"Break A Leg"


May 28, 2021
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Sky Clouds Scenery
Spring Sakura
White Hyacinth
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Have you ever dealt with any broken bones?

This is a cropped photo of when I broke a wrist. In a pretty red cast. It was a cold winter, and my family decided that we would go have fun at the skating rink. There wasn't much else to do.

I, felt emboldened (having done this a few times, under the impression that I now had good balance). I decided to let go of the ledges and cut through the middle of the rink.

10 seconds later, I lost balance and fell full weight onto my side and my wrist. Thankfully, there was a woman on the side who ran in and helped me up. I don't know if she was rec staff or just a nice samaritan.

It hurt. A lot. I'm glad she was there, because I physically could not get back to my feet. Healing time was the average of 6 weeks.

I fractured my left mid finger and didn’t know it for over a month. It didn’t really hurt and was just extremely swollen to the point that I couldn’t bend it.
Thankfully, I haven’t. One time I thought I might have broken a tiny bone in my finger when I was like 7. Every time I touched something with that finger it burned. But the next day everything was all better. No idea what that was.
Nothing at all! *Knocks on wood* I haven't ever sprained anything either.
No and I had several accidents, also fell head first on ice, I looked like the elephant man with a super huge bump on my forehead, but nothing else. I have relatives that break their bones easily and it's really painful.
In elementary school I was in a musical and they told some girl to break a leg, and when the musical ended she tripped and broke a leg
In elementary school I was in a musical and they told some girl to break a leg, and when the musical ended she tripped and broke a leg

Oh! I was in the school choir, and it wasn't uncommon for kids to faint during a concert. We would be standing for long periods of time. It was something about 'locking our knees', but I can't remember entirely.
Basically she was walking down the stairs and a kid ran down the stairs and their legs connected and hers shattered
Oh! I was in the school choir, and it wasn't uncommon for kids to faint during a concert. We would be standing for long periods of time. It was something about 'locking our knees', but I can't remember entirely.
It's because locking your knees causes poor circulation in your legs and the blood flow back to your heart is 'locked' off. Happens to a lot of people who do that, especially recruits who don't know any better and want to stand up straight in line during long waits. I do reenactments and so often we march in formation to certain points and have to be on standby. I've seen lots of people fall like dominoes over the years at reenactments because of that.

So don't lock your knees.
I broke my left wrist clean in half when I was younger. It was a clean break, however, so it didn't require surgery.

only broken toes, always wanted a cast in school tho lol i thought they were so cool !

In school, it brings a sudden amount of attention. I got mine signed a bunch.

It also got me out of gym class, which I didn't particularly care for.
I've only ever outrightly broken one bone: my nose. When I was 4 I overestimated the space between a bench and a very old very metal fence in my schools playground - I jumped off the bench straight into the fence. I actually remember the whole experience as being quite positive and the bump on the bridge of my nose that it left behind gives me a fun nose shape :)
Yup! And can confirm I never want to break anything ever again! I twisted my ankle with such speed and force that it broke my fibula. I had surgery to bring the bones back together, and another surgery to remove the large screw at the base of my ankle. The pain wasn't that bad for me, but it's the recovery that got me as it took months and months to get back to full mobility and strength. Now I hate the idiom "break a leg" 🤣
I broke my left elbow when I was younger. How I did so was stupid... I tripped trying to play leap frog.
Wasnt a complete 'break' but I did double fracture my back when I was 12 or 13. Very painful and definitely not a fun experience.