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Some nostalgia


Junior Member
Mar 31, 2024
It’s Christmas 2005, you’ve been dying to get the new Animal Crossing Wild World since it came out a month ago, you’ve been overheating your GameCube from firing up your old game in complete utter excitement and suspense for what’s to come. You’ve been scouring the Bell Tree and other forums that seem like a distant memory now for the latest updates and tips, and now you’re finally plugging your cartridge into your DS to get ready to invite your friends from all over the world to your town for the first time.

What a time that was for those of us that remember!

For those of you that can, what do you remember about that time and do you ever still play the game?
I was only 7 at the time, I didn't have a DS but my older brothers did. My earliest memory of wild world was my brother letting me play for a bit... The only thing I remember clearly was moving the furniture around in his little house and sitting in that lab chair that sparks electricity when you sit down.

I got the game myself a few years later, around late 2007 early 2008 maybe? And I played a ton, it instilled a permanent favorite-villager loyalty in me toward Aurora the penguin and Whitney the wolf.

Nowadays I still play relatively often! Once or twice a year I'll boot up my town (not my original town, I think I reset in 2017 or so, pluck the weeds, and play in the evenings for a month or two :) unfortunately I inevitably always have to drop it again because I get busy, but it's def a fun and relaxing experience to unwind now and then!
a vivid memory for me, I cannot remember my age though I was in middle school. My mom had taken me to the arts and crafts store and she had just bought me that game, I was unsure about it cause it seemed weird. So instead of getting dragged around the store after dark, I put in acww and sat on one of the metal shelves. I remember how I fell into it quickly which made me value my ds so much more, nintendo knew what they were doing with that game and the ds, I carried it around everywhere I could.

The game made me immediately feel close to it asking me these questions in the car ride and getting my own town, it already felt like mine.
It was a few years after the release. I was 4 years old and ACWW was what kept me occupied when my mum was busy. I had pink hair with the 3 pigtails, and I always wore the pacifier. I used to run around collecting fruit and shells - that was all I could do lol. I sold them to Tom Nook and I remember I had to click on the top dialogue option (I couldn’t read yet). I remember I wasn’t allowed to stand on the blue house in the town hall in case I accidentally deleted everything 😂 I got my own copy of the game and a pink DS for Christmas when I was 5. I kept the same player character until I reset the town one of many times. I wish I hadn’t, but oh well. I don’t think I played very much of it anyway, but just the way the bridges look in that game is soooo nostalgic to me. I used to sit and listen to the theme tune and watch the villagers wandering around when I’d finished playing. I miss those days when everything was simple.

I started a new Wild World town in 2019 since what I had left had no sentimental value to me because I reset so many times lol. I played for a few months before NH released but I haven’t played since then.
I think the most memorable thing about when I started WW was that I could never figure out how to fish until I was several towns in. In my first town, I somehow completely paid off my house with just my native fruit, shells, and basic bugs. I definitely was not catching anything valuable. I don't know how I managed it or how many hours it took. I think I figured out everything else in the game. I wasn't that young either, 8 or 9. Not sure why I had so much trouble.