Expand Your Video Game Music Tastes

Blood Eclipse

𖤐 ♱ 𖤐
Jul 30, 2019
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Bloodshot Potion
Happy Ditto Easter Egg
Voodoo Doll
Yes. this is exactly like: https://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?66332-Expand-your-Music-tastes, only I'd like this thread's focus to be solely on video game music. :)

I think there are a lot of underappreciated video game soundtracks out there that are buried from those who never got a chance to play the games they belonged to.

Another reason I'm making this thread is because I tend to like video game music over regular music, most of the times, so I'd like to hear what others like and maybe add them to my playlist. ☺

Ok. I'll roll the dice with this one:

(I really like the rhythm and how much energy the music gives off. It made playing this level really fun and enjoyable.)
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Nice idea! I remember SA2 having amazing soundtracks.

This is from Kingdom Hearts 2, it's the opening song. My all time fav t_t

Yes, yes! I love this, too.

Can I add that the dancing animation on your signature made the music 10x better. x)
I absolutely love the idea of this thread! Video game music and anime OPs/EDs are all I actively listen to besides jazz music, so this will give me a great avenue for sharing what I like (and also because I think most normal music today is garbage, but that’s just me lol).

And my personal favorite ;)

Anyway, that’s all I’ll share for now, but I hope this thread catches on like a wildfire. :D
I absolutely love the idea of this thread! Video game music and anime OPs/EDs are all I actively listen to besides jazz music, so this will give me a great avenue for sharing what I like (and also because I think most normal music today is garbage, but that’s just me lol).

And my personal favorite ;)

Anyway, that’s all I’ll share for now, but I hope this thread catches on like a wildfire. :D

Someone else who likes the Halloween theme from Sonic Adventures 2. :) I'm also one who mostly listens to video game music, anime music, jazz and instrumentals. I don't know why, though, but I really like them. I'm hoping this thread catches on, too because I love listening to all kinds of video game-related music and learn about new ones I might've missed.

Edit: Oh, guest of shade sounds really good. *v* First time hearing it cus I don't own FEC.
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World of Goo is a decade old indie game and I think a lot of people have forgotten about it. I was playing it a couple weeks ago and remembered how good the soundtrack is. This is just one song out of many gems that game has to offer.

Civilization Beyond Earth was widely hated by fans of the Civ series. Personally I enjoyed it, but I know a lot of people didn't. Unfortunately this means that a lot of people overlooked this game's soundtrack which is really good.
One of the most under rated game franchises in north america. Konami blessed the N64 with some good games.
I love video game music as well, and often listen to it to relax or while doing work!
This might be a little different, but I?ve been really into the Pok?mon Mystery Dungeon series on 3DS and I?ve really liked the music they have in their games!
This one is my favorite from Explorers of Time :

It?s not the best quality, but I think it still sounds good!
I also really like the music from Kirby 64: the crystal shards.
Side note: I love the pumpkin hill song from sonic adventure battle 2 :D those knuckles vibes lol
I love video game music as well, and often listen to it to relax or while doing work!
This might be a little different, but I?ve been really into the Pok?mon Mystery Dungeon series on 3DS and I?ve really liked the music they have in their games!
This one is my favorite from Explorers of Time :

It?s not the best quality, but I think it still sounds good!
I also really like the music from Kirby 64: the crystal shards.
Side note: I love the pumpkin hill song from sonic adventure battle 2 :D those knuckles vibes lol

Explorers...of...time 😍😍😍

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so much memories from this wonderful game

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Konami blessed the N64 with some good games.

So true. A lot of games I got to play later on and really liked I found out weren't made by Nintendo. Even now I keep learning.