Have you ever messaged the wrong person?


May 28, 2021
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Sky Clouds Scenery
Spring Sakura
White Hyacinth
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Sweet Balloon
I'm sure it's not too common (so i'm not sure how much traction this will get). I have a somewhat clumsy habit of this though. Most of the time it's innocent and I'll just end up sending the wrong photo. Most recently my mom wanted a selfie of me at the amusement park. I accidentally sent it to my older brother without any context. (I didn't realize it until two hours later. He had left it on read). So he got a close up of my face.

another time I was meme bantering with somebody. (tossing memes back and fourth over text). I sent a GIF of Mr Rodgers holding up his middle finger. I accidentally sent it to my mom. (because she texted me in between).

she was understanding but that was really embarrassing, and scary for a second.
I think sometimes I mix up my mum and sister, or accidentally message my mum instead of the family chat or vice versa. Luckily I haven’t made any serious slip-ups 😂
I have and I've hated it haha. Both times I was sending a message ment for my fiancé 😂 Thankfully the messages weren't anything embarrassing! The fact one time I messaged my dad and the other was my fiancé's dad was though. They both were chill and it wasn't bad :)
i've replied to wrong people on discord here and there if chats are moving too fast or i just fat fingered but i haven't private messaged anyone incorrectly. it takes multiple steps to privately message someone so i always catch if i selected the wrong person.
I have several times LOL mostly on discord because I'll not pay attention to who is at the top of my DM list. It's usually my best friend, but sometimes it's someone else and I think it's them
Usually this isn't a problem, it has led to some SLIGHTLY awkward conversations, like I was once drawing a picture of my best friend's OC and meant to ask them what color her tights were, but I accidentally asked another friend instead like "What color are Roe's stockings?" and he was like "Excuse me????" so I had to explain what was going on, but it wasn't too weird LOL

One time I did send a complaint about a person (they were using me as a sounding board without asking and I was annoyed lol) to the person I was complaining about 🙈 luckily I was able to delete it without them seeing it though lol
Yep, sent my girlfriend a reminder to buy bread the other week and then wondered why a friend had messaged me simply saying, "no". 😂

Similarly, my boss sent me a grocery list intended for his wife a few days ago.
I once got an email where someone was swearing at me and yelling at me for how I had “behaved” the previous day and that sleeping with my “ex” was inappropriate and that our “relationship” was over. I’ve never been in a relationship before so I knew this email was sent to me by mistake
Yes often with messenger pop up windows when I'm talking to someone and another pop up appears. I don't think I sent anything that would make me super embarrassed, most of the time I was repliying in another language and the person was just uh? I did send some link once to the wrong person by accident but forgot what it was, anyway it interested that person as well. I got messages by mistake as well, most of the time memes and inside jokes I couldn't understand and some invitation to drink from someone living in another country, one gay friend also posted underwear pics for the wrong audience, we just acted as we hadn't seen anything.
Yes, I have my Dad listed under my phone contacts and all of my brothers, two of whom have short names that start with 'D' so I have accidentally texted my dad instead lf my brother.

My brother has texted me messages that were meant for his friends or something too. Dunno how he keeps doing that.
One time, because I had been texting one person a lot that day so when I opened imessage I just assumed I still had that conversation open without really looking at it. Nothing too interesting, just ended up sending my sister something that made no sense without context. Other than that I never mix people up.
I distinctly remember accidentally posting a political joke tweet that I'd come across in the wrong Discord server years ago. No one said anything about it and I deleted it, going on to post it in the correct server. Since, thankfully, no one said anything, I have no idea if anyone in that incorrect server actually saw it or not. It's a smaller server with a group of friends but it's not one that tends to talk politics, so, yeah, felt a bit awkward regardless.

Other than that, I'm sure I probably have on a few occasions but they must've been minor since they don't come to mind. It's not a common occurrence for me.
i accidentally sent this to my grandma instead of my brother three times
No. I haven’t had this happen and I hope it doesn’t happen. I’m usually careful to check who I’m sending things to.
LOL i remember accidentally tagging the wrong person online on another forum i used to be on and the funny thing was the account was a dead account never really been used until i accidentally tagged tehm and they logged back online just to correct me since i guess they musta have email notifs still on lmao.