• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

I started Wild World!


*Bakes cookies for all villagers*
Feb 14, 2022
Pink Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Crystal Tree
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Galaxy Swirl
Purple Star Fragment
Shooting Star Plush
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Blue Crescent Moon
So... I decided to move to a new town, consider it a spur of the moment decition, although I feel like I needed a change in scenery, that's nice once in a while.

I wake up after a pleasant nap with the sound of the rain behind me, my cap driver asked me a lot of questions that were a bit borderline... personal, but once that was over we arrived at our destination!

We're here! Thank you Mr. Driver, I hope you aren't that creepy with other passengers...

And that's how I look! Not a big fan of the ponytails but I guess I can take care of that with some hats in the future...
After a quick visit to the mayor's office I'm given my map and a quick rundown of how everything works with the menus and stuff.
Here's what my map looks like:

I live pretty close to the office and the Museum! I must say that the Museum has always been my favorite part of moving to a new town, I can't wait to see how this one manages. However my enthusiasm aside, there are things that I must do first... like greeting my neighbors! The closest house is that up north so let's see if anyone's home...
There is! And our lucky first friend on my new town is......

Kiki! I always wanted to have her as a neghbor! After I apologized for scaring her on her own home we exchanged some words, apparently she's into astrology as she immediately started a new conversation with the fact that she's a Libra and asking my own birthday. Still she seemed enthusiastic and sweet, I can't wait to get to know her better.
On my way back home to check my new house out I stumbled upon another neighbor:

Rod! I must admit I've never met another mouse before, this guy is very energetic, immediately friendly and at the verge of offering me to be his cardio companion, I can tell we're going to have fun. I didn't get a screenshot of her, but for those curious my third neighbor is Olivia! When we talked I was a bit intimidated by her beauty but she's surprisingly welcoming! Offering to go furniture shopping together when we get the chance, she's a bit sassy but I can feel she has a good heart... for now.
My house is small, but comfy, I never had a starting house with an attic so it was nice. Whas was not so nice was Mr. Nook immediately forcing me a part time job the second I got out (sir I am more than happy to pay you with my own sweat but please at least let me answer if I want to do it right now or not...). Although I feel he did it on purpose to get me used with how things work around here, his shop, the way to deliver stuff, me new neighbors even gave me some pity gifts when they realized what was going on, maybe they had to wear this dreaded uniform too, it looks like it has been worn for a while when I was given it anyways...
Tedious tutorial finished I am greeted with... this:


Oh, so this is why it's called Acornia and why the road here was full of acorns. It was fun actually, I planned to collect some acorns for myself even, but the prospect of prices was more attractive to me, so now I have a shroom stool, table and lamp for my tiny home, comfy and homey and fairycore aesthetic!

I got this fortune too, I hope it's something good...
I passed by the Able Sisters, good selection as always but I wasn't feeling any clothing so far, so I'm keeping the shirt I came with for now.
Some fruit picking after that (native fruit is Pear... yuck) I invested on a fishing rod to start making some real money, fish around these parts are a bit harder to see but I liked it, add to the challenge you know. I approach a shadow close to the waterfall, I cast, and my first ever catch is...

Black Bass! Not bad, did you know that the Bass is often the most common fish caught for sport fishing? Because I didn't! Blathers told me that! Because after catching two more fished I ran straight to the museum to donate! I love how Blathers looked today, the bigger head made him look very cute. After asking about the museum and talking a bit to his sister I donated the fishies and just walked around a bit. I abstained from coffe for now, gotta save up, and just basked in the ambiance. The museum looks like a small town one, but I can feel the passion and effort put into maintaning it, pribably one of the best ones I've been at, I can't wait to help fill it up!!
And thus with this final double pic of the expoistion so far (with not very well thought of accomodations for fish that size, but I've come to expect that from small buildings like this...) I'll go rest home after a very busy yet fun first day in Acornia!
Idk if I'll have the time to play daily, but a new start is always refreshing!
Congratulations on your new town! I am so jealous of the little island you have! 😳 Do you have any goals or themes for your game? Or are you just kind of taking it day by day?
Congratulations on your new town! I am so jealous of the little island you have! 😳 Do you have any goals or themes for your game? Or are you just kind of taking it day by day?
Not sure atm really, I think I'm just gonna go with the flow of the game for now and see where it goes, but now that you mention it I'll have to think of something cool to do with that little island
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Love it. What a great game! Wild World was my first animal crossing back when I was like, 8 years old :p

May I ask, how are you playing? Are you playing via emulator? I know the Wii U has it on virtual console, I think, but I never tried it out. I've recently started a City Folk town back in September and I've been playing daily!! SO much nostalgia in these early games :> I'm hoping to eventually have a Lawai'i on all 5 ac games

Are you considering starting a journal or having a place to share screenshots?
Love it. What a great game! Wild World was my first animal crossing back when I was like, 8 years old :p

May I ask, how are you playing? Are you playing via emulator? I know the Wii U has it on virtual console, I think, but I never tried it out. I've recently started a City Folk town back in September and I've been playing daily!! SO much nostalgia in these early games :> I'm hoping to eventually have a Lawai'i on all 5 ac games

Are you considering starting a journal or having a place to share screenshots?
I'm emulating yes! And yes I think I'm gonna use this forum post as a journal of sorts, I'm planning of getting a lot of screenshots
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Realized that before I moved, Rod had to live alone there with only TWO CATS as neighbors, sure Nook an the others were there but I bet that he was glad to see a different face for a witness-I mean friend :D

(Paint doodle made by me)
Post automatically merged:

Not much time to play today unfortunately, but I could hang out and fish a bit, it's a beautful night tonight...
Walking by I spotted Rod and we chatted a bit, the topic of me wanting to move came up and he looked so distressed! Aww Rod, we just met and you already care so much about me? How sweet (nobody´s gonna hurt you don't worry...)
Walked a bit more and found Olivia, it looks like Kiki is an early bird while she's the night owl. She noticed my acorns and asked me for one. Of course you can have one Olivia! I consider you my friend too! Oh... you want another acorn? My last one...? Ok... I guess... I can always look for more... :mad:
I'm gonna keep an eye on her... Anyways I caught my first Ocean fish! A dab, kinda ugly but I don't judge, having both eyes in one side is kind of cool as an evolutionary advantage.

But wait... What's that behind me? That's right! Someone else has moved in!! Let's be polite and say our welcomes to our new friend.
And it is....
Nibbles! I also never had a squirrel friend! Love what she did with the walls and floor, very citrusy, sweet and colorful, time will tell if it matches her... But let's just talk to her a bit for now to get to know eachother!
Oh ok sheesh, well I guess moving to a new place can be stressfull so let's save the chatting to tomorrow I guess...
And that's all for today! I'd say even on day two this has invigorated me, I want to check out my NL Town one of these days even! I haven't visited my friends there in a while and I'm starting to miss them (I hope nobody moved, I have two dreamies there). Let's go to bed for now...
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Alas, it seems that I always end up playing when the sun is already down, but I don't mind, I plan to make the most of it. And let's star by saying hi to anew friend! That's right, someone else moved to town, hi house is pretty far to the northwest so it's a bit of a walk. On my way I passed by that little natural island on my town, it's full of acorns, I think I'm gonna name it acorn island, eventually I light decorate it woth something around that theme (flowers and patters I know you can't place objects here).

Grabbing as many as I can I reach my destination, I knock on the door and let myself in, to be greeted by...
Butch! I was starting to think Rod was going to be the only boy villager here haha, but he'll be happy that our new resident is a dog as well... for protection reasons... but I don't know if Butch is going to like our squirrel...
Ah! I'm going ahead of myself, who's to say we can't all be friends? Anyways, I still think he and Rod are going to get together just fine, he seems like the sporty type, although he has a harsher character than Rod.
I decided that it was time to buy a Bug Net, so I went to Nook's only to be regarded with the news that some Homeowners Association is going to monitor me and rank me for some points based on my decorating??? Um???? Ok then? They can judge all they want I'm going to do my thing anyways.
Oh I forgot to show all of you, this is what my house looks like currently, NOW tell me that doesn't scream style:
Ok, time to get more acorns, it's actually kind of fun to look around for them and grab them, I feel like a cute squirrel. I think I got more than 20 just today!

Oh Rod you too? She's caught us both on her game...
Alright before giving my acorns to Tort- I mean Conrimer let me get rid of the rotten ones on the recycle bin at the Mayor's Office, I've never used it before so...
Well give me a mask and call me raccoon because I'm dumpster diving! I had no idea you coud take other people's stuff! There was a pool table, electric guitar and an old stereo! That actually gives me a great ides, I might gat a chill playroom on my house eventually! So yeah I got everything plus a table and sofa (that I sold back to Nook but shhhh don't tell him that).
I haven't seen Nibbles since yesterday, seems like she likes to be at home, and since I've alreday talked with everybody today might as well check on her...
Wow Nibs I love what you did with the place but girl YOU JUST MOVED IN. I'm still willing to give this friendship a chance, I feel some things in common between us actually, but we'll see...
Outside I talked to Kiki a bit and she mentioned that she loves collecting clothes more than bugs or fish or furniture, and it made me realize that I should go get some new clothes, thanks for the inspiration Kiki!
I look like a videogame protagonist, sweet.
Lastly I caught my first bug and donated it before going to sleep, but first I payed a visit to Celeste and found my first constellation, Acornia the acorn from where this town gets it's name!
And we get to see it on Halloween! Spooky! Now let's go to bed, but not before checking out the fruit of my Bug Nest adventures...

Nibbles and Rod have both in my Wild World town. But they've both moved out. Maybe this is where they went. Veeery interesting. 🤔

I also have Butch in my town right now. Not really sure how he's finding the time to be in multiple towns at once but okay.
Not much has happened today, which is good sometimes, having time to relax and just enjoy the day is good... Most animals are busy collecting acorns since this is the very last day of the festival, except for Olivia who has now asked me two days in a row if her makeup looks good.
Kiki was home and mentioned that if anyone ever makes me do chores she's gonna be there to defend me, I think it's pretty safe to say that she is my favorite out of the bunch so far.
After reaching my goal of 100 acorns delivered I decided to stop for today, even if I get more prices I have nowhere to store them yet, so the full shroom sets will have to wait untill next year. Selling the acorns instead gave me a good sum of bells, I didn't though you could sell the rotten ones. Yes they're 2 bells each but I though they counted as trash and were worthless.
As something else to mention I donated three new specimens, a single fly, a catfish and a cherry salmon, this last one being the first fish that Blathers doesn't give me only cooking trivia for. Should I be concerned for the safety of the exposition? It is also very irresponsable of him to not educate the public properly in such an establishment smh.
But wait, as you migh know new friends are still moving to Acornia, and before going to bed I decided to say hi to our newest friend, they all seem to be moving to the most west part of town, I might have to arrange a residential area there...
Huh? Wait? I think I recognize that house...?
OH! IS IT...?
DRAKE! One of my dreamies that I already have on my NL town! My good old friend how are you!? Wanted a summer home I see, a more tranquil place to relax? Yet you still chose to be by my side. My good Drake so in love with life as always, it'll be a pleasure to live here with you all over again, what great news to end the day.
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Phew! Finally I can get a bit of time to play earlyer on the day. Aaah, the sun feels so nice...
Immediately after going out Nibbles intercepted me and DEMANDED some new clothes for her new dance routine practice. It's ok, I have some spare money on me and I don't really mind some errands to start the day (evening), and I promise that if Kiki finds outs I'll mention that it was no problem. Found a Bubblegum shirt at able sisters, it looks cute and bubbly which I feel is the kind of stuff Nibbles likes Before going out I partook in some idle chat and something happened! After a couple of days, Sable spoke to me for the first time! I really appreciate it, I used to be quite shy in the past actually so I know how much effort there has to be put and much confidence you need to have on the other person to start to open up. Take your time Sable I'll gladly wait for you :3
Yeah Sable I know, sorry to interrupt your work day. Taking a stroll outside I saw some of my neighbor outside so I talked with them for a bit, and then Kiki said this:
Oh... Well yes, you and her have been living together here since before I moved I guess, plus you two are cats, so I'm just going to take this as a hopeful comment for the further development of our friendship.
It's interesting how someone like Kiki is friends with Olivia, nothing bad with it, I just find srprising how the villagers of this town can have personalities that are so defined and different from one another and still find the common grounds to be friends.
A quick chat with Rod later and he's telling me that apparently he peeked into my house's window and started to mention that my living space is quite small...
Invasion of privacy aside, he's right, with the Acorn Festival happening at the same time of my arrival I barely had any time to actually work on paying what I owe to Nook, so I decided to concentrate on that for today! After fishing a bit, getting the leftover acorns (which give quite the sum of bells) and catching three new bug species (red dragonfly, monarch butterfly, and a locust whose name I forgot), I ended up at the door of another new neighbor. Let's knock and let ourselves in...
WOW! A bunny named Snake! I never had a bunny friend either so I'll be happy if we get to know eachother, cool clothes btw. Also he immediately started to talk about running, is every boy vllager here a sports maniac?
I got some bells, I greeted a new friend so now it's time to pay my house (part of it), oh right I forgot to give Nibbles her new shirt.
Uuuuh, thanks Nibbles... It's not really my style but I guess it can still go to Nook's Cranny for some bells. Ok so NOW I can go and pay for my house... and then Kiki stopped me right at the entrance, she wants to give me something and I can't say no to her...
The helmet and now this? What are the odds? Or are Kiki and Nibbles trying to pay me some weird joke? Sigh... give it here anyways Kiki, again, I can't say no to you...
Mortage payed and now I'm down to 13000 ish bells left to go, not bad, I can achieve that in a couple of days if I put in the effort. I spotted Olivia on my way out and she looked a bit worried, some anonymous sender left her some weird letter on the mail...
Oh no! Who could say something so horrible, when we are just beggining to know each other, and send it to poor Olivia to distress her? What a horrible person (animal) to do so, I cannot believe-
WOW OK THEN! I SEE HOW IT IS, MAYBE IT WAS YOU WHO WROTE THAT AND YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING TO ME HUH? (Or maybe it was Nibbles, she did say that comment about moving the next day she arrived...)
Sheesh, ok, I'm calm now, I still think Olivia's cool but... man.
I went to visit Drake, now that's good company, and I love what he did with his place, rustic and forest themed, he also got himself a little indoors pond for his duck activities-
DRAKE! This is nothing like you! I cannot believe this, after so many years on NL you can treat a friend like that, I'm going out and I hope you have a better attitude later...
What's with everyone today? Outside I even saw Olivia and Kiki fighting and Rod on the side being happy about it (better they fight eachoter and ignore him?), whatever it was Kiki looked so sad by the end of it and Olivia so angry...

I guess we all have our bad days...
But there's always tomorrow!
Another day another bell, time to get working on lowering those mortgage numbers, and there seems to be planty of butterflies around to help with that. But first, an emergency! While giving everyone my daily good mornings I noticed Kiki was a bit under the weather... she was sick! First time it has happened since I moved. My poor kitty, don't worry I don't mind getting you medicine, after all money is earned to be used.
Crisis averted, time to keep working. On my way out I stumbled upon Snake doing his rounds around the town, and he betted me to get him a black bass. Ok little bunny, challenge acepted and time to fish! While stalking the rivers Olivia approached me just to talk a bit.
Wow, I totally agree girl! I think that you're passionate too... just a bit sassy, but I think that I still like you anywas, you have your own way of saying things I think. We parted out ways and I kept looking for any shadows that could belong to a black bass when I almost hit my face againts a house that wasn't there before. That's right, another new friend! I think that there are no plans for future residents moving in anytime soon, so we have our full rooster finished! Let's let ourselves in and say hi to...
Pate! Another duck! I think I saw you during the short time I moved to some place far away, some "Dobutsu no Mori" village, it was hard to understand the animalese there but I did manage to read somethings here and there, plus it was good language practice. Anyways how have you been? Still haven't changed that weird hairstyle huh? I hope you get along well with everyone, we even have another duck. Speaking of ducks Drake was outside, probably heard that he wasn't the only duck anymore and wanted to say hi, he seemed way more friendly today, even insisting on visiting later that day! Wow now I really have to find that bass quickly.
Do black bass also appear at the beach? ...Hey what's that?
Weird... Ominous even, first time seeing a message in a bottle washed ashore, I'll have to talk with Tortimer about it I think. ANYWHO there WAS a shadow close by, so time to keep fishing and-
Ah, you, I was wondering when you where going to show up.
More fishies later and I noticed that Butch didn't say hi today, let's pay him a visit and see if he has heard any juicy rumors...
HUH? Oh wow now those ARE juicy rumors but... are you sure? Snake finished moving in yesterday and well... a bunny and a cat, although I'm not judging at all and well weirder couples have happened, is just that... Wait hold on are you joking with me or something?
Yeah ok then, I see the kind of dog you are, Pate hasn't even finished putting her (her? I swear I always thought Pate was a boy... again not judging either way) and you're spreding those rumors already? Hmph! So called man's best friend...
Whatever, let's keep fishing, that black bass is today's objective!
And now... Wait who is this??? A walrus? Is this the visitor from the bottle message? He sounded hungry, good thing I still had an acorn with me.
Ohhh an artist! And somehow he knew that I'm a bit into Mario recently nice.
I stumbled upon Nibbles and she said something about an accident with her washing machine...? Whatever she wants new clothes again (she's still wearing the ones I got her yesterday) So to the Able Sisters I go, but I don't mind, a chance to talk with Sable is always a good time.
She talked more today! And was more open, even talking back to Mable a bit haha, it makes me happy being her friend. Also look at my cool new shades, sick I look like purple Guy Fieri.
Ok here you go Nibbles here's your new clothes...
Whoah! Thank you Nibbles! This is more than double of what that shirt was worth, it's very useful thank you so much! I feel like I'm finally making some friendship progress with everyone today, and if that weren't enough good news...
Aha! Now I've got you! Time to make Snake see my prowess in fishing. Just before giving the fish to him he actually gave a gift umprompted, something called a "Stadiometer"? Still, thank you Snake, you've been very generous so far. I gave him the fish, and quickly ran to the Mayor's Office to pay for my house, I'm down to 10000 ish bells left, phew. I have to run home, only a few minutes before Drake comes to visit!
Made it in time!
Welcome Drake, hope is not too cramped in here for the two of us... And sorry I don't have anything to eat to offer you, that'll have to wait.
Yeah man I know, I'm trying to get this whole thing going but it's a bit distracting ya know? I'm thinking that maybe in another two days I'll pay back everything and I can start really making some serious decor here, you're right though I feel like the shrooms are really "me"... Anyways heard anything interesting lately?
Ugh you too? What's with romance and everybody today? Is not even Valentines yet... Well um, I guess that they're friends? Unless they have history from before they moved here then I guess that's the more logical reasoning.
...What? How do you know that? Everybody loves rumors around here, although if true I wonder who it could be- wait... He... he has been very friendly today... and his surprise gift he gave me... and the fishing dare he did only for me...
C-could it be... m-...
Agh! No, what am I thinking? Overthinking? He's just a friend that just moved in, I'm getting ahead of myself here... Huh what was that Drake?
Yeah that's fair, I mean with it's current state and all, thank you anyways it is a higher rate than what I whould give it. A bit later and Drake was gonne, and I was gone to bed as well, it was enough for today...

I might not play much in the following days, real life responsabilities and all, still I will keep posting what I can (nwn)/
I got some time to play yesterday, but I forgot to post it here whoops, consider this a delayed journal entry. I began the day (night) thinking about finally paying off my house, I'm down to 4k bells so an intense fishing session could finally take care of that. But first let's say hi to everyone, it's been only three days but I missed them, Nibbles is the closest one to my house so let's start with her...
WHAT????????? HOW??????????? WHY??????????????????????? I WAS ONLY AWAY FOR THREE DAYS! YOU MOVED BARELY A WEEK AGO!!!
How can you say that so easy? After we just started to really know eachother? So all tgose comments about wanting to leave were not jokes? Did any of this meant anything to you?? *Sniff* I tried to convince her to stay but her mind is already made, I can only wish for her to be happy somewhere alse and for whichever poor soul welcomes her next so that she doesn't pull something like this again :mad:
Now I'm scare, I have to check on everyone else to make sure anyone wants to move either... Kiki!! No! If she wants to leave...!
Phew, she's still here, but she's sick again. Poor Kiki, I also tend to get colds easy, don't worry, I'll get some medicine right away, anything for you (so you don't move).
Yes... I'm a bit under the weather... but thanks for noticing Kiki it's a bit better now.
Ok, plenty of residents walking around so that means no more moving at least for now, but wait, what's that in front of the Mayor's Office? Looks like a tent...
Oh! It's Katrina! I haven't got my fortune read in a while and I didn't know she still liked to do the whole vagabond stile readings, so let's get in. She uses cards now and got me the option to calculate compatibility too...
Well, with today's scare I need to know if she likes me enough to stay...
...Ooookayyyy? I guess I'll just have to trust your insight Katrina, I'm pretty sure it's never wrong, I'll figure it out eventually.
Ok back to busyness, fastest way to get bells for now is fishing I think, I got a couple of new fishies that I donated but besides that all those other ones make good money, Snake even dared me to another fidhing contest (I like doing those with him), but I lost, I didn't even know that was possible, but it was fair game so I'm cool.
Bit more talking:
Aww Pate how cute! That means a lot right now...
Drake you're my bro and I'm happy that I didn't see boxes when I noticed the lights on in your house but do not disrespect Kiki in front of me capishe? She doesn't like bugs so you mudt've said something to her, talk it out I don't want my friends fighting...
Is this your way of calling Drake a fruitcake Butch? Hahah, I think I'm starting to get the kind of dog you are, but your attitude brings a bit something to town.
Oh, I've never seen the inside of your house Olivia, it's very you, very elegant, and well put together, I didn't know you ere into music either.
Ok now that I'm 100% nobody else is moving I realized that I never posted my map with everybody in it, so here it is:
Maybe I'll turn that upper left chunk into a residential area since half the population lives there. While fishing I caught one of my favorite fish, the Koi! I almost got sad knowing that I had to donate it, next one is going into my house
And look! Snake and Rod were there to see the moment and both were pretty impressed haha... Rod was so impressed in fact that he didn't see the pitfall right besides him...
But this guy pulled himself up immediately, what an athelete! Didn't even get sad or angry afterwards, now that's the spirit.
And now... after all the fish, bugs and fruit, after all that hard work and a visit to some grumpy pelican, we arrive at this, the final stretch:
AND IT IS DONE! I AM FREE! So what's next...?

To start all over again!
WHAT????????? HOW??????????? WHY??????????????????????? I WAS ONLY AWAY FOR THREE DAYS! YOU MOVED BARELY A WEEK AGO!!!

How can you say that so easy? After we just started to really know eachother? So all tgose comments about wanting to leave were not jokes? Did any of this meant anything to you?? *Sniff* I tried to convince her to stay but her mind is already made, I can only wish for her to be happy somewhere alse and for whichever poor soul welcomes her next so that she doesn't pull something like this again :mad:
Oof. Well, you actually can convince a moving villager to stay if you keep bothering them. It just usually takes a while.
Oof. Well, you actually can convince a moving villager to stay if you keep bothering them. It just usually takes a while.
I did bother her like... ten times I think, does ti take more? Is too late now anyways but I'll keep it in mind if it happens again
I did bother her like... ten times I think, does ti take more? Is too late now anyways but I'll keep it in mind if it happens again
Sometimes it happens to me and can take like fifteen times. Usually, the amount of times depends on your friendship level, so since she moved in less than a week ago, it would probably take a while.
A new day and I'm ready to enjoy it to the very best, and what a coincidence because today issss...
Ah yes! The fishing tourney! I read on the bulletin board that it was happening today but honestly I forgot untill, now... oh well, I still have a couple of hours left untill it ends so might as well give it my best shot!
But first look at my house:
Isn't it cool? I'm all about purple recently.
I do look the part of a professional sport fisherman so I gor my fishing rod and decided to go to the beach, maybe with luck I can spot something big, although a common Sea Bass is probably the biggest and easyest option may things get complicated. But wait... that house? Why is it still there...?
NIBBLES! YOU DECIDED TO STAY!! Maybe I convinced her somewhere along the lines of my repetitive spamming to please stay, and look! One of the shirts I gave her are a centerpiece of her house! I am so happy, Nibbles let's keep getting along as much as we can, she even gave me a gift :3
Let's see if anyone else is home... oh Pate is!
I must admit this is... NOT the vibe I got with her, she seemed like a cute kid to me, what's up with the decorations and creepy music, and the two Gyroids...
Anyways, I want to see Kiki, I always want to see Kiki.
Wow again? I swear despite being Halloween colored she must not take the colder weather well, porr girl. A quick stop at Nnooks and the problem was solved, he told me that he was closing tomorrow for remodeling which is expected to happen eventually, but besides my rod and net (and medicine) I haven't really bought anything from Nook, all my furniture I worked for on the Acorn Festivsl or was gifted...
Anyways my last stop was Rod's house, everybody else was out fishing for the tourney.
Very cute ocean vibes, and all the open space for exercice is good I guess, that clock is cool, I get the feeling that Rod really likes adventure.
After that I caught a couple of fishies and went to give them to Tortimer, let's see how the fishing leaderboard is doing, but first my catch, a Black Bass
Hmmm not bad I think...
Agh! Curses! So that's why he wanted to do fishing competitions with me, he was trining! He identified me as a threat and wanted to measure himself with me, and now his training has beared fruit!
Anyways it actually took me a long while to fish something of a good size, the way NL gives you the size of the fish the moment you catch it si something I've been taking for granted. I was right on my observation though, at this point the only thing big enough to compete with Snake is another Sea Bass...
About 30 minutes later...
AHA! Yes again!
Eat your heart out Snake! Over 5 inches bigger!! Ok, I couldn't stay to see who the winner was, I guess that will be announced tomorrow via mail? I unfortunately had other things to do, but this small victory felt nice!

I'l leaving you all now with the current look of my house, let me tell you I have big plans...
I did play a bit yesterday, yet I wasn't able to post untill now. As you can see, it was pretty late and I was tired. Good news is that I was the winner of the fishing tourney from last time! Bad news is that I step out of my house to see this:
Yeah yeah look make it quick Nook's about to close. Worry not dear reader! I simply played for a bit last time after my journal entry to see if I won the tourney real quick and then forgot to save, none of what was documented here has been lost!
Now to what concernes us...
Ahhh the mall looks so beautiful with the Acornia constellation behind it. I barely had three minutes untill closing time (sorry for being one of those costumers Nook...) but it was enough to get what I wanted to get: The shovel! Now we can start fossil hunting!
First let's see how's everybody at home doing
You look like a youthful spirit to me Nibbles don't worry
First time at Snake's house! The ninja camp theme was to be expected, and he has a Black Bass, and as Blathers told me it's a staple of sport fishing, which I can tell is his main hobby, in fact he challenged me to see who could get a Dace first before the end of the day.
Ok let's see how's Kiki doing...
You know Kiki I'm starting to get real worried, this many days sick in a row are not normal...
Ok so far so good noow there's only Olivia left and-
Look Olivia, I know that I haven't expressed much but... I like you, really, your sass is endearing and this town whouldn't be the same without you (plus you're one of the best looking cat villagers).
I think I convinced her, let's see if she stays...
On my way out I actually got that fish Snake asked for lol.
Yeah keep telling yourself that haha.
My eyesight might not be what it once was, I swear I could only find ONE fossil, but hey, it's better than nothing.
And my first fossil donation isssss:
A pachy torso! The first of many more to come!

Leaving you all for now~
Time for another round, although I'll start by saying that I might not post here every day that I play from now on, mostly to only focus on interesting stuff plus my schedule keeps getting tighter...
Anyways, I walk up to the Town Hall and I'm greeted by this:
I thought it was a bit early for Redd to show his face but it's all right, not complaining. Apparently you need a password to enter? How in the (wild) world am I going to get that? Oh look it's Snake.
Giving it to me right besides Redd's tent, Snake you're a ninja (apparently), you're supposed to be sneakier than this. Thank you anyways though.
However after entering and talking to red he just whouldn't sell me anything, I don't know why so I decided to go about my day for now, talked with some neighbors, checked the mail (Butch invited me to his birthday on November 1! We share the same birthday wow!!), and I'm happy to announce:
That a crisis was averted.
Something funny that happened, Pate stopped me with a very urgent message, she needed me to give Butch a gift within the next ten minutes! I think I saw him at the other side of the map-
And then Butch walked right into frame...
And started talking to Pate...
Anywho, I gave him the gift and Pate gave me a pyramid, good money.
Drake stopped me to chat, he wanted to talk to me about Kiki (who was sick AGAIN today, I'm starting to get worried about the save file...) and asked me what did I think their relationship status was, I answered honestly that I didn't think it was good...
Is not the first time I heard him say something like that about Kiki, do they have beef? He gave me a new shirt for listening to him which reminds me that I kinda want new clothes.
In the end I decided to talk to Redd one last time and it turns out that I needed more money to get into his "family" (mafia???😰) and I FINALLY bought my first painting.
And with that I'm done for today, like I said at the beggining I'll only be updating if something that I deem interesting happens, but I'll still play every day, it's just going to be a bit duller for a while, I'm struggling with getting money for the first time in an AC game in a while, you really take all those quality of life upgrades from the newer games for granted.
But I'm still having fun! So I'll continue to play!! I, however, will not play around with Redd anymore.

I'm calling the cops!
Phew, it's been a few days hasn't it? My responsabilities are starting to pile up so that means even less time to play, even during the following days or even weeks, so let's make the best of it!
First thing's first let's check out on Kiki
She's finally feeling better! Poor black cat's luck, almost an entire week with the sniffles, but now she's all good, and even with some new clothes that give her some Halloween vibes.
I whould die for you Kiki.
Anywho, she gave me a gift and now I'm off to see everybody else, if I remember correctly Butch's birthday is tomorrow so I need a gift, and I think I also should get some new clothes. Let's check if anyone wants me to do some chores for some easy money...
Nuh uh you put that back.
Listen Nibbles tell you what, I'll let you go live your dreams once I get your photo, I'd still be sad though I kinda like you more and more.
I got intercepted by Rod on my way out and asked me about muscles, I was sincere and told him that too much muscle miiiight not be that good for him (dies he even have the body mass to grow that muscle? He's a mouse...)
Since when does this town gets magazine subscriptions? Can we do it via mail?
Let's see how Butch is doing, it's both of our birthdays tomorrow! He asked if I renovated my house, and well yes Butch I did! Is not much but it's starting to get comfy thank you for noticin-
You're lucky we share a birthday and that I already brought you something (a Mr.Flamingo, I though he could use it as a chew toy, I can tell he needs something to release his aggresion hmph!).
Looking for some more cash sources I stumbled upon my first money rock!
I messed the hits up so I only ended up getting 4500 bells, but that's not much of a bad number anyways, I think I'm going to Able Sisters for some new clothes.
I love Sable, she's just the sweetest and I'm so happy that she's comfortable enough to talk to me more, she apologized for all the work and talked about how she whould love to invite me for some coffee...
Adorable. However after this she started to lament that they could use some "extra pair of hands", I whould love to help but Mabel interrupted her immediately, it seems that something she said struc a cord with her, family matters of some kind it seems...
I didn't want them to keep fighting over my presence so I bought a hat and hurried out.
I also got the watering can from Nook, the physics on this game are a bit slippery to me, it's a bit hard to get used to at least to me.
While looking for some flowers I think I discovered the beggining of a secret garden behind Butch's
Big tough guy might have a sensitive side to him.
Later Olivia dared me to a fishing competition, again for some Black Bass, she better start to tremble since I've been training with Snake!
While looking for fish I found this pattern on the floor, it kinda looks like an alien and stars, spooky and halloweenie
I ended up catching the fish some time after, but Olivia also wanted the Barbed Steel I got as well, I honestly didn't care if she got it for free so I told her just that.
Buuuut she thought that I was scamming her so ended up refusing. I actually loved that, it's a very Olivia thing to do. Whatever take the Bass and bask in my glory and victorious fish smell!
After donating a Flea I got from Pate and paying some of my house I though that it was a good time to take a rest for today, there's still much to do in other places!

Leaving you with a pic of my two happy sporty boys, I love them so much.