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  • Greetings! Nice to see more fellow Danganronpa fans on this site, hardly any of my friends are Danganronpa fans, haha. What's your favorite game? I'm just curious. I think I can guess who your favorite character is. 😛 I oddly like Celeste a lot as well. She definitely has one of the coolest, if not the coolest design in the series.
    Sorry for taking so long to reply but my favorite game is definitely Trigger Happy Havoc! I just love the entire cast. I really love Celeste, but actually Mukuro is my favorite character!
    Bread Kennedys
    Bread Kennedys
    I see! I used to think my favorite DR was 2 but I'm thinking now, V3 would probably be it. I really like the casts of all the games though. It's hard to say who my favorite character is though. But I'm leaning towards Shuichi. I loved him as a protagonist.
    the mobile game being a more simplistic version was what made me miss acnl and get back to it again. people are still playing it and retail is still active so it's all good! if you're still playing that we can play together
    Ehhh, ac pocket camp is a cute game but it's definitely a lesser, watered down version of the real deal
    I believe all the users you mentioned aren't on tbt anymore? at least I haven't seen them, I'm not exactly that active here and I abandoned the basement long ago
    I remember you! lol yeah the username change was better for both of us :)
    I recently got back to playing acnl right after trying ac pocket camp! I think other people did too? I actually started a new game yesterday
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