Poll: Which museum exhibit is the best?

Which Museum Exhibit is best?

  • Fish

  • Bug

  • Fossil

  • Art

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I love the fish exhibit so I voted for that but I also love the butterfly garden in the insect exhibit. Find it very calming and looks beautiful 😁
The museum in general in New Horizons is just absolutely stunning and beautiful! But my favorite would have to be the fish exhibit. I can’t swim so I don’t ever see myself being able to go deep sea diving which is a bummer. But being in aquariums is basically a way around that, surrounded by all the beautiful water and aquatic animals just makes you feel like you are under the sea in the middle of the ocean! The tranquility feeling in the fish exhibit is so wonderful I could stay there all day!
The fish exhibit is so majestic and by far the best of them all. However, the butterfly display from the bug area is just as stunning and the only best part about it.
Even thou I don't like bugs irl, bug catching is my biggest past time and money maker in game. I absolutely love the bug exhibit, there's water, flowers, all sorts of cool plants, some of the bugs fight. Overall I just find it really cool.
All of the exhibits look awesome and have a special room like the butterfly garden for the bugs and the evolution exhibit in the fossil room, but god does that fish exhibit look incredible all the way throughout. The museum literally made my jaw drop when I first entered it. It’s so beautiful and definitely one of the starkest area of improvement from previous games
I think in terms of the amount of detail, probably the fish exhibit will be what people like most. I personally enjoy the art exhibit for it’s rich aesthetic. It feels super calming and open. (Plus, I love art museums!)
Animal crossing really outdid themselves on the museum it's hard to choose! But I've always had a soft spot for the aquarium it's just so calm and dreamy in there I love when I see my villagers in there observing c:
Bug exhibit for me. Funny enough, I’m with Blathers in that I’m not a huge fan of insects but that butterfly atrium is so beautiful and peaceful to sit in. I like light and the others exhibits are a little too dark and “closed” feeling. I do like the feel of the art exhibit though. I kind of wish it was bigger.
Fish as a species, but I like the bug exhibit the most. It feels very vibrant. I love it. But the entire museum is a work of art. (gheghe)
I have fond memories of walking around my finished fossil exhibit with my palaeo student friend who knows ALL the dinosaur facts, but the fish exhibit is my personal favorite. It's so peaceful. I also just enjoy fishing in general, even if it can be a little stressful at times. >_<
My vote goes to the fish exhibit. It's just so relaxing watching the fish swimming idly in their tanks. Also those fish remind you of the long, hard fight of finding and catching them (looking at you, mahi-mahi and stringfish 😑)

Unless of course you caught them without even trying, for example me and the giant trevally and Dorado.

I really like how detailed the fish look, and how HUGE some of them are (whale fish and ocean sunfish). They literally take up the whole screen! You can hardly see your player.
They're all amazing imo, but the aquarium's giant tank with all the giant fish swooping in and out of the school of horse mackerel is really sharp and I fell in love with it! Therefore, the aquarium takes the cake, but who knows, maybe I'll prefer the art exhibit once I complete it since I love art, who knows?
The fish exhibit is definitely the nicest place on my entire island, but I might be biased having worked in an aquarium. In any case I don't think there is much of a competition here, with both the fish and the diving creatures collected in one epic place the other exhibits can't really compete, even though they are very nice in their own way!
When looking for a villager who was wandering my island somewhere, I ended up finally going in the bug part of the museum and as much as I hate bugs, I admit this part of the museum is one of the better ones even though they are all really nice in their own ways. I love the lab area and the butterfly area; I would like to see those cabinets and other pieces of the furniture shown in the lab in the game some day.
The fish exhibit is amazing but the bug exhibit gets my vote as it's such an improvement to NL. I love the part with the waterfall and the Koi swimming under the bridges. It's so peaceful.
Like the majority I voted for the fish room, with the fun stairs and tube and all.
I love them all, it was about time the museum got a visual overhaul considering it's looked about the same since 2002 or so. However, I was a dinosaur kid, and I love looking at fossils. In fact, a museum near where I live has a giant whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling, seen in the spoiler photo. That museum is a place I loved to go as a kid, so I love how the fossil exhibit looks in New Horizons.
(ignore the watermark, I just found this picture of the whale skeleton on google...)
Anyway, the whole New Horizons museum is aesthetic for my inner nerd, if I had to pick a favorite section it'd be the fossils.