"Break A Leg"

Yes. Like the title suggests, I ended up breaking my left leg when I was 3 by dropping a TV on it. Since I was pretty young, I don't remember much about the whole experience aside from knowing what I did to break it, which is for the best, lol. I've fortunately avoided breaking any bones since then, though!
I hit my head but that's about it, I've never had a broken bone! My oldest brother was the one always breaking things because he played ice hockey (when we were kids)
I haven't broken a bone, though I have twisted my ankle a few times when I was in grade school. Fortunately, I didn't sprain my ankle or have any serious injuries, so I recovered quickly.
I broke my chin when I fell on three small stairs, all because I was running up to see an old friend, because I was excited to see her.

This happened around Mother's Day in 2011, I still have the scar on my chin to this day.

Other than that, no, I never broke any other part of my body.
Just once. I might’ve shared this story once on this site, but I don’t remember.

Anyway I was 8 and I crossed the street on my scooter. I rode at an awkward angle on a steep driveway, my scooter fell down, and I hit my left elbow right on the road. Thankfully I was wearing a helmet and don’t hurt my head. I went to the hospital and found out I had a small fracture where I hit it. The pain is the worst I’ve ever experienced. The only thing close was getting a part of my tattoo done right around my other elbow.

I wore a cast for almost three months. Showering was a nightmare and I couldn’t play most video games. Kids who normally either ignored me or said mean things about me behind my back actually signed my cast. As the “weird kid” I never had that much attention before.
It wasn’t a complete break, but I fractured my left foot and ankle back in late 2022 after a fall. I thought it was just a sprain at first since it’d happened a couple times before, but I had an x-ray done and nope… fracture. 🙃

I was in a walking boot for 6-8 weeks and had to do physical therapy, neither of which was fun, but I’m thankfully all healed now!


Bonk was personally a big fan of the boot since she could rub her head and teeth on it LOL
i haven't broken anything, surprisingly.... i hope i don't jinx that now (;‘• - •`; )