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  • Hold on to the 20 tbt though til you get you items okay? I feel funny having my portion without you having yours
    Let me know when I can drop off the set! You didn’t have to prepay but thank you for doing so!
    Okay let's do like this? I'll deliver those two (no charge : I usually don't charge if it's for the event) if I find your gates open. And if you get them from the other trader later, you can just give them back to me.
    Hi, sorry I wasn't aware you had your gates open! I was off to bed already.
    It's best to PM me so I get email notifications :)
    I have 20 purple pansies and 5 black lilies in my storage I can get you. I just need ten minutes to get them together!
    Not to worry, it's the same FC! I have both a cartridge and downloaded game on the same console :)
    Hi! I still do, let me know which one you'd like. I'm a bit slow fulfilling requests though, depends when I have gaming time.. This weekend I'll be able to play though! :)
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