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Welcome to Space Camp! (Start Here)

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The Very Best Wild Child
Sep 15, 2013
Master Ball
Space Whale Plush
Strawberry Doll
Bee Plush
Clownfish Plush
Dino Plush
Sheep Plush

You arrive on the same beach where last camp started,
having been invited here to experience the old campgrounds in all their renovated glory for the second edition of Camp TBT. Except... it turns out the campgrounds were never renovated. The old cabins are still in ruins. The once pristine beaches are covered in driftwood and seaweed, and what is left of any buildings and statues is covered in moss and plants from the woods. It certainly looks like whoever was in charge of preparing the camp has done no work at all.

After wandering around a little, you eventually come across a familiar looking bird passed out right on the shoreline. You have to shake him a few times but when he finally wakes up, he immediately starts talking your ears off.

"GUH!? Guh-reetings, I mean! Pleased to sea you here. I am Gulliver, captain of your camp, welcome! I spent last night flying all over to get things ready for you, you would not believe the things I saw." He spreads his wings, gesturing widely. "Like, there were whales! In the sky! You'd have to sea it to believe it. It was such a shock that I tumbled allll the way to the ground. Hurt my wing when I splashed down, too! Then came a monster - no, there were three monsters - but I had a soar wing from the fall and when it came to fight or flight, this birdbrain didn't think twice! I sure showed 'em. Right before it retreated, the biggest one tossed me into the sea, which must be how I washed up here. I think this harbour should be safe now, at least."

Gulliver turns his head from side to side, looking around for a moment. "Anyway, I'm glad to see you made it here. I'll just use my handy dandy nookphone to let the camp staff know you've arrived and OH MY GOSH!" he pats his pockets, before heaving a sigh. "Not again. Maybe in my other sailor's shirt? Look, you go ahead to my ship on the mountain. Just follow the trail, I'll be with you soon."

Without another word, the seagull jumps up and flies away from the shore. You can only leave in the opposite direction, with more questions than answers. Why would Gulliver's ship be on the mountain? And, then, where is he going? By following the path to the mountains you will at least find the answer to the first question: it turns out the ship is an actual spaceship, its doors wide open with signs reading "Welcome Campers" clearly inviting you in.

When the last camper steps inside, the door slams shut with a deafening thud. Then, the entire ship starts shaking, before it jumps into motion ascending up and away from any planets you might know. It continues accelerating for about an hour or so, before it finally reaches what appears to be a massive space station. If you stare at it as you get closer, you can see that the name "The Lopez" written on the side. Gulliver's ship will approach and dock to it automatically.

Welcome to your new summer home!

The space station is a rotating ring, with the spinning motion providing a small amount of gravity to help you get around. This ring can be split into four quarters, each of which will house one of the crews. The most noteworthy modules on the ship are the following, and you will be able to visit them when that is on your quarter's schedule for the week:
  • The Observatory, which is used for stargazing, navigation, and also has the airlocks for going on a space walk,
  • The Bridge, the most interesting part of which is the teleporter that can send people down to planetary surfaces,
  • The Cargo Hold, a place which stores everything we might need but also has plenty of room for activities.


Each week, the four crews will be using these locations for a variety of activities. There will be two pairs of quarters, which will stick together for the duration of the event. Since the ship only has supplies to last us for about three weeks, we will be rotating to a new location each week on a fairly strict schedule.

By completing the local activities you will earn local tokens, specifically: Observatory tokens, Bridge tokens, and Cargo tokens. Once your crew reaches a total of 1000 tokens in a given location, you will earn a stamp for your quarter's official Space Camp Bell Tree Stamp Card. This will also unlock your rights to a new backdrop and reaction for all members on your team!


Rewards and Collectibles

Like last time, there are five different currencies for this event, here's how they fit together:
  • Observatory Tokens can be earned from activities located in the Observatory.
  • Bridge Tokens can be earned from activities on the Bridge.
  • Cargo Tokens can be earned from activities in the Cargo Hold.
  • Mission Tokens can be earned from activities in Mission Control and all local tokens can be converted into them. Be aware that this conversion only works one way! Here's how you convert your local tokens to mission tokens:
    To convert your tokens, click the tokens you want to convert from (either next to your post, on your profile card, or by clicking your name at the top). Under the Transfer tab, select Mission Tokens for the currency to transfer them to and the amount you want to convert.

    This cannot be undone and Mission Tokens cannot be converted into local tokens. Let us know if you need any help!
  • Points will be earned from all activities, but are only used to organise team scores. They show how much energy your team has been building up, which will be crucial for powering your ships on the return journey. First quarter to get home wins!

When your quarter earns a total of 1000 local tokens in your current location, you will gain access to that location's backdrop and reaction. The reactions will look like the location-based collectibles, and will be available for the entire duration of the event. Unlocking the reactions will be automatic, and unlocked backdrops can be purchased from the Shop for 1 bell, after which you will be able to display it as you please. All backdrops will expire 14 days after you buy them from the shop.

Celestial Cetaceans, Cavernous Cryosphere, Crated Cuteness
(Observatory, Bridge, and Cargo Hold location backdrops:)

As usual, there will be a lot of pretty collectibles to be earned from participating in this event. The first three of these can be purchased with tokens that are exclusive to the locations, although if you would prefer to get other collectibles or did not earn enough local tokens to make the purchase, you can convert local tokens into Mission Tokens to spend on the other collectibles. How you do that is described in the spoiler a bit higher up in this post.

Here is a list of all collectibles that can be earned during Space Camp TBT along with the way to unlock them:
  • 569.jpg
    Shooting Star Plush - 25 Observatory Tokens
  • 568.jpg
    Asteroid Plush - 25 Bridge Tokens
  • 567.jpg
    Green Alien Plush - 25 Cargo Hold Tokens
  • 574.jpg
    Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch - 2 Mission Tokens
  • 561.jpg
    Green Crescent Moon - 10 Mission Tokens
  • 560.jpg
    Yellow Crescent Moon - 10 Mission Tokens
  • 563.jpg
    Orange Crescent Moon - 15 Mission Tokens
  • 562.jpg
    Blue Crescent Moon - 15 Mission Tokens
  • 565.jpg
    Purple Crescent Moon - 20 Mission Tokens
  • 564.jpg
    Pink Crescent Moon - 20 Mission Tokens
  • 566.jpg
    White Crescent Moon - 40 Mission Tokens
  • 570.jpg
    Space Whale Plush - 25 Mission Tokens
  • 573.jpg
    Moon Bunny - 60 Mission Tokens
  • 572.jpg
    Andromeda Potion - 60 Mission Tokens
  • 571.jpg
    Planet Glow Wand - 60 Mission Tokens
  • 559.jpg
    Rainbow Crescent Moon - Available exclusively for activity winners (see activity threads for details)
  • 558.jpg
    Galaxy Swirl - Winning Quarters (most points at the end of Space Camp) (must earn at least 50 points for your crew)

Like backdrops, all of these collectibles (except the winner rewards) will be available from the Shop!

Camp Updates

As we spend our time in space, there will no doubt be noteworthy developments to keep track of. This is where those will be logged. Camp ends in three weeks, on August 20th!

Camp Bell Tree 2023 Credits

Cabin coordinator: Jeremy
Activities coordinator: Chris
Thread coordinator: Mick
Activities hosts: Chris, dizzy bone, Justin, Kaiaa, LaBelleFleur, Mairmalade, Mick, Mistreil, Nefarious, Oblivia, pandapples
Crew leaders: Kaiaa, Mairmalade; Jeremy, Nefarious; Mick, pandapples; dizzy bone, Mistreil
Main banner art: dizzy bone
Activities banner art: dizzy bone, Mistreil, Pyoopi, Mick
Crescent Moon Collectible set + Shooting Star, Asteroid and Green Alien Plush Collectibles: Mistreil
Space Whale Plush, Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch, and Rocket Popsicle Collectibles: Mick
Moon Bunny, Andromeda Potion, Planet Glow Wand and Galaxy Swirl Collectibles: Laudine
"Galaxolotl" and "International Space Cetacean" Star Fragment Collectibles: Laudine
"Celestial Cetaceans" Observatory Backdrop: Mick
"Cavernous Cryosphere" Bridge Backdrop: dizzy bone
"Crated Cuteness" Cargo Hold Backdrop: Mistreil
"Galaxolotl" Crew Backdrop: Pyoopi
"International Space Cetacean" Crew Backdrop: dizzy bone
"Alien Babies" Backdrop: Mick / Oblivia
Camp TBT map and stamp card art: Mick
Site theme graphics: Pyoopi
Technical setup: Jeremy, Oblivia, Justin
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oh god oh god oh god i don’t even know what to talk about first 😭 the space whale plush????? the potion???? the planet glow wand????? the adorable backdrops (for 1 bell??? i love you guys)????? the stunning camp patch?????? i’m in heaven and hell at the same time, everything is so so beautiful and looks absolutely out of this world 😭 welcome to space ya’ll!

You have all outdone yourselves. Space Camp looks amazing. I can't wait to delve into the activities. 🚀👩‍🚀

The collectibles are literally out of this world. 😭 I am so in love with space whale. 😭 I can't wait for the whale backdrop. It's going to be so hard to choose collectibles when it comes time for it. The Rainbow Crescent Moon is stunning.

Looks like I'm in Crew 3! Hi Crew 3 besties! 🚀💖
Ahhh I love these collectibles, especially the wand and potion!!!
Hi, sorry if this doesn't go here
is there a way to see all my crew mates? I wanna see everyone I'm working with and there's dozens of people here lol.
Thank you in advance
Yes!! It's my time to shine! I love the space theme, obviously I love sky skies and stars haha

I was worried how much I can partcipate because in the came for camp I'll be 1) moving 2) starting a new job 3) going on a 6-day overseas vacation but now I gotta push myself to get these collectibles :lemon:
Are you trying to kill me from the stress of having to choose between the collectibles?!?!?! They're all so gorgeous sdjkl;asdfjkl;asdfjkl;sdf 😭
Hi, sorry if this doesn't go here
is there a way to see all my crew mates? I wanna see everyone I'm working with and there's dozens of people here lol.
Thank you in advance
You should now be able to see your Crew Quarters board if you go back to the home page of the forum. They will have to introduce themselves in the welcome thread though, there is no official list.
Oh my god, the collectibles. The whale? Crescent moons? Andromeda potion? Yall really outdid yourselves.
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