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Do you play Luigi's Mansion 1?


Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
I download it in Nintendon't and i have no regrets. The game is so much fun! The way you can press B (i think is B) to make Luigi call for Mario is just funny.

That game is certainly a must have (in my opinion).
It probably helps that it was a GameCube launch title and ergo one of the first games I played on the system, but I always felt like people were a little harsh on the first game at the time. It's not a perfect game by any means, and I do think that perhaps launching the console without a mainline Mario was not the brightest move on Nintendo's part, but the first Luigi's Mansion absolutely oozes with charm. I've always loved it. The game's presentation--from its sinister music and atmosphere to every little visual flare from the dust that the Poltergust 3000 picks up to the way enemies glow in the dark--was gorgeous for the time, and is still aesthetically pleasant today, even if it is noticeably dated. The little nods to Nintendo's history, such as the Game Boy Horror, and the diverse characters and backstories were all charming and punctuated with humor that never felt excessive or in your face.

The game is so much fun! The way you can press B (i think is B) to make Luigi call for Mario is just funny.
The thing that makes that feature particularly fun, and another nice little attention to detail that is easy to overlook, is that when you do this, Luigi's voice lines will change depending on his health at the time. He'll be playful and inquisitive when you do it at full health, but the more damage you take, the more scared he becomes. The same is true for the times where he's humming along with the background music. His tone changes based on the player's health. Just a nice little touch that isn't necessary but its presence adds tremendously to the overall tone of the game.
This was one random game that I actually played. I don’t recall enjoying it all that much. I’m not into the Luigi’s Mansion series.
This was the first game I played on the Gamecube. I remember not really knowing that memory cards were a thing (only had an N64 up to that point) and not being able to save until I picked one up in the coming days, haha. The game evokes a mix of feelings in me -- on one hand, it was a huge graphical leap and definitely made me wonder about what other Nintendo franchises would look like with such a fresh coat of paint. On the other hand, the relative simplicity of the gameplay and the short length of the game was off-putting. It didn't seem right to be able to finish it after just a few hours, especially after my last experience with a launch title being Super Mario 64. Admittedly, I played that game for the first time when I was 4 years old, so naturally the game seemed much longer to me at the time than it actually was. :)
I think I tried it at friends' places but nothing I really got into honestly. 2 was eh with controlling and stuff, at least the demo so yeah never really got it.
I got the game very late - as in, the Wii was the current console at the time of purchase. Before then, the only character from the Mario universe that I really liked was Yoshi, so I didn't think to buy a Luigi-centric game.

But I'm glad I did in the end. Yes, it was repetitive at times, but I really loved it! I preferred it to Super Mario Sunshine. Since the game was a deeper look at Luigi, I finally saw him in a light that wasn't 'Green Mario'. He's still one of my favourite videogame characters to this day because of it, and the game series is also one of my favourites.

It's now tradition for me to play one of the Luigi's Mansion games every Halloween.
I had never played any game in the series til about 2013, I got both games the same year. I really like them both, each one is great in its own way. I haven't beaten the OG and I'm thinking I may go back and play it again soon. just recently got LM3 and I haven't played it yet but I'm hopping I'll have some time/energy to do that soon!

I particularly like the spooky yet family friendly atmosphere of the games, I like spooky things but I've never really been a horror guru. the aesthetic of these games is really great! and ofc I can always appreciate a game where Luigi is the main character, not to mention the character arc he goes through in the OG is a big reason why I love it so much.
i love luigis mansion 1 and adored it, i never end up playing the later games.
I really liked Luigi's Mansion! Apart from the final boss >_> but other than that it was fun. And I love anytime a game gives you a "make noise" button like this game, goose game and stray. They're the best😄
I enjoy the original Luigi's Mansion, yes. I first played it back when it was first released on the GameCube and thought it was a pretty fun, neat game. It kind of just sat around in its case for a few years until I picked it back up a number of years ago in October to play for some fun little horror game action leading up to Halloween. I've done that a couple times since as well. It's a pretty short game, so it's not really a big commitment and is thus an appealing choice.

I got Dark Moon and couldn't get into it, partly due to it being on a handheld and partly because the ghosts were too basic and cartoony, lacking the charm of the humanoid Portrait Ghosts from the original and their little individual backstories and gimmicks. Since I didn't really like Dark Moon, I've never tried Luigi's Mansion 3 as of yet, though I am a little interested.
It's a great game. I've always preferred Luigi over Mario and it was great to have a game where Luigi was the main star. It is a bit short, but it still plays very well and I always found each playthrough to be as enjoyable as the last. Dark Moon was fun (especially the ScareScraper multiplayer mode) and I have liked what I've played of Luigi's Mansion 3 so far, but neither of them seem to have the same kind of charm that the original did.
I haven’t played any LM games as I’m not a fan of the horror genre at all.
^Huh, I didn't think Luigi's Mansion really counted as horror... Maybe for kids?

Anyway, I've only gotten to play Dark Moon. I don't remember much because that was a long time ago but I know I was trying to 100% complete it and never got around to finishing that.
^Huh, I didn't think Luigi's Mansion really counted as horror... Maybe for kids?
I'm presuming they mean they're not a fan of spooky aesthetics, which Luigi's Mansion does have. I agree that it wouldn't qualify as horror in the generally accepted lexicon, but it does have ghosts and ghouls and low lighting, so I suppose I can see how it might not be everyone's fancy, particularly those who are perhaps not interested in Halloween-adjacent media.