Hybrids not growing?


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2020
I’ve been trying every trick in the book - checkerboarding flowers, 5x5 grids for maximum hybrids, watering every single day, etc but I’ve not grown a new hybrid in ages. If I’m lucky I’ll get one a day (between my 5 types of flowers) but any new flowers that sprout up are mainly colors bought at Nooks. I can’t get any new hybrids to show up! Is this a problem someone else has, is there a fix, or am I just the abnormal one? Everyone I’ve talked to has absolutely no problem with hybrids and have an over abundance.
I saw somewhere that if you get visitors to water your flower, you'll increase the chance of hybrids by a lot. I think to get max is 5 visitors?
I feel you in regards to blue pansies. I've started breeding all the hybrids at around the same time and now I have a literal beach full of orange flowers and not a single blue pansy. It's come to the point where I'm starting to suspect my island is biased towards orange flowers.
I feel you and I'm also salty. for 1 week been trying to get gold roses. I have 5 black roses cross patch and nothing yet. been watering them with golden can since forever.
I'm in the same situation, colours other than pink/orange or those that aren't hybrids are extremely common but blue and purple hybrids continue to elude me. I can confirm the method of utilising visitors to water your flowers; I haven't been getting purple roses but my mom came to my town to water my flowers yesterday and today I got 2 along with a lot more others.
Checkerboard has been said to be less effective these days. You might try checking out these documents!
