don't fall off my posting roll. Until next time!​