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  • Are you still there? I can't really do lineart and coloring unless you like the sketch
    Thanks! I feel a little bit better today, but I'm still not well. I never read the lemony snickett books so it's all new to me!
    Maybe I'll find them and read them while I wait for season 2.
    I'm excited to see coco too! I didn't see it in the theaters, so I'll probably buy it on dvd.
    I've been sickly these past couple days and binge-watching a series of unfortunate events on netflix and I'm enjoying that!
    Yeah Brooke was great! She was adorable and always sang the best songs!
    I just liked Chloe best as an artist. I can’t wait for it to come back on air! I’m looking forward to Kelly Clarkson being a coach!
    yaaaaasssss all the songs were perfect! I love how the lyrics often had a double meaning. I cried a couple times.
    Out of curiosity who were you rooting for on the voice? I watched it back when it was airing, and I rooted for Chloe so I was happy with how it ended.
    I didn't notice you responded lol I'll probably finish it today or tomorrow
    how are you girl? How was your weekend? I watched Moana for the first time and loved it!
    Would 20 be okay for a colored headshot? Sorry if that's too high, it's my first time selling art!
    Hey, are you still looking for art of your OCs? If so, here's an example of my style :) I'd prefer btb, but any payment is fine by me

    If you'd like it colored, I use watercolors! You can vm me if you're interested c:
    thank you so much!! :D

    I can't see your pics hun, it leads me to a google drive page I can't access, could you upload them to imgur?
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