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  • I'm a trashcan but I'm a happy trashcan rn, sorta. :)

    I have a lot of family stuff going on but I go back to school on the 22nd so my body is readyyyyy back to NYC fammmmmmm
    omggg you gotta get the game it's so good. I had to go w Popplio, I was already gonna pick it but its evo really sealed (har har) it for me. if I picked rowlet I probably wouldn't even evolve it it's too cute how it is. QQ
    & thank u b, I think I'm doing better finally, most of october and november is just a blank. I'm gonna get it together this month so I can see this hell year into its grave properly. lool
    I hope youre ok too! Did you have a nice holiday? is it winter break yet?? they should let you have all of december off tbh i remember always havin to be running around for buses in the freezing cold, I slipped on the ice once doing that >;/
    I still haven't downloaded the acnl update, i heard there are 3DS's and Wii U's you can get for ur house n I want it just for that but I know as soon as I add one new thing I'm gonna wanna redo the whole room.
    I've been keeping w the news for you guys a bit, if u want to vent about anything I'm here!!
    yaay well i hope u enjoyed it : D school is lame at least winter break should be coming soon.. ish.. ly. I totally forgot about the update until you mentioned it :0 It looks really awesome but I am a weak crustacean who fears change (and I finally got all my houses the way I wanted them and I already know I'm gonna want to do an entire redesign with the new furniture they added lol) so idk if I'll download it yet! Actually I sorta want to get another town to try out the new stuff, especially since there's supposed to be retail copies in december that will come with the update, if only i had the $$$. what do u think of the update? also did you play the sun/moon demo? Cosmog is my son btw
    omg hello friend !! i'm ok bb thank you aaaa sorry for not responding in such a long time. ;; i hope you've been good these past few weeks as well!! ♥ did you have fun in Toronto??

    /sniff ik youre too patient with me ;; i'm so so glad to hear that b I'll be crossin my fingers it keeps up!!


    and thank you!!! <3333 it was a p awesome day. But I didn't get any cake (* Ò﹏Ó) so now i'm eating a bunch of macaroons and making myself feel gross loool
    AHHH sorry I forgot to reply again!!! x( I'll write back properly soon. I hope you're ok and that today was good for you<33
    there's a mobile app for youkai watch?? omg i know nothing. I still haven't restarted demikids, I made a new file on Fantasy Life instead and got hooked in my usual way on endless pointless grinding, it's wild how a game with such a short mediocre story can yield hundreds of hours of gameplay with my compulsive need to get everything n master all lives.

    non i'ma cherish this image of pennywise as syndrome LOL i have to see the remake now. If Utena has a lot of filler episodes it's probably something I would like, idk i don't mind a lot of filler (i did get through the johto season of pkmn lmaoo)
    hmm every day i grow more certain i'm missing a lot by not playing metal gear, why couldn't it be on Nintendo !! although i do have a ps2 is there any mgs for ps2 T.T

    blood work!! were they poking u with needles?? hope it all went good :0 and ok i imagined a kirby gif, it was kinda like this one

    o good then you made it B> haha omg homes u need to replay Kirby 64 ! how did the rest of the week go?? can't believe it's tuesday already wtf, one good thing you can say about school is it makes it rly hard to lose track of time.
    If fr dragons could die mine would be hella dead, I couldn't figure out how to get more food for them RIP if you do make a pokeheroes lmk so i can send you plushies loool (you can't send them to yourself QQ)

    and as a suuuuper late response to your last vms yes that is quincy!! dog vines r best vines. and all the fires were cleared up swiftly so i'd say it was a successful summer 10/10 would survive again. i hope u and ur cousins are hanging out again soon, literally all of my extended family lives in a different province and it's pretty lame >:0 the only ones who live nearby are ones i donut strictly care for.. lol

    group prayer circle for 2017, well i mean Pikmin 3DS is set for release next year so i guess it's already better than 2016 by default
    nooo school

    i'll pray 4 u, you got this *finger guns*

    i know QQ the cheapest I found it was 30$ CAD but I couldn't commit so that offer's off the table ripperoni
    incidentally I'm listening to the melodic whistling of my laptop fan as I type this, if I try to open anything that has a live video feed in it or something like that I'll be able to fry an egg on this baby. B> keep drawing bruh that last stuff i saw of yours was A++++

    Pokéheroes is one of those clicker games similar to FlightRising if ur familiar with that :0 but with Pokémon instead of dragons. Basically you just get eggs n stuff and then people have to click on them to hatch them and level up your pokes hahah or at least that's the gist of it I'm getting as a humble noob farmer. I was seeing it everywhere too before i actually joined lol I wasn't sure I would like it but my friend explained it to me and it's actually p fun.
    fufu dw about it I'm always late with mine.. as evidenced here. My laptop has already had coffee spilled on it once that's the thing lol I'm still amazed it survived that, I wonder when this old tank will give up the ghost
    I assure you I had a swell Sunday, my nephew was over today so Tuesday was gr8 as well. We shall see about Wednesday.. u can't trust Wednesdays. >://// they are too shifty. however I hope yours is good in all ways <3
    THANK U MY GUY!! aaaa finally i have the gayest collectible, the rainbow feather
    and ur right i'm back, it's coffee hour. B> my cat just knocked it out of my hand and almost nuked my laptop wouldn't that have been a wacky start to the morn

    i dont even remember what episode this is from but omg
    im bout to go to work so here's this awesome gif to bring u good luck
    dwarven vow # 1, let's all work together for a peaceful world!
    oh yeah and Skyward Sword is on virtual console too aaaa I never got to play it before but Hyrule Warriors made me v familiar with the characters so I wanna get it sometime. I like Ghirahim, he reminds me of Dist ahahaha
    ikr! I was kinda thinking it would be an AC character for the last mirror but I was too lazy to look at all the villagers ;'/ yeah she really liked woolly world after i turned on easy mode (i didn't know it gave you wings or i woulda put it on from the start lol) and she was v impressed with poochy, so a version that has even more poochies sounds perfect. :0 ooh yea can't forget ocarina link, and I have the 8 bit Mario so I'll probably want 8 bit Link too haha *dead*
    Yeah same, as usual I had to read everything that happened in the direct. I just watched the trailer for pikmin 3ds now and it looks rly cute ugh pikmin is too good 4 this world. still needa know what happened to Bill! non, sleep is for the mighty, which is why I can't do it without every muscle from my shoulders up turning into a rock. :mad: I hope u are resting easy, school sux but you can do it!! here is a motivational gif
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