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  • I thought it was the Golden Watering Can, like in the past games, but now you are making me question myself. I guess I will do research later. I haven't started on the perfect town status yet. I need an axe.
    I'm not sure if you or me put our friend codes in wrong, but it still says you are a provisionally registered friend.

    Also, I wanted to let you know my characters name will be Eldalótë. So, y'know if I visit your town, your not like "Who is this?". :)
    Hey!... I'll cut to the chase; I would like to know if you want to be friends? For AC, of course. You seem like a fun person to play around with... And I enjoy playing with people who know what maturity is. :)

    (You would get to see my ugly mii...)
    Than it is basically impossible for me to gain that many bells. I never post walls of text, because I have neither the time nor the brain capacity.

    Longer? Like how many words are in my post? How long it takes to type out the post?
    ;-; I've only got 1k or something like that. I honestly don't know how bells are achieved.

    By one post. You beat me by one post. >:
    Ugh, I keep responding on my own profile to your messages. Anyways, was it you who was the top poster of 2012? Or Superpenguin...
    Meep. Oath2order, you prove to be to formidable of a opponent for me in the posting war. :3
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