• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

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  • It’s me, Ryu... or at least I used to be. The guy that’s older than you by one year exactly.
    Heyy that's nice :D Haha you deserve the break, do you have any plans during it?

    Yeah that's true, I see a lot less people posting lately. Let's do what we can though! And yeah I've been alright, just busy really. Got my exams in a month and I'm not ready at all yet.

    Do you still use Discord, by the way?
    Hey! Howve you been Lucy :)

    I thought I'd start posting again here but Jesus there's literally no one I know lmao. Felt kind of pointless but I'm going to stick around. It's nice to see you're still posting (':
    Sounds like a busy time :( hope you're doing okay! Miss talking to you more (':

    Aw thank you <33 and omg yes thank you that sounds like a dream cake(tho tbh just their butts on the cake will do that way I can say I ate out widow's butt I'm jk)
    it's just super duper expensive to live by yourself it seems so I'm worried I might not be able to get a place easily... I might have to rent alongside someone which would be fine if it were someone I was dating at the time but a stranger...? not so fond of that idea tbh. who knows though. independence is definitely nice for sure and it feels good to have more control over your life! i dunno if i'd like to live up north as it seems a lot colder? :( it's cold enough as-is here.

    also that's nice at least, but don't forget to have some time for yourself too. 8) working constantly is never good for anyone, even though no doubt you'll have some more free time after uni. the websites i've done social media are just big communities like this one, pretty much! nothing too professional but still noteworthy. :) and wooah! really? that's insane. I'd love to do that but it'd also be really scary for me to move to a different country, so far away from home...
    I do enjoy it! but I'm mostly doing it because I'm good at it and have experience doing it as I've ran social media platforms for big websites a few times before already. japanese is super fun and I hope you have a good time with that 8) I wanted to study it myself but I lost the time/motivation to do so... maybe I could pick it up again at some point because it'd be super nice to learn as a language!! would you like to live somewhere like japan? it does seem super pretty over there so it'd be tempting for me.
    yeah we live very close to a lot of run down areas which isn't GREAT but I acknowledge there are tons of worse places I could live, so I'm mostly cool with it. that's something I'd love to have done but I think I'll just have to wait for when I've got my own place. I don't aim to stick around this town forever anyways so I won't miss out on too much 8) it's just gonna take a bit of time since I've gotta get all my qualifications first to get a job to support living by myself. I have no idea where I'd move though, it's TRICKY. aaaa

    I've literally never sang in front of a group of people and I actually can sing to some extent, haha. music creation is a big hobby of mine but I don't think I could go and share it with a bunch of people... especially not a rendition of africa. yikes! do you get much time for hobbies at uni? it sounds super draining.
    I've been to Kent many times!! it's really nice over there and I kinda wish I lived there.... I really don't like Essex tbh. I'm more than ready to move away when the time is necessary!! also, stick around! i'm not super duper active in terms of posting but i do love to chat and i'll always be around to do so. i'm doing a course in social media and marketing which is a BIT boring but ya, that's me. what about you? what do you do? what career do you want? 8)

    and yes. i sing africa ALL DAY LONG. EVERY DAY.
    I'm near London too!!! I actually live in Essex, if you know of it? there aren't many people from the UK here, are there? too many gosh darn americans on this site... but we love 'em really. i'm not at uni, instead i do most of my course work online.

    I like mostly 70s artists ranging from rock, pop, soul, funk & disco. recently big on Toto, Talking Heads and just so so many more. I'm usually more of a solo artist person but recently really big on bands. ABBA, Bee Gees, Pink Floyd, THE LIST GOES ON. such a great time for music, the 80s were too.
    man I was too late for it!!! i'm gonna watch it when it appears on fullsauce though so i'm satisfied. that's the thing with american streamers... they're no good for us brits. but we love them all the same.

    my favourite song is Always Crashing In The Same Car from Low!! what's your favourite album of his? i've listened to all of them so it's hard for me to choose but ya i'm a pretty big bowie fan. what other musicians are you fond of as well? :D
    yeah i'm on the fullsauce a lot but i do catch many live. i suppose it's kinda hard for you to watch them since you're in england? i have a really wacky timezone so i don't have TOO much of an issue. also SCOOT. SCOOT. I LOVE SCOOT. i want a scoot plushie. i NEED a scoot plushie.

    and david bowie???? hot damn. what's your favourite bowie song??? i must know.
    I do love vinny! have you been watching his sun and moon streams? animal crossing maybe??? i've been watching both actively recently and they're so damn good. vinnny is a good among men. how long have you been a fan?

    and yes! i legit have never met anyone born on may 5th, i know some people who are close ya that's insane. maybe we really were separated at birth. i'm suspicious now.
    and you're modest too!! amazing. absolutely amazing. do you think we like all of the same things too??? this is too much to handle.
    Okay! Yeah that's fine like I said reply whenever you can :) Awh, how are your studies going?
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