Can You Still Use Local Play After Servers Are Shut Down?


Feb 16, 2022
I know local play doesn’t need Wi-Fi because my friend and I played it on the bus together growing up, so I wanted to ask around and see if other people thought it would work! I desperately need the visiting and hosting badges, so if it works after online is disabled that would help me a lot! 😭
Local play doesn’t require the internet at all, so yes, local play will still work after the online servers are shut down! You’ll just have to be in the same room as the person/people you’re trying to play with!
you should still be able to get the visitor/hosting badges through local play once the online servers shut down! ;u; things like the dream service won’t work though if you still need that badge though
you should still be able to get the visitor/hosting badges through local play once the online servers shut down! ;u; things like the dream service won’t work though if you still need that badge though
I can confirm as I am getting mine through local play on my 2nd 3DS. The game does not track it based on online visitors, it counts train station visits / travels!