PC vs. Console

How do you game these days?

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i'm super late to the pc gaming....game. lol my computer isn't powerful enough to handle a lot of games i think? and i'm not techy enough to know what a "good" set up or pc would be (or to even attempt to build my own) i'm a console gamer at heart!
I sit at a computer for work all day so I never really want to sit at my PC to play games in my free time, but the experience can be better for certain games. I've always been more of a handheld fan though
Surprised a forum for a Nintendo game series has a good of amount of primarily PC gamers. I prefer consoles most of the time since they’re easier to use on TVs, have more exclusives I’m interested in, and are much cheaper than a proper PC. For games I’m interested in that are not available on consoles I use a budget gaming laptop. I need to replace it since it’s too outdated and takes forever to boot now, but for the past five years it’s been great for things like PC sim games, modded Stardew Valley, and visual novels. I could never hope to dream of running something like Cyberpunk 2077 on it though.
Both! Most of my gaming hours these days are from various PC and Switch games, and I have a few 3DS games I'm trying to play through as well. There's also a few phone games I like sometimes. Every once in awhile I might also feel like playing Wii, DS, or another one of the older consoles I still have.