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How do you feel about games that record your total play time?


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Dec 25, 2015
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I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I can gloat about how many days of playtime I have (nearly 100 days in RuneScape!), but on the other hand it really helps you realise: "Man, what a waste of my life".
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Someone needs to remind you how much of your life you've wasted on that game, and when no one does, let the game tell you! 100+ hours for the win, every time!
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. Always keep that in mind.

And I like to know which games do I play the most... it's an insight into what games do I enjoy the most and which type of games make me lose track of time. I feel no shame in saying I have spent 100+ hours in any game. (I have a couple, Hotline Miami, Hitman series, GTA Online, among others I can't remember) plus all those days in TERA. And I'm proud of it.
I don't really care, but I love those statistics and knowing it. There's no need to feel bad, we spend so many years working and sleeping, we deserve to spend years in our favorite games as well.
Yeah, I guess it was a bit sad when I found out that I have 2793 hours of in-game play time on The Sims 4.

I like it, though.
It's nice to kinda see how much you've played, glad that the activity log exists on the 3ds for that reason
I think it's neat, I mean it's cool to see how much of your life you've wasted. For me it's always off a bit cause I often let my game idle or get distracted (ADD) but it's neat to see how much progress you have in what length of time, especially if you're trying to get 100% on a game.
Well, gaming is a hobby. Just like any other hobby it's used to relax and unwind. Don't feel guilty about spending time for yourself doing what you enjoy!

I think with programs or games that track your in-game time, it doesn't take into account the breakdown. Maybe you play 20 minutes a day but have been doing it for years. Versus spending 12 hours one day playing, etc.
I like it! I do sometimes feel bad, like that time I played Skyrim for 10 hours a day the whole week, but I guess sometimes you just need to face the truth lol!
i like it! when i play overwatch and see how many hours i put into one hero i feel really proud of myself. like, playing more of the hero has improved my overall performance with them, which makes me happy. since i do really want to get better with the heroes i pour a lot of hours into. it's a nice way to track it.
It's fun really to see and fun because you "wasted" time on those, haha. Probably have most hours altogether in Civ V, although I don't play that anymore really.
I like it. I especially like the activity log on the 3DS as you can easily see which games you play a lot.

I know that you should already sort of know which games you play the most, but the mind can play tricks and I like to see the total times.
I like them, it's always fun to see how much time I've spent playing something! Plus, I love looking at the time I've spent on games I no longer play anymore and just remembering all of the good times I had
I enjoy it, and more detailed stats (like all the ones in Overwatch) are also welcomed. Then I can know how many thousands of people I've killed by using sound to knock them off of the edge of a cliff (their fault for being so close to it tbh). And there's also the joy of knowing that I've played Wii Fit Trainer for over 100 bours. 100 straight hours of killing people with yoga. That's a stat that every game should have, "time spent killing people with yoga."

But then there's cases like Hyrule Warriors where I'm approaching 900 hours played and idek where that came from. Of course I make plenty of YT videos and stream a bit for it, but that added 100 hours to that at most, and I didn't progress in any way during those videos/streams, so... 800 hours of playing this game when I think I 100%ed it back at 650? What am I doing still playing this oml
I like having it recorded, just for fun and to know how much time I've spent in my favorite games. Especially with Switch games, I'm glad when I'm able to see my exact playtime in-game—I've never really liked how the Switch rounds it down to the nearest five hours. ;; I liked the 3DS tracking so much more.
How do I feel? I feel slightly embarrassed. 😅

No really, I look and think, surely I haven't spent that many (hundreds and hundreds of them) hours on games? But yes, I did.

And sometimes, the person I share the switch with will say - it took you that long to finish that game? And I'm embarrassed thinking, well, I haven't got it done yet...still working on that.

Kind of like looking at my final pikmin stats, when more than 50% of them croaked. (Ok, it might be a higher percentage...).

So usually, I just don't look. 😅