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Share your nostalgic memories about AC: WW.


Junior Member
Jul 22, 2022
Title says it all. I'm basically posting this thread to see what could've happened if I actually bought Animal Crossing: Wild World when I was younger, through what actually DID happen to people who bought Animal Crossing: Wild World when they were younger, if that makes any sense lol.

Thanks much!
I think most of my memories are "arguing" lots with my elementary school friends about who had the cutest villagers hehe We also scolded each other every time a villager we thought was ugly moved into our towns because it used to live in the other's town (of course, all of this in a friendly way). ACWW was pretty much how we became friends, since we now had something in common to talk about.
Also since we only had 1 game the town was shared with my older sister, who claimed ownership over it, so we had tiny fights too over what I could put on the town and house :'p

I remember I got pretty scared the first time I saw a huge fish/shark shadow at the ocean because I didn't know what that was. Sadly I couldn't catch it because I didn't have a fishing rod with me at the tim, so the thought of it haunted me for so long lmao

Also I was around 5 when I first played ACWW, so I didn't read very well, and Tipper's name in my language can be read as "painting/to paint", so I thought her house was actually a drawing mini-game or something and was so disappointed when I saw a cow instead.
wild world was my first ac game, and one of my first video games in general, so i have lots of nostalgic memories with it. i got it as a christmas gift back in 2007/2008 i believe, when i was 5/6 years old.

i never played with anyone else, and i didn’t know anyone else who played, so i always played it solo. the memories that stand out to me the most are from my first day with it. i was sat next to my mom on the couch, wandering aimlessly around my town for a bit because i had no idea what to do (i didn’t pay attention to the dialogue lmao). i met tangy, the first villager i ever met and my first friend. she’s still very special to me. 🧡 i eventually began working for nook, but i pissed him off since i kept taking off my uniform lol. got through that and quit playing for the day — except i didn’t realize that i had to save, so resetti showed up at my door the next day. i thought he was going to be a new friend until he started scolding me. i literally went crying to my mom the first time he properly yelled at me. 🤣

i have a bunch of other memories as well, such as when i finally started googling hints and tips, finding out stuff like how to get golden tools, money rocks, getting feathers if you donate to boondox etc, which made me love the game even more and made it more exciting. i also thought that k.k. slider was asking for requests of real life songs, so every saturday i would request artists like lady gaga and rihanna, and be put out when he didn’t start playing bad romance or silly boy. 💀 i also for some reason thought that when i paid off my home loan entirely, i would have the option to become an animal, so i was quite disappointed when that didn’t actually happen. i also loved the flea market, and would stand excitedly in my home every time one went on and wait for villagers to start coming in. i also stole all their flowers during flower fest so that i would win every time hehe.

i reset my town often, so i never had one that had much sentimental value, but i loved trying out new character and town names. i believe one of my save files was rachel from fun city. i also enjoyed seeing what my character would look like every time i reset (this was before i knew how i answered kapp’n’s questions would determine my appearance, and before i found a guide lol). i’m kinda sad i never got to play with others or unlock the final nook’s cranny expansion, but i had fun and made plenty of memories all on my own. <3
Wild World was my first AC game. Some of my fondest memories include:
When Angus got sick. I brought him medicine every day, and eventually he said "I don't deserve friends like you!" with the crying emote. He's the reason I love cranky villagers so much. However, it's Kabuki who has the #1 cranky position in my heart, again due to Wild World.
I remember when he pinged me while I was wandering around. He mentioned the clothing he was wearing- which was one of my (very simple) designs, and said that he was a big fan of my work. He was the one who gave me the presents from himself and others on my birthday.
Also, I remember going online back in the day, seeing rumors that Crazy Redd's reaction when you examined a piece of art would determine if it was fake or not. That doesn't seem to be the case. I remember when I went onto an old Animal Crossing forum, and asked if the Tricera Skull was a rare fossil or if I was just unlucky- as it was the last fossil I needed for my museum. I was just unlucky.
Another thing about Wild World is that the first town I was in was a friend's, as it was her copy that she let me borrow, and her town was called 'home'. I've used that name for almost every town I've ever had since then. There have been a few exceptions, but I love to call my towns Home as a homage to the first town I was in.
Wild World is a comfort game for me. Yeah, it's dated (in looks, as well as lingo used by villagers) but it just feels like home.
I agree with @Elodie above -- the setup to moving in felt very atmospheric, with Kapp'n wheeling you around in a tiny cab in the pouring rain. To my kid brain, it stopped just short of creepy. To my now-adult brain, I love the balance of excitement, mystery, nostalgia, and darkness in that atmosphere. 🚕

I'd spend all night (or the few hours of nighttime that I was allowed to be awake 🌙) talking to villagers, over and over again, until they finally refused to speak to me anymore. I loved the dialogue -- and, even more so, I loved when they'd ask weird questions and give me items. I was obsessed with items and clothing in a way that I can't be, now, when everything is available to see online. I'd run home and toss whatever it was in my house, only to cringe away in horror from the gigantic oil drum I had soiled my living room with. 🍃

I used to collect seashells and sell them, feeling like it was such a clever hack. 🐚 Money for almost no effort!

I remember trying (and failing) to fish for upwards of a year. I'd pull the line back too early, as soon as the fish bit, and never once caught anything. On a whim, I waited until the bobber sank under the water. My first fish? A sea bass, of course! I felt invincible after that. 🎣

I'd play with a few of my other friends and my sister, but originally all on the same account. We each had a little flag that we placed on the ground outside of our cluttered, shared home (mine read "THE EXTERMINATOR" because of how amazing I considered my bug-catching abilities -- yes, I was very humble). My sister and I would fight, sometimes physically fight, over the arrangement of shirts in our tiny home, as we did not know how to use the storage function for the longest time. This lead to us finally getting two separate DSes (mine was a pink DS Lite)! 🐞

I saved so many villager photographs, old letters, gifts from Mom, even bank statements, at the Post Office. 💌 Oh, the Post Office... and the strange messages that were always posted on the Bulletin Board (Pelly, was that you? Or Phyllis?) I really miss the personality and diversity of the villagers back then. Enough has been said on the topic, but I love Phyllis and I NEED her back.

Slowly befriending cranky Lobo over a period of months. Being best friends with Goldie and Bob. Always visiting Pinky and Coco, who lived right next door to each other. My sister's intense feud with Pate. Shooting Pete and UFOs out of the sky, robbing villagers blind during Flea Markets, spending hours designing sweaters at Ables', getting my hair done at Shampoodle, finding strange letters in bottles on the ocean, shoving villagers into cracks in the ground to test if they were pitfalls, designing constellations with Celeste ... oh my goodness, I could go on and on. ✨

I love Wild World intensely, as so many childhood memories took place there. There was a lot of personality, panache, quirkiness, and strangeness in that game that really struck me in the heart.

Thanks for making this thread ♥️
I got WW pretty later than most, but luckily i still had one friend playing it. I remember my friend and i would take turn with my game to try and grind for bells so I could upgrade my house (i was making it into a 'hotel') and we would spend HOURS finding & selling shells, fruit, fossils etc. I also remember vividly on christmas day one year i worked for like 3 hours copying patterns for my paths which i had seen on the internet....
I loved having the museum really close to my house so I could sell fossils and donate bugs fast (I HATED fishing)!
Another thing! The dialogue of Wild World is my favorite in the entire series. I've said it multiple times, but I want the next Animal Crossing game to let us choose the dialogue style that the villagers use to speak with us. It'd be even better if we could change it mid-game, like how we could change the sound of villagers speaking whenever in Wild World just by using the phone in the attic of our house and changing the sound settings.
The dialogue styles would be different, and could be a bit difficult as Smug and Sisterly weren't personality types until New Leaf, and I'd want Pietro but with Wild World-style dialogue, but they could do it.
Imagine being able to choose how the villagers speak to you. There'd be 5 options- GameCube, Wild World, City Folk/Let's Go to the City, New Leaf, and New Horizons. Now, I'm of the mindset that City Folk was the weakest link in the series, and had the blandest villagers, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and if they prefer City Folk dialogue that's their opinion.
It would also be cool if other players in the same town could have different dialogue styles, so not everyone in the same town had to go with the Wild World dialogue style, for example.
Since it’s my first AC game, starting it for the first time will always be a fond memory for me. I didn’t know the game was a simulation game at the time, and I thought that it was a preschool game. I decided to give it a chance and I ended up playing it quite a bit.

There are a few funny moments I remember, like getting yelled at by Bones for talking to him too much and feeling hurt afterwards (I was a child then), but one I remember in particular was accidentally dropping the ds while donating items or the museum. This caused my game to freeze, which meant it didn’t save. I REALLY didn’t want to face the wrath of Resetti, so I avoided the game for a while. I think it was actually a very long time that I avoided it too.

It was a fun game :blush:
I really liked ending the game by going up and lying down on the bed. I also remember my childhood best friend also had the game and we would play together. I don’t play to much together online anymore, so I do have a lot of fond memories there.
I liked running out of middle school to check on my villagers. I didn’t have any friends in school, so I considered the villagers my friends.
I don't have a copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World. I might get it for easter. But It seems like a great game.I think I will be nostalgic first play.
Back when I was a kid, Animal Crossing was a big form of healthy escapism for me. I was struggling badly with a panic disorder when I was 11 or so. I didn't go out much and had a lot going on at home. I found a new life in playing ACWW online and making new friends. I made so many amazing friends on Animal Crossing Community from across the world. I have great memories of playing with old friends until late at night, having deep and drawn out conversations while the relaxing nostalgic music played from my DS. During that time, this game was literally the best form of therapy I ever had.