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Favorite and Least Favorite Colors


“Assorted” Collector
Yoshi's Islanders
Sep 9, 2014
Green Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Snowflake Glow Wand
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Here are some interesting questions for this topic:
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your least favorite color?
  • What is your favorite shade of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and pink)?
  • What is your least favorite shade of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and pink)?
My favorite color is green and has been for awhile now. Funny thing is it used to be red and black when I was a kid, but not anymore!

And my least favorite color is definitely orange. I barely own anything in my wardrobe that's orange. Not to mention I just think it's kind of an ugly color imo.

Not really concerned with shades to be honest.
My favorite color is purple though I like blue almost equally. It changes sometimes.

I don’t like some of the lighter shades of purple, the ones that look a little pinkish. Favorite shade of purple, I think indigo. I never really thought about it or looked up the different shades and their names.

For blue, I like most shades of blue, I think.

My least favorite color is pink.
My favorite color is blue. It represents the water and cold temperatures, blue lights are beautiful, and it’s a beautiful color in general.

My least favorite color is magenta, the color of extreme heat when weather maps pinpoint heat waves. It’s also an ugly color.

My favorite shades of certain colors. For green, I like dark green and blue-green. For blue, I like ocean blue, ice blue, and navy blue. For purple, I like violet (from the RGB model) and how it’s used to measure the coldest temperatures. And for pink, it’s hot pink (which I use as one of my glow colors).

My least favorite shades? For both purple and pink, the closer it is to magenta and any tint, the worse it is. I’m also not too keen on baby blue or reddish brown.
What is your favorite color?

What is your least favorite color?

What is your favorite shade of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and pink)?
Dark, pale, goldenrod, army, cornflower, dark, mid, none. I hope I answered that ok.

What is your least favorite shade of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and pink)?
Really brights, puke-y, and neons basically.
What is your favorite color?
Easy... it's purple! It's been my true fave color ever since I was little (though if you asked me back then, I would have said red.)
What is your least favorite color?
That's hard because I can see the positives in every color. If I have to pick something though...it's probably pink, because I think it's too...feminine for my tastes.
What is your favorite shade of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and pink)?
I don't have any specifics. I usually prefer colors that are bright but not too garish. Pastel is pretty too. I'm not sure what other kinds of shades I like TBH!

What is your least favorite shade of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and pink)?
Once again I have no specifics. I don't like shades that are too dark or too garish.
Anyone that knows me will know that purple just makes my heart happy 🫶💜

It’s funny as irl I would always say that I hate green. I don’t know why but for some reason on tbt I always seem to be allocated green whether it is teams or rng collectables. I now don’t mind as it brings happiness with friends and memories 💜💚💜
Favorite is pink, least favorite is orange. I can't make orange work for anything lol
My favorites are blue and purple, in that order. I prefer saturated colors, so of course saturated blues and purples are my preference.

I'd say my least favorite color is pink. Nothing against the color, but it's not normally my thing. Though, saturated pinks are okay!
My favorite color is blue. The teal/aqua shades are best, but I'm really into all blues.

Least favorite would be red. There is a time and place for it, but I usually don't gravitate towards red.
Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 11.29.43 PM.png

Just whipped this up. I don't necessarily hate all the least favorites, and to me colors depend on the context they're used in a lot. Moral of the story is that I'm a huge fan of bright poppy colors c:
What is your favorite color?
Pink, of course! 💖💕🌷🌸🎀

What is your least favorite color?
Dark yellow. Reminds me of throw up. 🤢🤮

What is your favorite shade of each color?

Pastels. :3

What is your least favorite shade of each color?
Probably dark and/or ones toned with gray.
I don't have a favorite color,
there's just way too much to choose.
Whatever color blouse you wear today
I'll match it with my shoes.

I don't have a color
I would say that I like the least.
Every color, even gold,
dreams of tickles and a tease.

Red and orange, yellow, green
blue and purple, brown and pink?
That's a lot colors,
but I'll tell you what I think:

I like the red your fivehead gets
when I make fun of you.
The orange glow of sunsets
I would love we share that view.

I find it cute, your envious green
when someone tells me "hi".
The way you'd beat them blue and purple
and you shout with anger "MINE".

The shade of brown that I like best
is the color of my eyes.
Because in them, you do reflect
and give me butterflies.

And obviously, the shade of pink
that I enjoy a lot?
The color of your smiling face
that reads my every thought.

OH COME ON, is that what's next?
My least of favorite shades?
I'm only here, to write this text
and sing these serenades.

I'll go with "none", it matters not,
a color's shade or hue.
What matters most's the work of art
my heart's painted of you.
My favourite colour is orange. It's energising and fun.
My least favourite colour...I don't really have one, but if I had to say, perhaps grey
I like very bold, bright, vibrant colours, although I think pastels are super cute <3 I don't particularly like drab or murky colours, but there is room for every colour in this world
My favorite color is blue or black.

My least favorite color would most likely have to be orange.

As for shades of color, well I haven't really given that much thought, Appleman. In general, I think I prefer the darker shades.
My favorite color is blue. I like azure blue best, but navy blue is a nice color on blouses.

My least favorite colors are either orange or brown. I have difficulty coordinating colors schemes with these colors. Especially in clothes.
My favourite colour is green. In general, colours I'm drawn to are deep/pastel/fluorescent greens, pink, black, navy and red. I'm not really drawn to oranges, browns, yelllows, or light blues.

How much I like certain colours definitely depends on the circumstances. For clothes, I prefer pink, navy, and black. I just like wearing those colours! It'd be unlikely for you to see me in green, brown, grey, orange, yellow, or purple.

But, I like looking at earthy colours, like greens and browns, in trees, plants, flowers, etc. I love looking at purples, whites, yellows, blues, oranges, etc. when they're flower petals. For inanimate objects, it varies a lot depending on shade.

How much I like a colour, just depends on what it is I'm looking at! In that sense, I really don't think I have a least favourite colour.
I love pinks and mint green the most but I also like different hues of blue. My least favorite color has to be what the previous owners of my house had painted the bathroom. It was this disgusting shade of puke green and was so awful looking that I and a friend both yelled the exact thing when we saw it after tuning on the lights and that was, “OMG! That color is horrible! We need to get rid of it now!” I ended up choosing this nice deep blue for the bathroom and it looks so much better than before. It was seriously the worst shade of green I’ve ever seen. The color might not have looked so bad if it was in a room with tons of sunlight or as an accent color but for a windowless bathroom it was truly disgusting to look at.
Favorite color: Pink
Generally I like the pastel pinks most, but I like most shades

Least Favorite: Yellow
Don't hate it, and there are even times when I think it looks fantastic. Overall, though, it just doesn't excite or interest me in a lineup of colors. I think all yellows are pretty difficult to match with other colors. It's very rare when I love it.

And lol I realize the irony of writing this while having a Len icon and him being one of my fave Vocaloids. I think artists have to be very careful balancing the yellow values so that he and Rin look aesthetically pleasing.