People who quote the Original Poster


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Dec 25, 2015
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How do you feel about people who quote the OP on forums when posting in a thread? I find it unnecessary and annoying, unless they're perhaps highlighting a specific sentence/paragraph to respond to. The same applies to those who quote really long posts when replying instead of just taking an excerpt.
How do you feel about people who quote the OP on forums when posting in a thread? I find it unnecessary and annoying, unless they're perhaps highlighting a specific sentence/paragraph to respond to. The same applies to those who quote really long posts when replying instead of just taking an excerpt.

Do you mean like people who quote the OP no matter what?

I can agree that the people who don't just take an excerpt can be annoying.
How do you feel about people who quote the OP on forums when posting in a thread? I find it unnecessary and annoying, unless they're perhaps highlighting a specific sentence/paragraph to respond to. The same applies to those who quote really long posts when replying instead of just taking an excerpt.

I hate it.
How do you feel about people

i hate them
who quote the OP on forums when posting in a thread? I find it unnecessary and annoying, unless they're perhaps highlighting a specific sentence/paragraph to respond to. The same applies to those who quote really long posts when replying instead of just taking an excerpt.

eh i just have to scroll down more that's all
i think i'll be okay
I mean, I feel like its unnessesary to quote the OP because you know, you're posting on the OP's thread so its obvious that you will get a response from the OP, unless its a discussion thread, then not so much.

But if you're posting on a thread, then you're contributing to the threads topic and responding, so quoting the OP isn't neccessary.
I mean I was going to quote you to be a troll, but the joke's been done so:
I don't really care for it
it's unnecessary to quote the first post imo, especially if the thread only has like two replies. i only do it if i highlight something in the quote
It doesn't really bother me nor do I actually notice when someone's doing it? But ya it's probably unnecessary.
I tend to not do it, because replying to a thread implies reply to the OP. The only reason to quote somebody IMO is if you're replying to someone else's comment in the conversation.
Like you said, only if there is a specific thing I am responding to in the post. I try to snip stuff when quoting if it's crazy long unless I'm responding to multiple things in the paragraph. I don't mind it when people do it, but for me it's an unnecessary step.
Why is that a problem? Like, if you want to reply to it and make an opinion you better refer to parts to avoid confusion and stuff? I mean if it's a wall of text I either snip it or just quote the parts relevant.
It's such a minuscule thing to be bothered over. It's nice though if the person would quote a section/fraction of the post than the whole thing.
Annoying, especially if it's a long post :( someone did it on my acnl shop, which was a very long op so I told them to stop

It's usually noobs who quote the entire op since they don't know they don't have to do that...but really, common sense
I assume people typically start reading whatever OP posts so like its not needed to quote unless op wrote like seven paragraphs and person just wants to highlight or comment on a topic among many in op's long post.
I don't care for it, but I personally don't do it because y'know...not a noob.
it's unnecessary unless you're trying to highlight a point, but i don't care when people do it.
On another forum I use we are encouraged to quote the OP and there are some folk who are openly critical about those who don't.
How do you feel about people who quote the OP on forums when posting in a thread? I find it unnecessary and annoying, unless they're perhaps highlighting a specific sentence/paragraph to respond to. The same applies to those who quote really long posts when replying instead of just taking an excerpt.

It's such a trivial thing to care about or even notice imo