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Mayoral Memories

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to vesta & stella,

please keep each other company while i'm gone as i'm on to new horizons! this isn't good bye but a see you later, i hope you'll visit one day and maybe even relocate (as no offence but your town is ugly and you can't even change your river shape with is low key embarrassing for you) - i'll never forgot the memories we shared together - placing endless tiles for hours so that we could be close to each other always, hitting other villagers and bullying them into pitfalls, decorating the town with thousand of turnips, truly i have become the mayor i am today because of you guys. and while i was possibly actually the worst mayor and verging on a dictator and yes sure i did abandon you guys the moment a better opportunity came around i know you guys had my back from day one. i know you were probably excited for my recent arrival after so many years, but please don't get too optimistic as i can't stay long as simply because i left the town in quite a state and it's too ugly for me to look at, i promise that our new island is very beautiful as i stole a lot of inspiration from instagram which i regret not doing more of back in new leaf.

love you both!
late to the party, but i decided to write in the style of one of those "future letters" you can send to yourself.

dear future claire,​
i don't know when exactly you'll be reading this. definitely a few years after it's written, but i haven't picked a number yet. i'm thinking of asking pelly to have it delivered in five? or maybe even ten, if that's not too far. hopefully you're still at the same address, but i'm sure even if you've moved, those trusty pelicans will be able to find you. they are pros at this! the idea to write this letter actually came from biskit. he asked me to bury a time capsule for him earlier this week (which you probably dug up and returned to him a long time ago, of course) and i decided why not do something similar?​
i hope you're still doing well, and that wherever you are, you still have plenty of lovely friends and neighbors. it's hard for me to predict where exactly you'll be as you read this. after all, not even me five years ago -- let alone ten! -- would have guessed that we would become the mayor of an entire town. do you still recall how it felt when that bombshell was dropped on us? as if moving wasn't anxiety-inducing enough, suddenly there was all this responsibility being thrust onto us... i don't think i'd change that though. while it might've been a shock, and definitely stressful, we formed a lot of good friendships, didn't we? helping to build this town and watch it flourish is certainly something i'll never forget. i hope you still remember is all as fondly as i already do.​
do you still display the picture taken when we planted the town tree? it's almost hard to believe it used to be so small! now, the branches never seem to end. i sit under them sometimes, just to reminisce. i often forget how many people have passed through our little town, visitors and neighbors alike. i hope they're all doing well, too. it's a little strange to think that i had no idea what i was doing back then, when being mayor comes so easily to me now. it's a good thing we had isabelle with us! she's always worked so hard. i told her to take this weekend off, but i don't know if she'll listen to me. a lot has happened these last few weeks, so she deserves the break.​
after years, we managed to fill the museum at last. blathers was delighted! i guess i almost owe that scoundrel, redd, a thank you for finally (obliviously) wheeling into town with the genuine version of the last painting we needed. katrina has also set up her own fortune telling shop over on main street! she turned the last derelict building into a cozy little place, but i admit i will miss the charm of seeing her tent in the plaza. most curiously of all, there's been talk about someone being interested in a plot of land just past the cliffs on the right side of town. i think his name was harley? harvey? the details are a little vague, and i'm not sure what his plans are yet. it's all very mysterious, but i'm excited nonetheless!​
even after all the time i've been here, there are still little surprises and adventures on the horizon! i'm sure by the time you read this letter, you'll have even more fond memories and stories than i do. wherever the future has taken us, i simply hope we're happy and content!​
yours truly,​
past claire x​
Dear Isabelle,

It’s been so long since I’ve written a letter, hasn’t it? I wanted to take the time to write about some things since I’ve come back to Pyrrhick recently, and it got me thinking about a lot of things. The day I arrived in town was quite surprising. I mean, me? Mayor? And everyone accepted me with open arms. I was shocked by the sudden responsibility, but I can’t say I have any regrets. Sometimes I wish I spent more time with you guys. Coming back recently, I realized that our tree still has room to grow. There are still some things I could have done for the town. I never got around to that Police Station I promised. I apologize for that, but I truly appreciate the patience you and all the villagers have had with me.

We’ve also had a lot of villagers come and go over the years too, haven’t we? Savannah is one of the old friends who’s stuck around. I also remember a koala I was close with, but it seems he left while I was gone… I’m sad to say it’s been so long I can’t recall his name… I want to say it was Ozzie, but my I’m not entirely sure. I’ve also can’t seem to remember this newer fellow who may have moved in while I was gone, Walker? I’d love to get to know him more eventually.

If I’m being honest, I don’t know how much longer I will stick around, but coming back has been extremely nostalgic, and it’s nice to know that I can always call this place home. I’m grateful to have you as my secretary, Isabelle, and your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Thanks for maintaining Pyrrhick when I am gone. I’ll never forget your kindness and dedication.


I hope this counts... my brain is potatoes and struggling to write 🫠

Dear Diary,

Today is my last day in Potatown and my last official day as mayor. It feels like just yesterday I came off of that train and was thrown into this whirlwind mayoralhood. The town was so empty back then, with only Frank, Aurora, Roald, Friga, and Bunny living here... Speaking of Friga, I haven't heard from her in the longest time, I hope she's doing alright in her new town.

Today is also Harvest Festival- Franklin whipped up the most delicious feast down by the town tree! Everyone gathered round to share deliouscious food and fond memories. Julian even gave a heartwarming toast to me... Which ended up in both of us turning into sobbing, snot-filled messes. Good thing he brought a pocketful of his monogramed handkerchiefs!

I wonder what life here will be like when I'm gone? Will Isabelle be able to cope with filling in as temporary mayor? She already overworks herself as my assistant... Will Bunnie ever achieve her pop star dreams? Will Agnes start that community garden she's always talking about? Will Lucky's Pyramid ever get funded? WILL FRANK AND AURORA FINALLY ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER?!?! I'll have to make sure Diana writes me frequently with the gossip- and make sure she sends some signature Potatown Pears every now and then! As much as I complained about them all these years, I'm going to miss them when I'm gone.

I don't even know when the next time I'll be able to make it back to visit. How much will things have changed? ...Will my friends even still live here? Oh dear, the tears are really flowing now. Seeing everyone celebrating together, under the beautiful red leaves of our once teeny tiny town sapling... I wish today would never end.


Dear Diary,

Tomorrow I'm visiting somewhere special. A place very near and dear to my heart. It's been so long... over 6 years? I haven't heard from anyone since the day I left. Are they angry at me for leaving them? I thought they understood...

So much has happened since I left- I went on an island getaway, made a new life for myself, new friends. But I haven't forgotten them. Never.

Have they forgotten me?


Dear Diary,

I have the most wonderful -and strange- news! Everyone is still here, and they all greeted me so warmly! In fact, they're acting as if I was only gone a couple hours??? And the trees are all red despite the fact that spring has just started???? To top it all off, Franklin is here acting as if it's Harvest Festival. It's as if nothing changed since the day I left! Whatever, I'm just happy to see my beloved friends once more <3

PS. That dang pyramid still isn't funded smh
omg I finally finished. I like to thank my work for being so dead, I could work on my story there~
Also, this is like creative story, but adding things in that I did in New Leaf, as well as the story almost starting out as if we're returned to New Leaf, hopefully that makes sense.
I had to redo this story, and make it shorter, so I do hope I can show off the full thing another day.

The sun's soft glow awoke me from my heavy slumber. My body moved instinctively out of bed, and I got ready for the day.
The haze may have left my vision, but it clouded my mind with an eerie thought that I didn't know where I was.

Peering through the curtains, I was greeted by peach trees, an overbearing oak tree; and a river following a tremendous waterfall. A strong sense of nostalgia, and warmth filled my heart.

"...I'm back in Ereta."

Stepping out into the grassy plains felt really good again. Patches of dirt hugged the grass, and despite hating it in the past; they did make the land feel special. The flowers didn't bring the grass back, but I tried.

I never enjoyed the taste of coffee, but Brewster's magical feathers created beverages of sheer joy. I prattled on, and on. Telling Brewster about life, and somehow it had led me straight back in Ereta again.
After a good coffee talk, I continued my walk to the beach; stopping when Freckles has asked me to help her reach a peach in the tree. I did the next best thing, and with Freckles on my shoulders; she was able to pluck a peach from a branch. She thanked me profusely, gifting me an unwanted piece of clothing, and we both went off to enjoy the day.

Visiting the beach made me realise how useful the beautiful ordinance I put in place was. The beach was full of colour, as my hybrids spread as far as the eye could see. Never wilting, always in bloom.

Isabelle welcomed me as soon as I stepped into the town hall. As I walked past Isabelle; I handed her a shell that she instantly added to her growing collection. I slipped into my seat with a smile.

“I wish to make another PWP, Isabelle!” She happily rushed over, probably happy I was getting on with my job.

Flicking through our options, and the cube sculpture came into view; and a memory of Ribbot resurfaced.
I was extremely saddened when Ribbot left, that I’d constructed this very PWP in place, where his house once stood. It is no longer there, the reason why will be forever lost.

“This totem pole looks really nice.” I thought aloud. I gave Isabelle a look. “Just don’t be too picky on where I put it.”

She fiddled with her shirt, with a flustered look. Then looked up with a jolt of remembrance. She shuffles some paperwork, before placing it in front of me. Approval forms...I eyed it suspiciously. "There's some...events coming up, and we need your signature to agree for use of the plaza."

I skimmed the pages before my face fell with disgust. She chuckled weakly. “Well, it is really close to East-”

“You want two of the most suspicious animals to visit Ereta, on the same day!?!”

“Welp, it is leap year!”

I looked down at Zipper and Blanca’s acceptance forms. It has been a while since they'd appeared on the same day.
Isabelle rocked on her paws. “I know you're not very fond of the Easter fun. But you could stop by for Blanca.” A soft paw reaches my arm. “You always did enjoy her event.”

I dare not look at Isabelle; in fear of those puppy dog eyes she sports. In the corner of my eye, I saw her head tilt. I groan to myself.

“I guess it is a leap year..” I hesitantly gave both forms a stamp of approval. I turn to Isabelle, waving the stamp in her face. “But keep that hippity, hoppity thing away from me.”

I earned a break. And after fighting over a perfect peach with Alfonso, we both rested by a special stump overlooking the train tracks. Creating stories of where the next train was going or where the passengers had come from. Alfonso had easily fallen asleep, and I'd left him a perfect pear, a little treat to wake up to.

Phoebe and Skye had planned afternoon tea, and decided to invite Pudge so I could get on with him. It wasn't working.

"You know, I saw Klaus hanging around the high street yesterday." Phoebe watches me intensely. "He says hi."

I automatically cringe.

"Who's Klaus?"

"Oh, that's right! You weren't here." Skye smiles. "Klaus used to live here; and he had quite the crush on the Mayor!"

"I bet he wishes he could still write to you."

"I bet he does." I say, sipping my tea.

"I always thought his letters were sweet~" Skye exclaimed. "But back then your heart was all for Lyman."

I choked, spluttering. "Skye! I'm over him!!"

Phoebe chuckles. "That empty spot next to Freckles, says otherwise."

"That," I say before biting into my cupcake. "is for Coach, or Jitters...if I can find them."

Skye and Phoebe start whispering and laughing to each other. I heard 'she definitely has a thing for Jock's' and decided to leave then and there.

After leaving, I was suddenly pounced on by a feline; waving a piece of paper in my face, and pleading for signatures. I sigh. There weren't really many places I could go, but there was at least one.

Stepping off the train to Fernweh, and I was greeted with pear trees and villagers happy to help me on my signature run. I noticed their Mayor was still asleep, so I gladly put some buried treasure outside his door. I'm sure he will have a pitfall of fun~

The sunset was blending into dark blue before I got back to Ereta. And I was greeted by all my villagers, my friends. They held out firecrackers, as they led me towards the plaza; and the night sky filled with fireworks of colour that sizzled.

The smells of the fireworks filled the air, and I watched my town have a perfect night. Knowing full well this moment will live on in my memories forever. And I'm glad they do.
Thank you Ereta.
Mayoral Memories Entry
Freya’s Personal Journal, March 2024

Has it really been 10 years? I never thought when I moved to this quiet town of Camelot that I would immediately be taking over the former mayor Tortimer-sama’s post, let alone that I would get to spend over a decade in such a position. Though in all honesty, I often feel that Isabelle has been more of a mayor than me; but any time I attempt to broach the subject she just smiles that charming puppy smile and says ‘don’t worry, the citizens say they love their mayor Freya!’.

And now, after all that time; all those public works projects; and all the personal home improvements, gardening, and decorating; our town is undergoing a far more controversial change: we are permanently closing our train station. It will be hard to adjust, after all I never would have finished building my home, let alone helping to fund all those projects if it weren’t for the thriving garden-based trade shop I had cultivated through the train station. To think, prior to moving to Camelot I had never so much as managed to grow a palm tree, but through the communities I could access via the convenient train station I was able to learn how to garden to my hearts content, and even sell my cultivated fruits and flowers to bring others joy.

But even with the station closing its doors, Camelot and my gardening goals will continue to persist, and maybe someday a new train line will reopen the Camelot station…
Down to the final hours! :eek:

One last reminder that you have until Thursday, March 21, at 11:59:p.m. EDT to post your entry if you haven't yet and plan to do so!

edit: fixed time. I'm behind.
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The season change had brought about a strong spring, littered with slow rain and humidity. Island life always seemed a little bleak to me around this time, so I decided to take off to the mainland on my own for a while.

My train slowly came to a stop as I surveyed my surroundings. Touching down in a quiet town named Noctem, I was fully prepared to live like a ghost for the next few days. An escape from island humidity was all I wanted, but it seemed fate had something else in store for me.
I had been dragging my suitcase through rain and weathered cobblestone streets, looking for where I’d be crashing for the next few days, when I felt a tug on my sleeve.

It was a boy with orange hair, peering at me expectantly with his sleepy blue eyes. “Lucy” he had called me, pulling at my sweater. I politely told him he had the wrong person, gently pulled my arm away, and moved on with my day.

The wind pierced through my thin clothes as I mulled over that outlandish interaction, but the oddities of this town didn’t seem to end there.
My second morning started at a cozy cafe, where I sat watching the rain run down the window in rivets.

I heard a name being called, and turning my head led me to make eye contact with a woman who had sat down at the seat in front of me.

She was extremely pale, a purple scarf aggressively wrapped around her neck. Her facial expression seemed to shift from excitement to confusion, to resignation, a frown settling on her dark lips.

“I’m so sorry,” The woman apologized profusely, scrambling up from the table with extreme speed. The door swung shut on her receding figure, and I concluded that the residents of this town were just very strange.
By the third day, I had befriended the cranky old man whose house I was currently staying at. We sat together on his front porch, throwing beans at the birds that flew by, when I finally worked up the courage to ask the question burning in my mind.

“Who’s Lucy?”

The old man, Dobie, laughed.

“He used to live here you know,” he said, leaning back in his rocking chair. “Came out of that train station, just as confused as you probably were.”

I cocked my head. “But who was he?”

Dobie let out a yawn, scratching at his beard.

“He was mayor here, a long time ago,” he mused, reaching for another box of beans. “No one knows where he went, and no one’s seen him in years. He left without a single trace.”

A drop of sudden rain hit my cheek. I pondered for a moment, thinking of the boy’s sad eyes and the woman’s fading smile.

“Isn’t it a bit cruel to leave without saying goodbye?”

Another raindrop on my cheek.

I heard a second laugh as the old man disregarded my question. He lazily sat up from his chair and scrutinized me with his narrow eyes. “You know, you kind of look like him.”

And with that, he got up and went back into the house, just as the rain started to pour onto the dilapidated streets.
I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind since. Everywhere I go, I seem to get stares. Do I remind them of him?

I kicked a rock.

The emporium owners, the mailman, and even Dobie’s next-door neighbor. They all seemed to know me. Or they seemed to know him.

I paused my morning walk, the sun still not out as the light from a streetlamp lit up my view.

There are a lot of zen streetlights around Noctem.

Were they his favorite?

They’re all in pristine condition despite the town’s declining nature. He must’ve really been loved.

I sighed and continued my walk, counting the streetlights on my way back.
My final day led me to a large oak tree, watching the sun attempt to peek out from behind the thick clouds. I hadn’t been in Noctem long, but it still felt bittersweet to go.

My mind slowly wandered back to Lucy, the old mayor. I wondered if he had felt sad at all when he left.

Shaking my head, I got up to make my way towards the station. My friends back on the island are probably wondering where I’d run off to so suddenly. I grabbed my suitcase handle and stole one final glance at Noctem as the sunlight dimmed completely on the overgrown town.

With a sad smile, I made my way home.
And just like incessant rain converging on windowpanes, I hope he also finds his way back here, back to his home, someday.
New Leaf was my first Animal Crossing game and I fell in love with it at first sight. I even ordered and received the game before I had my own 3DS! Few days later the console arrived and I could finally immerse myself into this one of a kind experience. And what an experience that was! New Leaf entered my heart with full force, taking special place there and later marking Animal Crossing the most important and meaningful game series in my life.

In September 2013 I became the mayor of Citadel. It was strange being a head of the village from the very start of the game, and to be honest I never truly embraced this title. I always considered myself beneath Isabelle, as she was always there for me, always in the Town Hall. Nevertheless, Citadel was a great place to be. I loved learning the game, meeting new villagers, expanding the city, experiencing new seasons and events. It was truly amazing. My boyfriend, now husband, also bought a New Leaf a year or two later and we had such a great time together over the next few years. Animal Crossing, both NL and much later NH, had quite an impact on our relationship.

But the longer I played and the better I got to know the game mechanics, the more a few little things bugged me. Lobo, one of my very first villagers, had a house right in front of the Town Hall. It was driving me crazy but I couldn't let him go, I liked him too much! There were also some bad placed rocks and pond, and something wrong with the shape of the map. Oh, and I just hated my face. So after pondering over it for a very long time, I decided to erase my first town.

“On March 5th, 2015, Muna became the mayor of New Eden”. With the acquired knowledge I tackled the game slightly different. I knew what I wouldn't be able to change later so I planned carefully. Around that time I was in college and I remember hours and hours of plot and campsite resetting during the boring lectures. I even got used to taking notes with one hand and smashing A button with the other. I don't think I'll ever forget Rover's face on that train. But it was worth it, I loved my new map, new (and some old) villagers, and my new character. I love my town now, I love this game which gave me all those great memories, and even though I'm not planning to go back to the New Leaf after this Event, it will always have a very special place in my heart.
I just want to say that New Leaf is one of my favourite games of all time. It's so funny to think that I initially wrote this game off in late 2014 when I haven't even tried playing it yet just because of how it looked. Little did I know that it'd make a huge positive impact in my life. 🥹
I missed so many of my friends. And despite my very long absence, they’re still here. Sure, a few of them were a bit irked, but they are ultimately glad that I came back to Lorule. Bones, Celia, Agent S, Gruff, Tipper, Buck, Jacques, Deirdre, Tangy, and Kitt… Thank you for sticking with me after all these years. A lot of things in my life have changed since 2015, but I have never forgotten about you guys.

I had so many memories in 2015 when I became mayor after planting the tree sapling. I was out and about doing stuff every day to spice up my town of Lorule. I completed public works projects of opening the Roost, the police station, Shampoodle, Kicks, upgrading the Nookling Junction all the way up to T&T Emporium, and installing other public works projects to improve the town rating. Everyone also did their part planting flowers, cleaning up garbage, and pulling up weeds whenever I put the Beautiful Town Ordinance in effect.

I also remember spending countless nights during weekends heading to Tortimer Island to catch beetles and sharks until my basket gets full then heading to Re-Tail. I’d usually start at 10pm and keep on going until midnight. Heck, there have been a few times where I kept going until 1am in the morning where almost everyone in town is asleep. Tipper, Deirdre, and Gruff were probably thinking that I was losing my mind. Each round of visit to the island would net me roughly 1 million bells. I heard that I needed to have 1 billion bells to save up in my ABD to get the gold badge, but thankfully, 100 million bells was the actual requirement. I couldn’t imagine how much time it would take if people did it the normal way, acquiring bells at a normal rate.

I’ve had some memories from Club LOL, too. To this day, I still very much remember K.K. performing K.K. Disco live and acquiring it as my first song ever from him as I couldn’t buy songs yet at the time. Personally, both the live and aircheck version sound amazing. There was another song that I remember him playing live too after I made an error in my request. At the time, it was unnamed, but little did we all know that K.K. would release another song of his called Drivin’ in 2020 when people were capitalizing the Island Getaway Package. Music can invoke a lot of nostalgia in many ways and I’m glad K.K. made it into a real song that many other people can enjoy like I did years ago.

As for other things that stood out to me, the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. I’ve never experienced anything like it, seeing daylight for the entire night or seeing stars for the entire day respectively.

And little did I know, the tree sapling I planted back in January 2015 grew quickly to full size half a year later. It grew so fast, and I’m sure it must’ve made a lot of memories too like I did. I want to give it a nice big hug to let it know that it’s still well loved to this day. Writing these passage of words at the town plaza with the tree towering over me while hearing its leaves rustling to the wind as spring approaches is a good way to finish this off. Thank you, Lorule. I’ll still be here when my 10th anniversary of being mayor approaches on January 11, 2025.
Dearest Maya,

Hello Maya, I am writing to you 10+ years in the future. I know that you, my past self, cannot actually read this, but I wanted to write to my younger self as a way of letting you know how things will turn out, and that it will ultimately be okay in the end, even when you feel like it’s not.

June 14th, 2013 was the day you arrived in Verona. You were appointed the mayor of this charming town not long after. You were so young, yet there were so many expectations placed on you. You had a fear of letting everyone down, especially your father. You’ll be able to find comfort in your secretary, Isabelle. She understands how big of a responsibility your job is, and she takes on more of the workload than she should. She’s always been understanding and incredibly dedicated, and caring. Sometimes I felt like I did not deserve her, but she’ll always tell you that you’re being silly.

You’ll fall in love for the first time. Frank is his name. He was a bit of a jock, and pretty quiet overall. You were captivated by his aloof nature, and he made you feel like you were his entire world. However it was short and fleeting. One day he suddenly left without a trace, only leaving behind a letter saying he’s moved on. You’ll be heart broken, and it’ll be something you don’t get over for a long time. You’ll ask yourself what you did wrong, and what you could have done differently. It hurts to be abandoned in such a way. In fact, it’s cruel and selfish. But I want you to know that it’ll be okay, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.

You will meet your best friend. When Dotty moved into town, she truly lit up my whole world. She’s extremely loyal, and there is never a dull moment with her. She’s sassy and confident, but she is not hot headed, and she values her friends and family above all. She’s done more for me than I could ever imagine, and although there are times when you and her will clash, you’ll always have each other to lean on. Cherish this friendship, and don’t forget to tell her how much you love her.

You meet a man named Wolfgang who moves into town. You eventually start dating him, and you believe he’s the one. He’s different from you’d expect to be your “type”, but he’s incredibly charming and there’s this gentleness about him that you find endearing. He befriends Kabuki, one of your friends and longtime neighbours, and you think this is perfect.

And then Julian moves in. He’s legally blind and he tells you he’s tired of people babying him, and treating him like he can’t do things he knows he is capable of achieving. You can feel his ambition, and frustration. You find yourself relating to him in more ways than one. This is when Wolfgang switches, and he somehow turns Kabuki on you as well. This will lead to your eventual break up with Wolfgang, and falling out with Kabuki. You are extremely hurt and confused by it all, and you feel helpless. Wolfgang and Kabuki move away overtime, and all you can do is sit back and watch. I want you to know that even though it hurts, this was ultimately for the best. Sometimes falling outs are necessary, and you will come back stronger than you were in due time.

The next few months are a blur. You remember Dotty coming to you countless times to check on your well-being. Goldie and Flurry also visit occasionally. You also meet up with Julian and talk about the whole situation. Julian blames himself for what happened, to which you vehemently deny. You don’t understand why you’re so worked up about it, and find yourself crying in front of him. This is when you realize how much you’ve been bottling up over a long period of time, and I want you to know that it’s okay to show moments of weakness like this.

More time passes, and eventually you come into terms with the fact that you like Julian. You and him agree to date. And this continues for years. Eventually, you even get married. Life in Verona has been pretty calm ever since. The peach orchards are still a staple in Verona, and Beau has even started his own bakery. He uses the local peaches and it’s been quite a hit! You’ll be so proud of him. Dotty and Keaton have rekindled their relationship since Keaton moved back to Verona. There is also a newer resident named Walt who you’ve grown unexpectedly close to. He’s like an uncle and dare I say even a bit of a father figure? It was surprising to see how much we’ve gotten along. Goldie actually moved away from town for a few years, but she also recently came back.

It’s hard to put into words exactly, but it feels like some things are finally clicking into place with this small town. Everything just feels so… right? Verona is our home, and while there were many ups and downs, I believe it was all intended. You will become so strong, and this is my reminder to you to never give up, even when times are tough.

Lots of love,

Mines in the form of a letter, I think I saw a few people doing that as well hope its okay. A little bit of lore with my mayor here, talking about the start of the game, and how I fit in my story how I left and came back to the game.

Dear Isabelle,

I don’t know if i’ll ever send you this letter, but I have a few things I wish to say anyway.

When I arrived in Rivermin on my first day, I had no idea what I had in store for me, I don’t remember if I applied for the wrong thing or its some sort of fluke, but I don’t think I was actually meant to be your mayor. I was freshly out of highschool, no formal education, I just needed a place to go. I had no resume, nothing to offer you, surely not enough to be trusted to be in charge of anything.

But, you believed in me no matter what I said, I never truly thanked you for that time. As much as I appreciated the help, I learned a lot, I started to feel like you deserved better, I thought you all deserved better, so I left.

Part of me thought that maybe the real mayor would come back, would make everything better. That or you’d put the job application back out there, I mean I don’t think the job could be left empty that long really. Someone should’ve been able to come to do what I couldn’t do.

Even still, when I left, the only thing on my mind was how I could do better for the town. So I went to school, I studied as hard as I could so I could be of help to you all when I had the courage to come back.

The day I returned, you were so excited to see me, you welcomed me back with open arms even though I left you without any notice.

I didn’t say at the time, but I could sense the desperation in your voice, the town was..rough, you tried your best to keep everything in order, but you could only just barely keep it going, you couldn’t get it to thrive. You never ended up hiring anyone else, I never asked why. You said you were waiting for me, I doubt thats true, but I appreciate the confidence you had in me nonetheless.

I just wanted to truly thank you for everything you’ve done for me, you’ve really helped me accomplish so much in this town, and I hope you’re as proud of it as I am. Rivermin needed you as much as it needed me, were a dream team and Im so proud of how far we’ve come.

Mayor Sparky
(I'd like to call this piece "Things I Won't Miss in ACNL".)

A new notice has been posted on the billboard.

"Attention all new & visiting villagers of Vanillix,

As enacting mayor, I am placing new rules and regulations starting today, March 21, regarding proper conduct in this town.

(1) New villagers are strictly NOT allowed to place their homes in front of or behind buildings or Public Works Projects, and are not allowed to block paths near bridges and ramps. Many other villagers have found it difficult in the past trying to go around houses just to cross the bridge. It is also near impossible to spot houses behind buildings and their shadows. Fines will range from 100,000 to 500,000 bells depending on the severity of the blockage. If you care about the safety, accessibility, and wellbeing of the villagers and the town, please be considerate and do not block the pathways.

(2) New villagers are strictly NOT allowed to place their homes on top of perfect trees, hybrid flowers, or pathways. Do you know how long it takes to breed flowers and gain access to perfect fruits? Imagine if one day you find someone who destroyed all things that you loved, would you feel elated? Happy? Carefree? I didn't think so. Fines will range from 500,000 to 1,000,000 bells depending on the severity of damage to these natural resourses. It is hard taking care of beautiful flowers as is. In a similar light, anyone seen running through hybrid flowers or chopping perfect fruit trees will be fined 100,000 bells for property damage.

(3) Campsite villagers are strictly NOT allowed to gamble with others on site. We've received cases of villagers complaining to us that they got 'scammed' by gambling their furniture away in a game of 'Find The Queen' or 'Chase The Ace' against campsite villagers. Any campsite villager seen or reported doing such will be immediately evicted and banned from using the town's campsite and associated utilities.

(4) New villagers are strictly NOT allowed any suggestive catchphrases and outfits brought from previous towns. Many villagers have complained of lack of camaraderie among newer peers due to improper demeanor. Those who continuously portray verbal misconduct will be reported to Isabelle who will scrub their mouths clean with soap, and those continuously wearing suggstive outfits will have their outfits thrown at Harvey's campfire.

All fines will be donated to future Public Works Projects and town association dues for maintenance of the town.

For your strict compliance. No warnings will be handed out; this is the final warning to all.
Please and thank you.

- Mayor Spring of Vanillix"

At the bottom of the sheet of paper is a stamp of approval with Isabelle's face on it.
Here it is!

Beatrix opens her eyes and stares up at the ceiling.

"How long was I asleep?" she asks herself groggily.

Beatrix gets up from the couch she had been lying on and looks out the window of her room. She sees that the sun is setting and the evening sky is a beautiful gradient of purple, pink and orange,

"Too long, apparently." she says to herself.

Beatrix turns, heads downstairs and proceeds into the kitchen. She opens a cupboard and removes a cup, placing it on the kitchen table. She then moves to another cupboard and pulls out a bag of premium coffee beans, carrying it over to the coffee grinder on the counter. She pours some of the coffee beans into the grinder, flicks her wrist and points at the coffee grinder. The coffee grinder begins to rotate on it own.

Beatrix, known to most by her nickname Trixie, is the mayor of the town of Mesmeri and ringmistress of the famous Mesmeri Circus. She inherited both of these positions from her predecessor, Chops. Chops had led both town and circus admirably during his tenure, but had chosen to retire and travel the world. He could ask for no better successor than Beatrix, who he was amazed to learn was a capable magician with a flair for theatrics.

The coffee grinder ceases spinning. Beatrix takes the ground coffee and places it in a fancy coffeemaker which she turns on. The beans, grinder and coffee maker were all gifts from Snickers, one of Mesmeri's circus clowns, who works part-time at The Roost café .

"Take 'em, Trix," Beatrix recalls Snickers saying to her. "Brewster gave them to me as thanks for the help, but I'm not a coffee drinker. I much prefer boba tea, it's way more fun! Oh, and you ever need more beans, just ask. I'm drownin' in 'em!"

While the coffeemaker does its work, Beatrix proceeds to take a seat in one of the chairs at the kitchen table and pulls out her smart phone. She unlocks the screen and sees that she's received a text from Astrid, another of Mesmeri's clown contingent. Attached is a picture of her young joey being given a piggyback ride by Rolf the tiger.

"Oh. My, Gosh." types Beatrix, formulating a reply. "That is precious! I'm surprised you talked him into it!"

Beatrix hits send. Moments later, she receives another text..

"He might be gruff, but he's a big softie inside." replies Astrid. "And that's not all."

Moments later, another picture arrives via text to Beatrix's phone. This picture features Astrid's joey and Mott the lion performing a fistbump.

"Our Mesmeri boys are the best, huh?" types Beatrix before hitting send.

"None finer," replies Astrid.

A few seconds later, one more picture arrives via text. This photo depicts Astrid's joey sitting horseback upon Julian the unicorn, wielding a tiny toy sword, facing off against Drago the dragon who is putting on his most ferocious facial expression.

"So cute!" replies Beatrix.

"We've got a playdate with Marcel scheduled on Saturday." replies Astrid. "He said he'd be willing to teach my little one how to juggle. Probably won't pick it up in one go, but I'll definitely snap some progression pics."

"Looking forward to it," replies Beatrix.

As Beatrix hits send, her coffee finishes brewing. She gets up from her chair, mug in hand, and pours herself a cup before adding a bit of milk and sugar. She takes a sip of the coffee, carries her mug out of the kitchen, through the main living room and heads to her office. She sits at her desk and places the mug upon it. She notices that the computer is on, so she shakes the mouse to make the screen wake up. She navigates to the planner and notes the date.

"March 21st," she says. "So we're just a little over a week from our special Bunny Day show."

Via her connections through the business, Beatrix had somehow been able to get into contact with the Zipper T. Bunny, who had agreed to participate in the Bunny Day performance on March 28, the day before Bunny Day. Halloween Haunton Nights, a collaboration with the spooky residents of the town of Haunton, had gone over very well so Beatrix wanted to try branching out into more holiday performances.

Suddenly, Beatrix's phone vibrates. She picks it up and sees a text from her mentor, Ophelia.

"Are you still on for our get-together with Tia on Sunday?" asked Ophelia.

"Of course!" Beatrix typed. "You know I love hanging out with my ladies!"

Beatrix hits send, and a moment later receives another text.

"Likewise," Ophelia responded. "I'm looking forward to see you again. Your duties have been keeping you pretty busy as of late, so some rest and relaxation will do you good. Plus, I got some amazing tea for us to share."

"Can't wait!" Beatrix replies.

Beatrix closes her eyes. She remembers clearly the day that Ophelia had used her magical prowess to bring life to the adorable elephant teapot. Beatrix had been studying under Ophelia's tutelage for a while at that point; she had started as a stage magician, but Ophelia's magic was real and magnitudes above such tricks. So different as to be incomparable. It was Ophelia who brought Drago and Julian to Mesmeri as well. Beatrix's heart filled with love and excitement to see her old friends again.

Suddenly, a knock on the door shakes Beatrix out of her reminiscence.

"Hey Trixie, you there?" inquires a female voice from outside.

Beatrix knows that voice well, it belongs to her magician's assistant and second-in-command, Tiffany. She stands up.

"Coming!" she says. She grabs her coffee mug and heads toward the front door, opening it.

"Elise and Tammi want to show you that new trapeze stunt they were talking about." Tiffany says.

"On my way!" replies Beatrix.

Beatrix gulps down her coffee, places the mug on a nearby table and leaves the house, shutting the door behind her.
March 5, 2020

Cherie Town Hall
1 Tortimer Way
New Leaf, Animal Crossing 60913

Dear Isabelle,

I am writing to inform you that I will be resigning from my position as Mayor of Cherie. My last day of work will be March 19, 2020.

In a little over two weeks, I will be embarking on a deserted island getaway. This adventure is an exciting next step for me.

I am grateful to have become the mayor of this kind and generous community. I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of the residents, and hearing recommendations and feedback to improve Cherie. With your help, we were able to score a perfect rating, and develop a bustling Main Street that attracts residents and travelers alike. Two of many of our collaboration projects that I would like to highlight are: 1) negotiating a deal with the Kappa family to host our town's residents and visitors at Tortimer Island for a fun and peaceful retreat and 2) building a campground for visitors to sell trinkets and wares. Facilitating the growth of small businesses in Cherie is one of my proudest accomplishments.

Also, I am thankful for your guidance and support for the countless hours you spent assisting me with my mayoral duties, whether that be helping me attain my development permit; our late night coffee meetings reviewing the residents' suggestions for public works projects; offering me your advice for the enactment of town ordinances; gathering town flag and town tune ideas from the residents; and dedicating your time to be at all of the project completion ceremonies with me. Most of all, I am thankful for the friendships I have developed with you and the residents. Everyone welcomed me with open arms since my arrival, and I have been pleased to see the town tree grow just as my bonds with each and every one of you have grown.

Although resigning from my post was not an easy decision to make, I know I will be leaving Cherie in your capable paws. I wish Cherie continued growth and success in the future. I will deeply miss you all and the experiences I had here. Please keep in touch.


I decided to write about my mayor and his experience with being forced to part with the very first town that he governed. it's bittersweet, but still lovely in a way. 💕

When Daniel originally arrived in Boston in May of 2014, he didn't quite know what to think. A whole new place, full of possibilities and excitement, and he was the new mayor? That's crazy! Crazy awesome, as Daniel might say haha. He had experience living amongst animals in his youth, but as a bit of a wanderer, he spent most of his years traveling between places, never truly settling. Here, however, he had a calling. The residents of Boston declared him the new mayor, and as such, he assumed that position.

From the beginning, Daniel was obsessed with flowers. Always has been. His neighbours called him a "flower fan", and he wore that title proudly. Upon gaining approval from the citizens (side note, Daniel thought to himself, they chose me as their mayor and yet I need their approval? wack) and learning about the Beautiful Town Ordinance, he immediately put it into effect. His primary goal for the vision of Boston was to create a lush and peaceful landscape, with flowers as far as the eye can see. And that he did. He's always taken a lot of pride in his ability as a gardener and landscaper, and his neighbours found their joyous hearts swelling with pride as well.

The animal residents of Boston quickly grew to love Daniel. His best friends were Rolf and Timbra, two residents who had stuck by him since the beginning. Other residents came and went, but they all shared in their fondness for Daniel and his friendship. Some would say he was soft-spoken and tender-hearted, perhaps a bit naive. He was zany and even a little mischievous–he was a teen, after all–but his neighbors loved him unconditionally, as he did them.

One early morning in July 2015, Daniel woke up and found himself, once again, on a train heading seemingly nowhere. What happened to Boston? It was long gone, far behind him. Everything that he cherished, everyone that he loved, everything that he worked so hard for, all gone. He was forced to start life anew once again. In his youth this may not have bothered him. But he really made a name for himself in Boston, and he called it home. He poured his heart into that little town, and it was taken away from him. Why did this happen? Nobody knows. Things just happen that way, sometimes.

At that point, Daniel decided that he was done riding the railways in search of new horizons. He was content to settle and make a name for himself, as he did before. It was heart-wrenching, having to start from square one. It's as if everything he had done before went to waste. But that's not entirely true, as he had gained valuable experience as a mayor and a gardener. So when he found himself in a new town, seemingly deserted, he decided to give it the name "Boston", and declare it his new home.

Daniel has lived in the new Boston for almost nine years and, as he did before, he has very prominently spread his influence across the town and its residents. He didn't hesitate to give it all of the love and care that he gave his old town, and it paid off. His new friends, Cole and Leopold, are two of the best he's ever had. Nearly every square inch of the town decorated with flowers and fruit trees and bushes. Pansies and hydrangeas are his favourite. And the landscaping, as expected, is neat and orderly, and evokes a sense of wonder and charm. Many have called the new Boston beautiful, but to this day he secretly holds in his heart the beauty of his original town. Maybe someday he can find his way back to that old Boston, see what life is like there, see how his old friends are doing. But the past is far gone, and he has embraced his new town with open and loving arms, for this is his home now.
Reminiscing about new leaves...

It was 2013 and I had decided to turn a New Leaf in my life. No, literally, I was only about half a year away from moving out from my parents place, on my own, into a different country. And that was the time New Leaf came out. I had played quite a bit of Wild World back in the day, but only a little bit of City Folk, so I thought that I wouldn't enjoy New Leaf very much. But I still gave it a chance.

How wrong was I!

I got really into it. I signed up on The Bell Tree. I made friends on The Bell Tree. We founded the Open Gate Society. Us, notably Lynn (BungoTheElf), of the currently active members and me, and I also got especially close to KyleKol. We did many playdates where we did all the silly stuff, like going on cake eating dates, visiting museums, swimming and hitting each other with axes and nets.

I was quite an obsessive mayor about the layout of my town. I planned a a central plaza with a fountain and The Roost. A main residential street with most villagers in it, perfectly lined up and decorated with flowers around the houses. Avery doesn't like people so he lives alone in the forest. Ribbot and Phoebe also live separately from the other villagers, next to each other in the "outskirts", they are just to the left of the train station, behind another type of forest. Paradise, that is the name of the quaint town, also has a decorative "English garden", an entertainment center (a different player's house) and a house of further facilities (yet another player's house) with a hospital, gym, bathhouse etc. Every need must be met in this town!

Yes, I really got into functional town planning. And about that "New Leaf" that I turned myself... I moved out, into a different country, to study urban planning.

Now, I'm not going to say that I chose my field of study because I played New Leaf while picking what I'm going to study...

But it sure coincidenced with what I was doing in the game.

Looking back at New Leaf.

I see my life ten years ago.

What a beautiful town I had built.

It is stuck in time. In the past. 2013. Entering my town feels like I am time traveling.

I can run around. Talk to my villagers. I can do everything I did ten years ago. It is not a picture or a video. It is just like back then.

Even the online services for the 3DS are still up.

But around me, outside of the small screen, everything has changed so much.

And soon, online services for the 3DS will go down.

Change is coming even into New Leaf. Or more like... a feeling of loss. Just like I have lost my old life, even yesterday, and only pictures and videos are left.

It is ok. We have New Horizons. We will have whatever comes next. And... I will always have Paradise. My town will continue to exist. Offline. On my 3DS. And in another 10 years, I can think about this moment, open up my 3DS, be greeted by Isabelle, and say hello to all my villagers. And everything around my 3DS will be so different from now.

But I will always have Paradise.
here's my little letter to the mail pelicans!

To Pelly, Phyllis, and Pete:

Upon my first trip back to Moon Bay in what has been many moons, I was struck by the realization that it's been just as long since I've written a letter. I wrote many during my tenure as mayor--to the town's residents over the years, my friends from faraway towns, and even some to myself--but I never wrote to you, the ones who delivered my letters. I wanted to say thanks. To Pelly, for making me feel so welcome when I was first getting settled in all those years ago and the enduring peace of mind that my mail was in good hands. To Phyllis for providing a familiar presence at the post office during my late-night runs to the ABD. And to Pete, for delivering the letters that helped create long-lasting friendships with my neighbors. I didn't realize how much I would miss the post office after I left town. I still get postcards on the island where I live now, but it just isn't the same. I remember collecting all the stationary I could find at Nook's, eagerly writing out letters to the townspeople, and my excitement seeing Pete out and about knowing that meant it was mail delivery time. What I miss most of all, though, was getting to know you three. I'm so grateful you were a part of my life for so long and I hope you'll fly back into it again soon.

Yours truly,
I hope this is ok

Dear Isabelle,

It has been a long time ever since I became a mayor and when I started running the town. I remember the good old days in 2016 when I first stepped in town from the train station, the same day I planted the tree that became a giant, and the same day of the bug or fishing tourney. The same day, I easily got along with everyone in the district and town and meet you.I remember the days where we planned everything together to make the town a beautiful and successful place. Thanks to you, Tom Nook, and the Nooklings, and everyone else, I was able to make sure everything worked as planned as the end result went well. I will never forget the events that would unfold around town, events like neighbors moving in and out, new constructions, seasonal events, meeting new people from different islands and towns and celebrating my annual mayor anniversary. Even if I become busy throughout life, I hope my efforts will last for a long time and I'm grateful to run a beautiful and well maintained town that still goes strong for years.

Your mayor Clock
P.S Town anniversary in a few months again!

I don't know how else to say this without being dramatic but Animal Crossing: New Leaf literally changed my life. I was already a fan of Animal Crossing with Wild World and City Folk, and once I caught wind of New Leaf I was HYPED for its release. If anyone remembers LinandKo, I was OBSESSED with watching their videos on my dinky little laptop. I wanted this game so bad I wrote an ESSAY to my parents telling them how good this game was, why I needed it, and what I'd do for it.

One way or another, I got the game and officially became mayor Lynn of LilyCove on June 11, 2013. That's right, I became a mayor at the ripe age of 11, no one else was doing it like me! Of course, I had always been searching up things related to New Leaf and stumbled upon TBT at some point. Aside from sweating bullets making my first few posts, I gradually got used to it and got cozy with the community. But that wasn't all that happened, I made countless friends through the forums, IRC (TBT and OGS!), chatzy, and tumblr. As mayor, I have many memories of running around on the islands, watching fireworks, dreaming about other towns, trading, and collecting funny little trinkets to hold in my little orb shaped hands (and yes, even those hellish days of villager cycling, plot resetting, and beetle hunting). And on the other side, I'd be sending PMs, VMs, scrolling through TBT in school, seeing if anyone was around in IRC, staying up late, racing to be the day's top poster, and falling fast asleep with my 3ds open and charging.

I know this work is about New Leaf, but my experience with it is so absolutely intertwined with TBT that it's impossible to talk about one without the other. It wasn't just online friends either, my absolute obnoxiousness of being obsessed with New Leaf (and TBT) managed to get me to be close friends with the new kid in school who happened to be a big animal crossing fan as well, so of course I made him join the forums! New leaf also spiraled my into my obsession of getting art of my mayor and that eventually turned into me getting a tablet to draw on! When I say obsessed, I mean it- at least over 100 amazing pieces of art of mayor Lynn have been created! I stuck with that dinky old drawing tablet for so long til I finally got a new one yeeeeears later, and now I draw cute girls full-time for a living- all because of a silly little game and a silly little forum.

New Leaf's reign is an era of my life that I yearn for back. The New Leaf OST is one of those things that takes me right back there, it's comforting and wraps me in an undescribable feeling. And there's something about those crunchy graphics that just feel right, those two little screens peeking right back at you, and that feeling of a 3ds in your hands.

TBT is more than just a forum to me, and New Leaf is more than just a game to me. This game made me who I am today, and that's no overstatement. Thank you New Leaf, TBT, and LilyCove for all you've done for me. The days of New Leaf will never be the same, but also will never be forgotten.
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