🍥🍐 pillow daydreams 🍐🍥

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower

just a random pic of julian in a blue magical dress while eating a sandwich, because.
🥺 i will miss your journals in the meanwhile but good luck finding all your dreamies!! <3
thank you so much! 🥺 i think i'll maybe post a random screenie just as like, informal journal content here and there! bc i already miss it LOL
but in the meantime i've been having fun watching everyone else's journals too :^)
just gonna continue posting little informal snippets and screenies <3

so here are some videos of chief singing and dancing to KK Marathon! at some point i thought he would come sing at the jukebox and microphone, but really he was just taking a flower sniffing break in a classic Chief fashion. his voice is so deep hearing him sing is so cute to me

i got really excited and thought coco was gonna FINALLY use our little lunch pond area i built for both of us (note the two holes i dug so that she wouldnt try to walk out that way) and.... sigh... another day, perhaps LOL

and i guess villagers can wear accessories without being gifted them??? i knew they could wear glasses, but winnie was wearing a bow today, which i didn't give to her. so cute!

genji eating a lollipop while we watch zucker sing
there's something about the blue-green sky and the soft music at 5am that makes me feel so peaceful and happy... it's by far my favorite time in the entire game, so here's a pic i snapped of me fishing with cj nearby

and I gifted coco a goldfish and a star clock for her house and honestly i think they fit so well 🥺 they add smol pops of color and some interest in there. so here's a screenie of her reading with her new home decor

and winnie was fishing this morning in the museum area's new waterfall cove! never seen a resident fish in the waterfall coves on my island so i found it super cute

and dsiojksd i was TTing so pay no mind to the timestamp, but an interaction with genji i found kind of funny. his face to me just says "and what about it?"

sidenote, but i'm kind of enjoying posting some informal screenshots atm. it's less pressure on me while im getting my last 4 assignments in before friday LOL and continuing my hunt for my collectibles.
just gonna continue posting little informal snippets and screenies <3

so here are some videos of chief singing and dancing to KK Marathon! at some point i thought he would come sing at the jukebox and microphone, but really he was just taking a flower sniffing break in a classic Chief fashion. his voice is so deep hearing him sing is so cute to me

i got really excited and thought coco was gonna FINALLY use our little lunch pond area i built for both of us (note the two holes i dug so that she wouldnt try to walk out that way) and.... sigh... another day, perhaps LOL

and i guess villagers can wear accessories without being gifted them??? i knew they could wear glasses, but winnie was wearing a bow today, which i didn't give to her. so cute!

genji eating a lollipop while we watch zucker sing
Winnie looks nice in this game! Twiggy also wears a random bow at times.
omg hello again, i didn't realize you had a island journal ! following for sure :")

the zest for which you approach the game and talking abt your island life here is so sweet and inspiring ! the aesthetic is peak and all the little details you like sharing feel just like experiencing the game right along with you. makes me wanna take some time and settle into playing the game more casually.

also your cast of villagers is so delightful - wade, kiki, winnie and julian, etc. something about all of them really seems to fit together. you've done such a great, creative job and i am so excited to see where your island goes !!

also your map is to die for. i am soooo jelly of your rock formations 😄
omg hello again, i didn't realize you had a island journal ! following for sure :")

the zest for which you approach the game and talking abt your island life here is so sweet and inspiring ! the aesthetic is peak and all the little details you like sharing feel just like experiencing the game right along with you. makes me wanna take some time and settle into playing the game more casually.

also your cast of villagers is so delightful - wade, kiki, winnie and julian, etc. something about all of them really seems to fit together. you've done such a great, creative job and i am so excited to see where your island goes !!

also your map is to die for. i am soooo jelly of your rock formations 😄
oh wow thank you soso much! that means a lot to me 🥺 i love sharing things from the game in how i experience it, and im so happy that ppl find it enjoyable/inspiring

aaaa thank you for all your kind words! i need to update my original posts with the map as it is now, as i did some terraforming, and i need to write bios for my new residents Genji and Winnie, but because I have a lot going on right now I've been taking a more easygoing/casual approach to my journal ^^ but i'll for sure update that once i get to know them both better!

thank you so much for watching and commenting 💗