Giveaway 5000 TBT / Winners Announced!


Back in MY day....
Poyo Puffs
Aug 16, 2018
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Gold Trophy (First Place)
Rainbow Star Fragment
Famous Mushroom
100% (20) +
Hello and welcome to my first official giveaway here on TBT! 😊

I've randomly dropped a few bells or collectibles on unsuspecting members over the years, but I've never put together an official giveaway thread. However, to celebrate 5 years on the forum, I have decided to distribute a grand total of 5000 TBT between 10 lucky winners!!!

The TBT will be distributed as follows and winners will be selected via an online random number generator.

1000 TBT – 1 Winner
750 TBT – 2 Winners
500 TBT – 3 Winners
250 TBT – 4 Winners

Anyone may enter simply by posting something that you love about The Bell Tree.

If I like your post, that means you've been entered. I will keep a running tab of all entrants in this post in case you want to double check that I've added you.

I may be slow to react and add entrants simply because I'll only be doing so on my laptop, not my phone. So don't worry if I don't accept your entry right away. I'll likely only do one mass acceptance daily.

I will accept entries up through September 24th at 11:59PM EDT. Anything posted beyond this time will not be accepted. I will draw and announce the winners sometime during the following day.

Good luck to everyone! Oh, and my favorite thing about TBT is all of you! You make this place so special! 💖

Winners announced here!

1. KittenNoir
2. Croconaw
3. BungoTheElf
4. skarmoury
5. Alolan_Apples
6. S.J.
7. duckvely
8. Zerous
9. aericell
10. Paperboy012305
11. BalloonFight
12. Drawdler
13. Aquilla
14. Aerith
15. MiniPocketWorld
16. airpeaches
17. CometCatcher
18. That Marshal Fangirl
19. Sarah3
20. Yoshi155
21. xlisapisa
22. IonicKarma
23. digimon
24. Darkesque_
25. oak
26. Roxxy
27. Venn
28. angelcat621
29. Oldcatlady
30. Darcy94x
31. ZeldaCrossing64
32. ~Kilza~
33. Snek
34. Merielle
35. Firesquids
36. Jacob
37. Corrie
38. Freya_Druid
39. corlee1289
40. pochy
41. DaCoSim
42. Mr.Fox
43. MaiaMae
44. trista
45. Rubygame
46. Mars Adept
47. Hanami
48. LittleMissPanda
49. xSuperMario64x
50. Captain Jigglypuff
51. Flaming_Oceans
52. Xara
53. MasterM64
54. boring
55. LateGamer
56. kiwikenobi
57. Cheremtasy
58. Ravenkitty22
59. Hatori
60. roseflower
61. Emolga59
62. Halloqueen
63. magicaldonkey
64. TN4U
65. Sara?
66. Foreverfox
67. CylieDanny
68. Dinosauuur
69. LambdaDelta
70. Dim
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Thank you for the generous giveaway!!

I love tbt for its wonderful community. I've always loved seeing how supportive everyone is of others on here, and the environment here has had a pretty big influence on how I saw the world and the type of person I wanted to be as I got older. I also love the amazing staff on here, pushing themselves to create such amazing regular events for us to enjoy! 😊
thank you for the giveaway! something i love about tbt is how engaging the community is. i initially joined just to get help with new leaf but even now that i dont play nh much anymore i still find myself coming back to check up or do events.

congrats on 5 years!
Thanks for doing this giveaway!

My favorite thing on TBT is how everyone is lawfully friendly. Hardly any toxicity happens in this forums, and when they do I'm smart enough to not engage in that conversation.

I also love the events too, though recently I haven't been in too many except for the yearly egg hunts, I blatantly ignored this year's Camp TBT for crying out loud. Starting now, I'm going to make sure I don't miss any more events.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway! :)

Definitely my favorite part of TBT is the community and how open and friendly everyone is. I originally joined for the release of ACNH, and then quickly started to realize how genuine the community is, and how fun the collectibles part of the forum is. I still regularly check TBT, even though I've taken a step back from ACNH, playing infrequently now.
I love how much of myself I’ve been able to express freely here through various qualities of the community. People here are very diverse and understanding so I’ve learned a lot about my gender, how I see myself, etc. I’ve learned to trust a little bit more by being here. I love that people appreciate eachothers’ efforts here, and it got me to do some art again, and engage with art in general including that of others. The thread that ties these together is that I love how much I learned from being here, and without THIS community, it wouldn’t be the same. 💝
Thank you, that’s so generous of you! 🥺💙

My favourite part about tbt are the friends I made here! In general this community is so supportive and kind, I haven’t experienced something like this anywhere else online. The forums truly feel like a safe haven.
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Thank you for the giveaway! I'd say my favorite thing about TBT is the environment it fosters. People are fun, welcoming, and kind, making it easy to feel like you can be yourself. When there are events I struggle with, I still challenge myself to complete them because I know no one's going to rude (to my face at least, lol) but instead encourage me. Overall, it's just a wonderful safe space that also allows me opportunities to go outside my comfort zone. :)
This is so nice thanks for doing this.
There are a lot of things I really like on the site but I think I'll have to pick the events. I like seeing what people create as a result and trying to solve the little puzzles even though they can get difficult.
Thanks so much for running a giveaway like this 💕 As much as I'm not super social, I truly just love the TBT community. Everyone here is so kind and manages to make this community as loving and cozy as it could be for such a cozy game!! TBT is truly a reflectionand extension of the AC series itself, and I really do love that about this site--it captures the heart and soul of the games it revolves around!
Thank you for the opportunity!

I love how sweet, cozy, and warm this community is, as well as the amazing events. So much thought and care is put into the events, and I adore all the cute collectibles, art, and contests. I also love how TBT encourages people to create and share their creations!
This is so nice of you, thank you! What I love about TBT is the sense of community you get once you really understand how things work. This is especially true for events, where you’ll see people help each other, give each other praise, and even give away collectibles just to make others happy. I get nice messages on my profile and on Discord all the time from friends I’ve made on here. TBT really feels like a place to connect, which I know is hard for some people IRL for a variety of reasons. I love feeling like I’ll always have someone to talk to here. ☺️