• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

I started Wild World!

What a day this has been, so much stuff to do, but I actually did give myself some proper time to relax and play if only for today. Let's go otside and see what can we start doing... Because today's my birthday! Let's see if anyone remembers...
I... I do so too Kiki *sniff*, I swear this was so sweet, thank you so much, it already is such a good birthday :')
I am so happy, I will never forget this from her, I swear to be the best friend she's ever had, she will never need anything as long as I'm here.
Now, *sniff*, to start the day (late), Redd is in town apparently. I got mail from him with a password in it, sly fox wants me to see him...
How did he evade the authorities is beyond me, but I'm giving him a second chance if only because Nook doesn't seem to have paintings avaliable, but he's on thin ice. He had some interesting wares but I was a bit short on cash so I decided to get some before coming back, I want a painting and some transparent model.
Let's check real quick on everyone. To summarise everyone is good, but Nibbles, Olivia AND Snake want fish from me, I need to get my game going.
BUT there's something more important to take care of first, since I am not the only one celebrating my birthday today!
Nonsense! Of course I had to, happy birthday Butch!
Drake is here too, so let's get the party started!
Look at him, I've never thought I'd see him cry. It's ok Butch let it go. But clean your eyes real quick so you can see what I got you!
He ikes it! I'm so glad. Well hope you enjoy it bud.
How's Drake doing back there?
You're a duck after my own heart Drake my boy! Let's scrape off all the frosting... together 🤝
Spending some more time at the party, it wasn't bad at all actually, kinda relaxing just being there with them and vibing...
Oh Butch, sure we've had out... disagreements, but I could never hate you, ever. In fact, I always believed that we could be friends, and with how you've opened to us today (even if just a little) I know we can, I really like you you know (and your secret garden).
There's nothing manlier than being brave enough to express your feelings and being true to yourself, so let's make you even manlier in the future! I believe in you!! 💪
I leaved shortly after but I think that Butch had a good time, Drake kept telling me so and I trust him.
WHATEVER I went on to get all those fish orders that these animals kept insisting on.
I slowly got them all except for Snake's, he beat me to it, but hey Olivia gave me a telescope, that's cool. It reminds me that I'm still not too sure about what to do with my main living room, I actually have more defined pland for the other rooms hah...
Anyways here's a photo of a happy Kiki because we all need to see that:
I need something to wear on my face so I went to the able sisters to get something, I ended up getting a monocle, and talked to Sable a bit more because I like her a lot as some of you migh have guessed already.
(That's so adorable) Awwww Sable you care about me <3
With my fishing chores done I decided to just enjoy a relaxing session of gardening and fossil hunting, I don't know if they only spawn one at a time or if my eyesight isn't that good because I swear that I run all over the place and I only found ONE fossil. Not only that, it was a duplicate.
There are only three fossil on exhibit, THREE, and I have a double already, ugh.
Anyways I think I'm also going to start taking care of some flowers (thanks also to NL since I started breeding flowers there too these past few days and I got the hang of it), I'm going to use the "Acorn Island" part of my map, I'm not sure if I want to just fill it with warm colored flowers or try to make and acorn shape with them, we'll see.
The first few flowers are here and breeding already!
Rod came to me when I was hitting the money rock and just... gave me a tshirt? I'm not complaining at all , in fact it goes very well with what I'm wearing.
Don't I look dapper?
With that money I can finally buy those items for Red, with those criminally CRAAAZYYYY prices.
Moment of truth Redd... Painting.png
You get to live another day foxy.
I really like the art section of the museus, I think this is my favorite display in the series.
Here's our first painting, The Kiss by Gustav Klimt!
Did you know that the original is made with actual gold leaves? There's a lot of symbolism on the shapes that represent both the man and woman kissing, the choice of color and an expression of protection and passionate love that are very interesting. But enough with my art nerd ramblings, they whould make this post even longer, so let's go for a coffee to celebrate both the painting and my birthday! This will be in fact my first coffee at this establishment.
Yeah that's realistic alright, I don't really like coffe much irl haha...
Look at my bell count, let's relax a bit with some fishing so we can get some extra cash, I love fishing.
While I was doing so I saw a shooting star! However it went by just as I was pulling a Carp out of the water so I missed the wishing window, bummer...


Post automatically merged:

Losing the star however didn't bother me that much, it was a beautiful night anyways.
(Agh! I missed seeing all of the Acornia constelation yesterday...)
I payed a bit of my house, not much but... It doesn't matter, I will get there at my own pace, and I'm going to enjoy it like I've been doing, that's what this game, this town, it's all about.
In the end, I had a fantastic day, a fantastic and peaceful yet fullfiling birthday.
That is something to be thankful about.

I whould like to thank each and every person who has given me happy birthday wishes, it means a lot to me. All of you are great and lovely people. See ya next time!
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Yesterday I had a lot of work, however I got the time to check out on Snake since it was his birthday, it went well and I gave him a gift. Unfortunately I lost the screenshots before being able to upload them because my pc crashed, it might be because shortly after saving the game a weird object flew above me, again I lost the screenshot but here's an artist rendition:


Surely something doesn't want me to record the truth!
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about Kiki being sick: back in these games, if a villager was sick, they'd be sick for a few days. It wasn't that she kept getting sick, it was that she hadn't healed from being sick yet. There's a reason I stockpiled medicine back in Wild World... in case a villager was sick while Nook's was remodeling and I couldn't buy medicine. Anyway, this is a cute series and I'm loving it! I hope there's a lot more fun that you'll have! I should probably boot up my Wild World towns...
I absolutely love your ww diary and your ms paint drawings! What a cute thread!
WW is one of my favorite entries despite its shortcomings - I think I must've played over 50 hours as a kid!
My goodness it has been... two weeks? Even my animal neighbors here reminded me. Real life and responsabilities have been pretty harsh on me recently, I think I can get a bit of a breather for a bit but not much, so let's take advantage of what little time I have for now...
First I greeted everyone, they seemed in high spirits and with good moods towards me still, now to the one villager I mostly care about:
Absolutely not, completely and utterly not.
Kiki was talking about a family emergency and ngl it made me feel a bit sad, but I think I ended up convincing her to stay I think (was it really that much of an emergency if it took so little convincing?), but we shall see tomorrow if she stays, if not I'm going to be very sad...
Outside Olivia and I played trivia for a bit.
Well Olivia you strike me as the proud type so white rose is it to me.
Wait didn't someone give me a desert camo already? I think it was you iirc?? What's the thing with camo in this town??
Butch's little garden has withered out since I left, not only that but the town is of course rampant with weeds and dead flowers, the little breeding proyect I started on Acorn Island is pretty much gone now, so I'm getting new flowers from Nook. But first I'm gonna ask Butch if he wants help with his secret garden...
He evaded the question but implied pretty strongly that he wanted a fossil. In all seriousness the way it's slighty implied via dialogue and the little jingle is very nice, feels more organic.
Outside I decided to look for more fossils since Butch wants one, and I remembered just how nice Animal Crossing is, how special these games are. Is just a tiny vortual space, is not a great adventure but, just existing here for a bit, walking slowly as you see the stars and constellations you made, with the soft music and sound of running water. Your friends and neighbors walking around and doing their thing, there's a special kind of peace here, that feeling that only these games manage to capture and that I'm happy I'm experiencing again-
Got a fossil and a new bug, I actually really love pillbugs irl, however Butch you will not get this fossil because it wasn't in the museum yet, sorry.
After getting some money I decided to get what I think is the final tool I'll ever need, the slingshot! Those flying saucers won't catch me sleeping anymore!
The shop music at this time of night is very nice, makes me wanna snooze... which is what I'm going to do now. I still have a lot of stuff to do, more responsabilities to attend to a more diminished playtime, but it's always good to be back, and I'll try to come back as much as I can :)
I'm once again very late with an update, the end of the year is always so full of stuff to do... but! And I am happy to announce: I'm done with school for the time being! So I can go and play more often for now!!!
However I could only drop by very late, around 2 AM yesterday, well that's actually rather early, so there was not much stuff to do...
First thing's first, Kiki hasn't moved away thankfully, but she was asleep, much like almost everybody else, I checked while seeing the horrible state of my flowers and weeds...
Except for one friend!
Pate greeted me after being away for so long and we chatted a bit, I mentioned her new clothes and she seemed happy that I noticed them, but I had to leave to give her some peace and quiet, is far too early to be up Pate!
As all of us might have already noticed, it's snowing finally! Apparently this town doesn't celebrate Toy Day the same way they do at NL, so that's something less to worry about, no interrogating neighbours about what they want this year.
My first Acornian snowman! And he's perfect. We had some very insightful conversations for a while, about, poems and hugs and how I need to make a snow woman... huh...
The snow makes it easy to search for fossils, two more have been added to the Museum, and seeing that that's the only thing I could do then I spend some time with that.
That is untill I stumbled upon Olivia:
Not surprising seeing her here so late, cats are nocturnal and I had the feeling she liked the night life, she even has a date already planned... This Sunday? Um, I might have to decline this time around maybe... but we'll see, I really like the fish furniture.
While talking to Olivia s shooting star passed by but I wasn't fast enough to screenshot it, whatever I just want to wish each and everyone reading this a happy holidays! 🎄
What a day has this been. I feel like I did so much stuff, and it was fun! So let's do a recap:
Tthe two snowballs for today spawned very close to eachother and I started rolling them, untill I noticed that approaching the beach closest to my house, a cocout had washed ashore!
I had no idea this could happen, I like that detail, coconuts are actually known to do that in real life and that's one of the ways that they spread across archipelagos and other islands, cool!
The way my beaches are spread don't leave many options to make the best use of the space, I ended up planting it at the side of one of the bigger sand expanses, coconuts sell quite well so I hope I can make a profit.
I had some extra money on me so I decided to check on Nook's while also selling some spare fish I had on me and:
Yes! I can at least put SOMETHING festive themed on my house for now, I'm actually trying to get a festive tree in NL but Nook's wont restock it there, oh well, there's still a few days before Toy Day anyways.
As always I'm checking on everyone, since I couldn't last time when I popped in at 2AM, everyone seems nice but I'm worried about Snake...
I swear he had more stuff, a stove to cook in, I know he's a ninja so he's crafty with little but he's also my friend so I'm worried...
Oh if you look closely you can see that I changed clothes for a bit but I went back to my old outfit quickly after, it didn't convince me and Able Sisters sisn't have anything that got my eye, plus as sweet as they are they keep arguing about the quality vs quantity of their work, something's stirring in there I feel, I hope Sable's ok...
As I kept looking and greeting everyone I tried to tend to the flowers at the same time as I was also pulling some weeds, I actually like how weeds look most of the time but not in winter, so it was time for some gardening, and then:
I think this is my second or third time ever getting a four leaf clover in any AC playthrough, and I got this one so early!
When I thought the flowers were tended enough I switched to fishing, since the season has changed I expect some new fish to appear, I got two new fishies whose names I've already forgotten (football fish?? the abyssal one and a tiny river one) and a couple of fossils, plus I grabbed a quick cup of coffee.
After that I stumbled with Drake outside.
He apparently... checked my house out sometime these days that I haven't been here... he didn't comment on anything in particular, oh no...
I'm gonna have to check that one out later, now to find what I was looking for:
Aha! Caught ya!
Rod I'm gonna be honest you're the only Mouse villager that I find actually cute so you're staying here untill I get your photo at minimum, you can join any other sporting competition later.
(With how I'm getting moving attempts every other day, I wonder if the game forces you to let someone go pretty early as some kind of tutorial?)
As I kept on fishing I stumbed upon the kitty we've ALL been waiting for:
Ahem good to see that you've stayed, it means a lot to me, you mean a lot to me bestie <3
She started gossiping as she loves to do, apparently Butch and Nibbles have been, close recently while I was away :3c
I can see that work honestly, the stereotypical outgoing singer wannabe with the bad boy with a secret sensitive side, sounds cute huhuhu~
I wanted to check on Olivia real quick since I found the money rock right besides her house, so maybe I could chit chat a bit too.
Why absolutely Olivia! I have very good boy and girl friends, everybody here is my friend :D
Well since Butch seems to be having some beach escapades with Nibbles (who lives right besides the beach at the other side of where Butch lives, unlike Pate who's way closer), I think I can agree that for these two is a friendship... although they have such different tastes I don't know what they could talk about...
As I found my last fossil I wanted to check on the snowman I made yesterday, I put him right besides the museum, I wanna see if hi dialogue changes-

Ahem, hum, our friends seem to be through the natural process of melting, he will return to the earth and I shall rebuild him in the following days, no biggie. Ok to check out the state of my house now.
Thank you Drake for not mentioning anything, this is gross, I had to move all my furniture around to get all the roaches to come out before putting up my tree, I hated it.
But! Now that's all done, we can focus on more important stuff. My house bill is down to 102k bells, it's still some work, but doable, and I need to work more on my catalogue and museum, and so on, but it was fun today, and that's what matters :3
How's everybody doing? Did you guys have a nice Christmas? Even if you don't celebrate I hope you had a good day anyways. I've been very busy with the arrangements for the holidays, but I did manage to get some playtime today!
First thing's first and I started by getting my mail, as some of you have read before I did build two snowmans last time, and I was surprised to see that they sended me letters with some furniture! I didn't know they could do that after becoming one with the great snowy beyond...
Anywho, let's chit chat with some of my neighbors
Nibbles mentioned that the only imprtant date remaining is the end of the year countdown, unfortunately I might not be able to catch it with everyone as I will be having dinner somewhere else, I hope they have a great time without me...
Cross that and make it 99 screaming fans Nibbles ;)
I was also surprised to find out that today nobody seems to be in the mood to move out, that helped me relax a bit and just enjoy the day, talking with all my friends and enjoying getting bells to pay my house.
Kiki was home and we talked about spaghetti, she likes it Al Dente.
I swear she's so much like me, she gets me.
Drake was home and apparently now wants to be able to put paintings and framed photos on his walls, what a weird thing to think...
Silly Drake, we all now that those things aren't real, all furniture goes in the floor and thinking about using your walls in any other way besides making the structure of your house is borderline madness, maybe you had a weird dream about some different dimension or something, nex thing you'll tell me that you're actually living in more than one town at a time.
Outside I found myself a most curious sight:
Look at Olivia's house! I remember planting some white tulips in front of her house plus many other flowers across town, all of them now dead since my absense, but this is truly weird. All that I can think of is that somehow flowers spawned at the sides of Olivia's house and a couple of rainy days kept them from dying and evntually crossbred with eachother, that or Olivia has taken gardening. Whatever the case it does look very beautiful to me.
Olivia was just outside and she wanted me to give Kiki something, a shirt.
I have to agree Kiki that sounds not pretty lol. But Olivia doesn't have to know....
As you might've noticed, it's snowing! My first snow in this town as a matter of fact, so I decided to try my luck and fish a Coelacanth. None spawned unfortunately but I did get some fish for the museum that I haven't registered before: a Red Snapper, a Sea Butterfly and a Squid.
As I was there might as well register a new constellation, I just had the itch to do so.
This is a completely legit constellation that I absolutely read about in an astronomy book that 100% exists don't worry Celeste this will surely not compromise the museum records and credibility.
Drakos the dragon constellation!
With my leftover money that I got after selling every single pear in town I decided to get some new clothes.
Again, I'm walking out only with accesories since none of the shirts or sweaters look that good to me.
I like this, I look like an explorer and this will surely protect me from the upcoming snow season.
Sable told me another story, about how she made a pair of gloves for Mabel after her paws got frostbite. Now, hte pieces I got from here, how she's known nothing but work after not being able to afford even gloves as a kid... It's sad to think, but the way both of them picked themselves up and move forward it's truly admirable, I think that I admire them even more now.
(That hits a bit too close to home...)
I hope you two keep going forward and changing for the better...
And that's all for today! I'll leave you guys with the current state of my house:

Got myself a little friend in a goldfish!
I love these little diaries! I rly enjoy the doodles and how much fun you have with stringing all of the important bits/screenshots together :)