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Wrong answers only !!

You will be teleported to... um, a convenience store where...hmmm. They sell... ... fried... ... cheese...crackers. Or something like that.

How do you make the most out of the Stalk Market?
Time traveling is the best solution, just put the turnips in a freezer.

Best way to take care of plants?
Give them lots of milk and make sure they get their dirt changed on a consistent basis.

What is the "stuf" in between Oreo cookies?
Take Isabelle hostage and have Tom Nook cancel your debt as ransom. However, this method was patched out in a recent update.

best pick up line?
The writers feed the characters a ton of sugar. Their personalities seem to perk up after that.

What is the name of that one Elton John album that is named after a very certain "road"?
Hello Purple Cement Road

What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?
Barold Raddle.

I am a vessel without hinges, lock or lid. Yet, within my walls, a golden treasure is hid. What am I?
you are obviously a fog horn.

when is the next solar eclipse?