Long loading times


Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
Green Candy
Red Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Ancient Candle
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
Has anyone else had long loading times with their game? I'm willing to wait them out, but they often take so long they get frustrating...
How long are we talking?
The game itself can take a bit to load, but your Internet connection can play into it.

When my WiFi was playing up, it took me like 10 minutes to load the game. That wasn't fun.

From what I've read from others online, WiFi connection can make a huge difference in times
Yes, definitely. I’ve had it sit on each loading screen for at least ten minutes. It sucks when you want to hop on real quick but you don’t have much time either. I’ve been wondering why it’s taking so long. I don’t even have WiFi, but I don’t think that would affect things that much.
The wifi connection hugely plays into loading time at startup (and maybe other times too but I haven’t tested that). When the game loads it checks the internet and if you have a unstable internet connection then it can take literal minutes to load up the game. If you’re on an unstable internet then I’d recommend going in Airplane mode and then booting up your game as it will boot much faster in my experience. Personally I always go in airplane mode if I’m not connected to any wifi.
I've had very long loading times as well, to the point where I'd go do something else while my island is loading but then forgetting about it and not playing at all 😂 I never considered that internet connection could be an issue. I always assumed the game only uses the internet when it explicitly says so (for example when Orville is opening the gate). I'll make sure to start the game in airplane mode and hopefully that'll help.
i have! they don’t happen to me very often, and only do so when i boot up the game for the first time on any given day + go to check the mail, but they definitely suck lol. the longest loading time that i’ve experienced so far lasted 10+ minutes, but it scared me more than it frustrated me 😅. i figured out a while back that it had something to do with internet connection but i never understood why since like @Aquilla, i had assumed that the game would only check your internet connection when trying to use a feature that requires it. i’ll try putting my switch in airplane mode next time, though and see if that helps.
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I think it could also be affected by the amount of terraforming & number of flowers, etc. Personally I noticed the more I terraformed and placed more furniture, I experienced not only lags but the loading time takes longer & longer. Usually I'm on airplane mode when I log in.

Everything in NH seems to take longer though, Luna drives me crazy when I tried to upload my DA at a specific time to catch the double rainbow and the process took 10 minutes so the rainbows have started to fade a bit by the time she updated it lol.
How long are we talking?
The game itself can take a bit to load, but your Internet connection can play into it.

When my WiFi was playing up, it took me like 10 minutes to load the game. That wasn't fun.

From what I've read from others online, WiFi connection can make a huge difference in times
My internet had went down about a month ago and it took forever for the game to load to the main menu (where you see the opening screen and a villager walking around some spot on your island) it never proceeded further then that. It just endlessly loaded and I never got Isabelle's announcement. Was super annoying. I closed out and tried several times, went to make a snack, and did other errands and still a black screen.
yeah, like everyone else is saying, I think the internet impacts how long the game loads. For example it may load slower if you have bad internet but load faster if you have good internet.
It could be something else, but my money is on the internet one
It's almost certainly an issue with internet, when you put the system into airplane mode when this happens you'll notice that the game will suddenly load without issue. I still have no idea why they made the game prioritize making a stable internet connection over loading the locally stored game file that requires no internet whatsoever to access. It was a problem in New Leaf as well, and it was just as annoying when it would happen. I can understand the mail a bit since you can receive letters over wifi, but even then it should come with a built-in connection timeout so you don't get stuck on endless loading screens or prompts.
My game takes forever to load, sometimes upwards to 10 minutes if there's a system update. Sometimes I get scared that it's corrupted with how long it takes.
wow, i dont have that problem at all; but then im not connected to the internet when i begin to play. i have actually counted the seconds that mine takes to load because i thought it was a bit long as well. mine takes one minute to get to the log in screen and 30 seconds for isabelle to begin her daily rant. maybe its that youre connected to the internet constantly? or perhaps its your switch cache thats causing the issue? also, ive noticed *because its wedding month* that theres an insane amount of photos that you have to take and they are saved to the memory, so clearing those out might help as well.
How long are we talking?
The game itself can take a bit to load, but your Internet connection can play into it.

When my WiFi was playing up, it took me like 10 minutes to load the game. That wasn't fun.

From what I've read from others online, WiFi connection can make a huge difference in times
I'm not even talking about Wi-Fi. I haven't played on Wi-Fi in several days.
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The wifi connection hugely plays into loading time at startup (and maybe other times too but I haven’t tested that). When the game loads it checks the internet and if you have a unstable internet connection then it can take literal minutes to load up the game. If you’re on an unstable internet then I’d recommend going in Airplane mode and then booting up your game as it will boot much faster in my experience. Personally I always go in airplane mode if I’m not connected to any wifi.
Really? I recently got a copy of Fire Emblem Fates, and I've had similar observations in that game (as it's so insistent on connecting), so that may play a role, and I wasn't aware...
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I don't care about the game loading up, but the mailbox is so frustrating to me.
Oh my God yes, this so much. But when I have to wait forever first to load up my island, and then the mailbox, it seems ridiculous.
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i have! they don’t happen to me very often, and only do so when i boot up the game for the first time on any given day + go to check the mail, but they definitely suck lol. the longest loading time that i’ve experienced so far lasted 10+ minutes, but it scared me more than it frustrated me 😅. i figured out a while back that it had something to do with internet connection but i never understood why since like @Aquilla, i had assumed that the game would only check your internet connection when trying to use a feature that requires it. i’ll try putting my switch in airplane mode next time, though and see if that helps.
It can be a bit scary too, it makes me think that the Switch, or the game, might be defective or something...
And I got the eShop download, which it is true that digital games are more prone to data corruption (although, trust me, I've had my own issue with cartridges, neither is infallible).
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I think it could also be affected by the amount of terraforming & number of flowers, etc. Personally I noticed the more I terraformed and placed more furniture, I experienced not only lags but the loading time takes longer & longer. Usually I'm on airplane mode when I log in.

Everything in NH seems to take longer though, Luna drives me crazy when I tried to upload my DA at a specific time to catch the double rainbow and the process took 10 minutes so the rainbows have started to fade a bit by the time she updated it lol.
This would make sense, as these matters cause a lot of lag when visiting towns in the dream suite myself.
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It's almost certainly an issue with internet, when you put the system into airplane mode when this happens you'll notice that the game will suddenly load without issue. I still have no idea why they made the game prioritize making a stable internet connection over loading the locally stored game file that requires no internet whatsoever to access. It was a problem in New Leaf as well, and it was just as annoying when it would happen. I can understand the mail a bit since you can receive letters over wifi, but even then it should come with a built-in connection timeout so you don't get stuck on endless loading screens or prompts.
I do remember it being an issue with New Leaf too, but in my opinion, New Horizons takes it to a new level that gets frustrating fast.