Looking for ground items similar to rugs that can be placed outside?


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2013
Hi all, I’m back after ages and I’m glad to be getting back into it, I’d missed this game! I’ve done a mini-revamp on part of my island to make room for a school, and moved my fairground to a mostly beach area (to expand the area near the school into just a public and kids park instead of it sharing the area with fairground). I like the fairground being on the beach in the location it is, I’m using items like the Ferris wheel, carousel, teacup ride, in bright fairground colours, with plaza clocks and bench(es). And also the popcorn machine and cotton-candy stall in the black version, with some Pave items mixed in. It’s not near finished yet, but being on the beach I’m feeling it looks a bit bare on the ground, not being able to place flooring. I’m thinking of making some sorts of custom designs, and I know of the Pave stage items which look like a fancy rug which I intend to use - any other floor items people can recommend to me that could fit well in this theme? Or any photo inspo others could send me of their own fairgrounds would be very welcome too, especially if they’re beach fairgrounds! Please and thanks for any help!
You mean like that they are flat to the ground and don't really have any shape? Because I don't think there are any like that. Not in the way you are hoping at least. There's beach towels? I forget the actual furniture name, but it's just a blanket/towel that lays flatly on the surface and is a good piece for beach themes with chairs/umbrellas.

But it's better to use QR patterns for the beach towel/blanket because it acts exactly like a bed. So it has its own barrier. Kind of weird because it's just a flat blanket. So your villager can't walk over it and pushing into it causes them to jump/lay down on it like a bed. It just doesn't look right.

I would maybe try to create some QR patterns if you want something like a rug outside. There are also the ground lights that are hard to see in the daylight, but really pop out during the night time.
Thank you for the help! Yeah I meant like flat/mostly flat ground coverings similar to the Pave stage thing (think that’s what it’s called?) - just stuff to make the sand look less bare/more like part of the fairground - something to help bring things together rather than it just looking like random items dumped on the beach! Will have a look at beach towels - and I think the floor lights could work well too - but I feel like custom designs alongside the Pave stage will probably be the way to go! I like creating custom designs, but I’m very much lacking on inspiration in the beach/fairground context, so any inspo much appreciated :)
Thank you for the help! Yeah I meant like flat/mostly flat ground coverings similar to the Pave stage thing (think that’s what it’s called?) - just stuff to make the sand look less bare/more like part of the fairground - something to help bring things together rather than it just looking like random items dumped on the beach! Will have a look at beach towels - and I think the floor lights could work well too - but I feel like custom designs alongside the Pave stage will probably be the way to go! I like creating custom designs, but I’m very much lacking on inspiration in the beach/fairground context, so any inspo much appreciated :)
Yeah that's sort of what I had to end up doing with some of the ideas I wanted to implement. I was so disappointed when I realized the beach towels had a invisible barrier. It just looked so wrong and then I went and created my own.

Maybe you could show us a picture of the area? Knowing what you have to work with could help us come up with better ideas. It's like when Mario 64 was being created and one of the composers was told to make a song for the snow levels. They made it melancholic, before being shown what the landscape and how fast-paced the level was, and had to redo the song.

Good luck with your theme!