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  • Hi, I also need to have a match against you for the Pokemon tournament. Please let me know when you're available as well. :)
    yo, youre on of the last people i need to battle for pokemon... let me know when you're available. Literally pick any/ the best time that works for you this week and I will be there.
    discord died so sorry if I didn’t answer you! I got passimian and stonjourner so I don’t need those anymore!! I’m gonna raid farm for gmax gengar tmrw, I’ll message you if I find him :>
    Yeah indeed. I mean I could get another 3ds if mine breaks but ya not getting any switch man they are being way too much crap these days
    Yeah, I mean I could ask people if I could mooch I guess but yeah Ninty is being real sleazy and shady nowadays so idk if I even want that.
    No, no I don't lol. I'm just against Nintendo jumping on the bandwagon with paid internet (yes I can probably afford that, but games and the console is pretty expensive where I live, so yeah).
    Because Switch is expensive (still, Lite gonna be cheaper but paid internet and expensive games no thanks).
    i've played year of the dragon, season of flame, season of ice, that gba rhynoc game.. and sadly a new beginning but that game and the ones after sucks.. idk about the hd remaster but ya
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