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Hero's Crossing

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Feathered Fiend
Project Staff
Sep 19, 2013
Raven Wings Potion
Raven Wings Potion
Angel Wings Potion
Raven Wings Potion
Raven Wings Potion
Spirit Candy: Wix
Moon Ball
Spirit Candy: Wix

Making your way deep into the forest, you stumble upon a giant strange looking oak. It's The Great Squeakoid Tree! It seems like it's been waiting for someone to come by to read it grand tales of adventures. Why not tell it your story?
How to Participate 📔⚔️

Write a short story using Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey story structure.
  • Stories must have a minimum of 1000 words. We will be using this word counter tool, so feel free to use it to check. Due to the required word count, please be sure to place your story in spoilers.
  • Stories are not required to hit all 12 steps, but they must at least have the basic framework of the Hero's Journey. That is...
    • The Separation - Where the character breaks from their routine to set out on an adventure.
    • The Initiative - Where the majority of the journey happens and where the hero arrives.
    • The Return - Where the hero has achieved what they were set out to do and starts returning home.


1. Ordinary World
Where we meet our Hero. The Hero has yet to discover a strange, new world and is still in the ordinary world.

2. Call to Adventure
The adventure starts.
This is where the Hero is confronted with a problem/challenge they can't ignore.

3. Refusal of the Call
The Hero refuses the Call to Adventure. The journey is dangerous and the Hero could possibly be killed.

4. Meeting the Mentor
The Hero meets their teacher. The protagonist is inexperienced and they need training, wisdom and confidence for their journey ahead. The mentor will help them.

5. Crossing the First Threshold
The Hero enters the Special World.
This marks their departure and there's no turning back.

6. Road of Trials
Tests, Allies and Enemies appear.

7. Approach (to the Inmost Cave)
The Hero gets closer to their goal.
The inmost cave refers to the most dangerous spot in the Special World. Ex: dragon's lair

8. Ordeal
The Hero faces their biggest test of all. They must now confront their greatest fear and survive it. This is a critical moment in the journey.

9. Reward (Seizing the Sword)
The Hero sees the light at the end of the tunnel. The reward is an object or wisdom they've gained throughout their journey.

10. Road Back
The Hero tries to return to the Ordinary World but must deal with the consequences and aftermath of the previous act.

11. Resurrection
The true climax of the story. This is the last test for the Hero. They're tested once again to see if they learned the lessons of the Ordeal.

12. Return (with the Elixir)
Finally the Hero returns home. They are a much different person than how they began. The Elixir is also known as a prize won during the journey.

Rules and Guidelines 📄

  • Write and post your story in this thread by Sunday the 28th of August at 11:59PM Fair Time.
  • Besides Animal Crossing, fanfiction of other properties are not allowed.
  • Your story should be a new piece of work, and not something previously posted or submitted elsewhere.
  • Your submission must be your own written work. Collaborations and plagiarism are not allowed.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your submission. Low effort entries or joke entries will not be accepted.
  • Content must be suitable for a PG-13 audience and not violate any of our forum rules.
  • Stories must be at least 1000 words in length.

Prizes 🪙

  • Participation: 12 tickets

  • Nomination: 6 tickets

  • 1st Place: 110 Tickets, Heart of the Forest Collectible, Gold Trophy Collectible
  • 2nd Place: 80 Tickets, Heart of the Forest Collectible, Silver Trophy Collectible
  • 3rd Place: 60 Tickets, Heart of the Forest Collectible, Bronze Trophy Collectible

Frequently Asked Questions 🔮

Q. Does my story need to have each story point depicted in the circle?
No! It would be asking a lot, especially for those that aren't comfortable with writing. All that is required is the basic framework, it can be as simple as you like otherwise.​
Q. How will contest winners be determined?
Entries will first go through staff nominations, public voting will later take place to determine the top three winners.​
Q. Does my story have to be Animal Crossing themed?
Stories can be Animal Crossing themed or fantasy themed (think Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings).​
Q. Do stories have to be fiction?
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Should the story have an AC theme? Or will any adventure setting be acceptable?
Should the story have an AC theme? Or will any adventure setting be acceptable?
Good question! We'll accept either AC themed or fantasy themed stories.

Does the story have to be fantasy/fictional? Or can it be more non-fiction?
To fit with the theme of the fair, we're asking for fictional stories.

Is there a maximum length/word count for entries?
There's no maximum, but keep in mind nominated stories will go to a public poll for users to read and vote on. If a story is incredibly long it might intimadate some.
could i ask for slightly more detail (or an example) on the separation? does it have to be, as suggested by the circle, the character(s) literally moving from their 'normal' world to a completely different one or, as suggested by the OP, a simple break from their daily routine, e.g. A's home world is already a fantasy one, but they decide to take on a rare job request or one that they perhaps wouldn't normally, thus breaking their normal routine.

another question. does it have to be set in a world entirely of your own creation, or would writing something set in a pre-existing fantasy world (such as Harry Potter, as mentioned) be acceptable?
could i ask for slightly more detail (or an example) on the separation? does it have to be, as suggested by the circle, the character(s) literally moving from their 'normal' world to a completely different one or, as suggested by the OP, a simple break from their daily routine, e.g. A's home world is already a fantasy one, but they decide to take on a rare job request or one that they perhaps wouldn't normally, thus breaking their normal routine.

another question. does it have to be set in a world entirely of your own creation, or would writing something set in a pre-existing fantasy world (such as Harry Potter, as mentioned) be acceptable?
The seperation can be interpretated either way. They can literally be transported into a fantasy world from a modern world (a good example would be Harry Potter) or the world can already be establish as fantasy and the protagonist goes out of their comfort zone (a good example here would be The Hobbit).

As for your second question. You're able to write Animal Crossing fanfiction, otherwise the world must be your own creation. You can adapt similar concepts from pre-existing worlds in your stories, but they shouldn't be taking place in those same universes.
This might be a little technical, but does the hero have to accomplish what they set out to do in the first place? Or would it be acceptable to have them at least progress until the end of the journey to find that they weren't able to achieve exactly what they wanted?

I guess you could say it's some sort of "bad ending" but not really. Like, some plot twist happens and they fail and go home, not necessarily empty-handed, but they didn't really accomplish what they initially hoped. (Idk if I made sense, sorry).
I've tried my best to write a short story about Buck and I (nothing complicated!) based on the Hero's Journey structure. (Hope I've done it right!) I've never written anything before, but was determined to give it a go! :)

In the Buck of Time

It was a bright, sunny morning on Hazzard Island and everyone was looking forward to this afternoon’s 1st ever Hazzard Sports Day. Buck was more excited than anyone, talking about the event for weeks, and was determined to take part in every event. It was late morning and Buck was still no-where to be seen. I was getting a little worried, as he would never miss it unintentionally. I checked all the shops, The Roost and asked the rest of the villagers, no-one had seen him. After no sign of him, I asked Kapp’n, he was sorry to say no sign. My final hope was to speak to Orville at the airport, he said he did see Buck leaving with someone, but Orville nor Wilbur recognized the other person. They did say that Buck was acting out of character, very quiet and didn’t mention fitness once. Has Buck left me broken hearted without saying goodbye, or is there some other explanation?

Wilbur asked me if he could help by flying around to see if he could find the island again. I was still certain though Buck would turn up safe and sound. A little while later, I took Wilbur’s offer and we set out looking for Buck.

Luckily, Wilbur is an excellent pilot and managed to see a barbell near the airport, on closer inspection it was Buck’s so we knew he was likely to be there. It seemed to me that Buck was snatched, and it happened very fast as he still had a barbell with him. All the time I’m thinking, ‘Where is Buck, and why has this happened?’.

As I stepped off the plane, Wilbur could see I was upset as I returned from a walk around the beach, and no more clues to Buck’s whereabouts.

I started to walk around the island this time, and was met by a villager towering over me with a long purple cape, red rosy cheeks and a friendly and reassuring face at the same time. He bent down and said to me ‘My name is Atlas, I hope I didn’t startle you.’ I said ‘That’s an interesting name’, he replied ‘I believe you’re looking for someone called Buck or also known as a Fitness guru?’ ‘Yes, I am, could you please help me?’ ‘Of course’ replied Atlas, ‘The clue is in my name, I can help you find anyone. Just remember this my friend’,

I am here in spirit to help you,

I’ll guide you all the way,

Keep thinking positive,

And you’ll find Buck today.​

I don’t know what happened, but it was as if a light bulb had come on and I had found true hope I was going to find Buck. Feeling upbeat, I set off with Atlas’ words keep running around in my head ‘Keep thinking positive.’

As I waded my way through a mountain of weeds, several pitfall seed traps and stung by wasps several times, luckily, I had bags of medicine in my pockets. Still got one left for an emergency. Even though the search was difficult I wasn’t giving up, no matter what obstacle I will face, I will keep going until I find Buck. Well, that was until I came across a broken bridge. I left Hazzard in such a frenzy worrying about Buck that I forgot to pack my tools. It would have taken too long to go back to Wilbur and buy some, and time was running out before the Sports Day began. There was no way I could jump over it, so I gathered some materials to make a makeshift bridge, I hope it holds until I finish my quest. I was all set to try and cross, I took my time, and just as I got to the other side, it came crashing down. It didn’t even occur to me at that time how would we get back across … if we ever did.

Finally, I saw an abandoned castle like building. Run down with broken windows and an expressionless face staring at me from a 2nd floor window. In all honestly, I didn’t know if it was a who or what. I had come this far so I thought ‘Come on, Buck could be in danger.’ Scared, but determined to continue my quest to find Buck, I got closer and closer to the castle, my heart was racing, thinking about what I might have to face. I was approached by 2 guards when getting near the entrance. One of them looked like the face I saw at the window earlier. I couldn’t quite place them, they had a striking resemblance of Raymond and Marlo, but it wasn’t them, almost like 2 doppelgangers. When I asked about Buck, they bought escorted me into the castle. I was protesting with them to let me go and if they had Buck to let him go to. I was led into a room, as I entered, I heard ‘Iron J! Iron J! I know you would come to my rescue!’ It was Buck, I was so relieved that I knew he was safe. When the guards left, he told me he had been forced to go with them as they wanted their team to win the Sports Day as they knew Buck would have won every prize available. The 2 guards left us locked in the room. Not knowing our fate, we knew we had to come up with a plan and quick. We caused a commotion in the hopes that the guards would come to see what was going on. Our plan worked and the guards make their way in, Buck and I hid behind the door and as they entered looking for us, we crept out and locked them in. The guards were shouting for assistance, but no-one heard. As we ran through the corridors out onto the island trying to get back to Wilbur.

We were running towards the broken bridge, as I slowed down, Buck just sprinted over it, it was like a slow-motion action and time had stopped. ‘Come on Iron J! You can do it!’ I knew I had to save Buck and myself, so I ran back to get a better run at it, and I jumped across, my foot slipped at the last second and nearly ended up down the ditch below the bridge, but Buck caught me in time. ‘Thank you, Buck!’ I exclaimed! Buck showed me how we can do things in a fight or flight response. As we heard shouting in the background, the guards were chasing us now, so we kept running. Buck accidentally knocked into a tree and disturbed a Wasp’s Nest, he got stung badly. A drained Buck said, ‘I can’t go out, go without me’, I wasn’t going to leave Buck, so I remembered I had 1 more medicine bag left, 1 second later Buck was fully recovered, and we continued to make our escape. We saw Wilbur in our sights as the guards’ shouts were getting louder and louder, just as Wilbur was flying us to safety the guards had reached the beach. All they could do was watch Buck and I escape their clutches. Buck and I congratulated each other and glad we had escaped to safety, and Buck was still desperate to compete in the Sports Day! ‘Nothing stops me, Iron J!’ Buck said excitedly. Back on Hazzard Island, a lesson was learned I had overcome one of my main phobias, fear. I now think that no matter the circumstances I would be ready to leap into action for my loved ones.

Thanks for reading!
Ok, this one isn't Animal Crossing themed but I hope you all enjoy it.
Falan & Abel

In a faraway land was a small village that bordered an enchanted forest. According to a local children's story, fairies delight in capturing children that wander too deep into the forest. Parents tell their children in this village to never go into the forest, lest they never return. It's true that some villagers disappear from time to time, but it's probably because they want to leave this village. Abel was only 13 years old, but he never believed such a ridiculous story. Fairies don't exist. His life was hard enough since he is always bullied by the other children in the village for being a loner. His mother died when he was born and his father was killed in a war in a faraway land. "I can never do anything right. My life is nothing of value," Abel quietly said to himself as he toiled his uncle's land.

Unlike the other kids who go to school, Abel had to work his uncle's land in order to keep living at his home. His uncle, Berke, is a farmer and has worked and toiled under the sun farming for all his life. Berke taught Abel from an early age to always respect the land. "What you take you always give back," is a phrase that he used to say to Abel when he was a small child. "Give back? When do I start getting anything?" Abel put down the hoe and took a short break sitting on a stump. "Abel! Hey, Abel!" Uncle Berke was just in time to give him another chore, no doubt. "Abel, we're running short on firewood. I need you to go into the forest and cut some timber. Only 3 trees should suffice." Uncle Berke gestured to three saplings alongside a fence. "When you return, I have some saplings for you to plant in the forest. Make sure to de-stump before you plant them." Abel wiped off the sweat from his brow. "Ok, Uncle Berke." Uncle Berke smiled. "Don't forget to take my lucky hatchet with you. It's made from a specific metal and it's pretty special to me."

Abel grabbed Berke's lucky hatchet and a saw in the barn and went off to the forest to cut three trees. The forest was dark, so dark that it almost seemed like nighttime. All Abel had to do was cut three small trees and then he'll be home for dinner. Aunt Marlis makes the best onion pies! Just as Abel was about to use his saw on the first tree, a loud noise came from behind the tree to his left. "Stop! Stop where you are, hairless monster!" Abel put down the saw and raised his hatchet. What Abel saw with his eyes was something amazing. A green-skinned person with dark green hair and pointed ears was wielding a glowing bow and aiming an arrow directly at his head! Was this a fairy? The fairy was wearing clothes made of leaves and was around his height. "Get out of this forest! Enough of you humans cut down our home!" Abel lowered his hatchet and put it back in under his belt. "No, wait! I swear I'm going to plant more trees! There are some back at my uncle's farm. I'm harmless, really!" The fairy lowered its weapon and stared at Abel with its intense green eyes. "Hmm…I sense no deceit in your voice. Very well. What is your name, human." Abel felt very nervous. This was a real fairy?! "Abel." The fairy nodded. "Good to meet you, Abel. I'm Falan. There's an evil human in this forest killing my kind. I've been sent to exterminate that human. You seem harmless but still very suspicious. I don't know…"

Abel still couldn't believe what was happening. "You're a fairy? I thought you would be smaller and with wings. I thought you all didn't exist!" Falan frowned. "What an imagination! Well, I thought humans were all monsters…I guess we're even." Now that Abel could concentrate less on Falan's bow, Abel could see that Falan was very muscular compared to the stories about fairies told to children. Abel thought all fairies were female because they were attuned with mother nature and stuff like that. "You're a boy?" Falan put his arrow back into the quiver on his back. "Yeah…I'm a boy…so many weird questions…" Before Abel could say another word, an ear-piercing howl broke the silence. Out from the shadows was a giant gray wolf with menacing red eyes. "MEAT…TASTY FAIRY MEAT…" Did that wolf just talk? It's a werewolf! Another magical creature that Abel thought didn't exist! Abel picked up his hatchet and put himself between the werewolf and Falan. "HUMAN MEAT..." Just when the werewolf was about to claw at Abel, an arrow whizzed past and landed straight through the werewolf's paw. The werewolf winced at the pain in its paw. Abel seized his chance and delivered a final blow to the werewolf. All of that hard work on the farm made him strong, strong enough to defeat this blood-thirsty foe! The werewolf collapsed on the ground and was no longer moving. He did it! No, they did it! "So…that wolf human was the one who was killing my kind?" Falan kicked the dead werewolf for good measure. "Sorry, I misjudged you…Abel, was it? There are stories in my village that say to never venture out of the forest, otherwise you will never be seen again. None of my kind have ever ventured out, but I always thought you humans were all vicious monsters like this one. Well…until today."

Abel stared at the dead werewolf. For the first time, he felt like he did something right. Abel wondered if the missing villagers were also killed by this werewolf. He protected the fairy's home, the forest, and he also protected his village. Abel also had a home, but he took it for granted all this time. He thought about Uncle Berke and Aunt Marlis and their kindness for taking him in. "Falan, I need to take some wood from your forest, but I promise to come back. I will replace 3 old trees with 3 new saplings. Your forest will be protected and renewed. We'll protect it and take care of it together." Falan nodded. "Thanks, Abel. You know…that sounds a lot like what my mother tells me: always replant what you cut down. When she was young, she claimed to have met a kind human boy. I guess I believe her now." The two shook hands and went on their ways. Abel cut 3 dying trees down and replaced them with the 3 saplings. When Abel returned to the barn to put back the hatchet, Uncle Berke was standing there waiting for him. "Oh, look at you, Abel. You were gone all day. Silver is a pretty lucky metal around these parts. I'm glad my hatchet was useful." Abel smiled. "Thanks, Uncle Berke. You'll never believe what happened. I met someone in the forest and there was a wolf and we both fought it…" Uncle Berke nodded. "Oh, I believe you. What you take you always give back. That also applies to relationships, Abel. I'm so happy you finally met a new friend."

Falan and Abel continued to be great friends. His friendship with Falan helped Abel to strengthen his other relationships that he neglected for so long, including Uncle Berke and Aunt Marlis. The other kids in the village stopped bullying him when Abel decided to stand up for himself. He eventually married and had a child of his own. Abel also decided to be a farmer like his Uncle Berke and told his child to never go into the enchanted forest that was by their farm. However, Abel made a slight change to this story. Werewolves are a lot scarier than fairies after all!
This might be a little technical, but does the hero have to accomplish what they set out to do in the first place? Or would it be acceptable to have them at least progress until the end of the journey to find that they weren't able to achieve exactly what they wanted?

I guess you could say it's some sort of "bad ending" but not really. Like, some plot twist happens and they fail and go home, not necessarily empty-handed, but they didn't really accomplish what they initially hoped. (Idk if I made sense, sorry).

The "elixer" that they go home with can be something more philosophical, yes. Even if their adventure doesn't go the way they expected, the protagonist may learn a lesson that changes them, that could be their elixer.
The "elixer" that they go home with can be something more philosophical, yes. Even if their adventure doesn't go the way they expected, the protagonist may learn a lesson that changes them, that could be their elixer.
That's the answer I was hoping for, thank you! 💖
I am attempting my story at the moment and I have noticed that I may have switched some of the steps in the beginning around, such as a character meeting the mentor before the call to adventure and refusal. If you looked at it, it may seem the mentor is the call for adventure?

So I guess my question is that are is it ok if we go out of order slightly? Not in a way that it rearranges everything around, just perhaps one step happens before it should be, according to the steps?
For our characters, if they aren't Animal Crossing Characters do they have to be OCs or can we use existing characters from other franchises in a Alternate Universe?
Well, here is my entry, The Magic, that I hoped follow all directions. It is 3,135 words long, beyond the 1,000 words limit. I do not know how I could tell this story in 1,000 words or less. I think this story could have been longer, but once I realized that, I switched directions in the story to keep it shorter than it would be.

Anyhow, here's The Magic, a story about a girl who's different in her village and her actions and her belief made her the only one that could save everything everyone has known.
Once upon a time, in a fantastical land of Lorentia, magic was widely celebrated and common. Not every village had magic. Some villages lived the everyday life within normal means. Most villages had a few Gifteds lived within that helped their villages thrive. However, in one small village, everyone who lived there was a Gifted. Not one person was able to figure out why, but all everyone knew was that if you were born and raised there, you were a Gifted. Most considered the village Luthyia a sacred place, probably blessed by some mystical force many, many years ago.

While the sight of a Non-Gifted isn’t rare, they do visit from time to time for numerous reasons, mostly for trades or seeking help. However, a Non-Gifted living in Luthyia? Incredibly rare indeed. So rare, Callista Finn is widely known for this. Coming from a widely known family, Callista was born with no Gift. The village has speculated that Callista was cursed. Most would avoid Callista as if she had an illness, but due to coming from a privileged family, most pretended to be friendly with her. The extent of her “curse” was unknown, so most villagers took precautions whenever they could. Callista knew that there was nothing wrong with her. She did not believe that she was cursed. She was just a normal person among a bunch of Gifteds in her village. She was just different.

On one fateful day, Callista was out running errands, collecting ingredients for her family’s potions. A few of the ingredients had to be foraged from the Fossa Forest. While on her trek through the forest, Callista had to veer off her normal route as several trees had fallen over and created a blockade. This path wasn’t commonly used as no clear path was visible, so Callista had to be careful with her stepping. Callista heard crack in the distance and turned to check what it was, but saw nothing. Once she deemed it was safe to continue, she took a step forward, but stumbled on a rock and lost her balance. As she tried to gain her balance, she stumbled on another rock and fell over. Seemingly, from out of nowhere, a figure has appeared behind her and caught her. Once on her own two feet again, Callista turned to the figure to thank them and was taken by surprise when she noticed the figure was completely covered in a robe.

“Callista Finn?” The robed figure asked. Callista stood still and quiet. A figure she never saw before knowing her name? She took a step back in defense. The robe figured took out their hand towards her.

“Must be.” The robed figure said confidently. “I mean no fear, but I have been searching for you. Please allow me to explain. My name is Elodie Riviere.” Callista stayed quiet, but observed as the robe figured lower her hood to reveal a woman underneath. There seemed to be nothing special about her, but there was some feeling of familiarity about her, but Callista did not know what. “We are in need of your help. Danger is on the horizon.”

“I do not know you. Why would I help you?” Callista quickly answered back. “What danger?” Callista looked around in the forest for a quick escape if needed. She was still unsure, but danger was not felt at the moment. “There is no danger.” Elodie held her hands together and focused on Callista, preparing to say her next words carefully and easily enough to be understood.

“Our magic that we use here, comes from another realm. The realm of Niameda. It was never meant for your world to get magic, but somehow it did.” Elodie explained. “At first, it was only a little, and a few people, as you called them the Gifteds, received abilities. We have tried to fix the situation, but our Goddess have allowed it under strict supervision. It has been that way for many centuries, but within the last hundred hears, the amount of magic coming through has been greater. It has becoming too much lately.”

Callista has shifted from her defensive stance to a more calm one while processing this new information. There’s another realm? This is why magic exists? Callista had more questions than ever before, and she needed them answer.

“What does that have to do with me? If magic is involved, I hate to apologize, but I am not one you are looking for. This is all I am.” Callista gestured to herself, trying to prove her non-magical abilities. Elodie stepped forward and gently grabbed her hands.

“This has everything to do with you.” Elodie smiled. “Don’t you want to know why Luthyia has more Gifteds than any other place? It is the “birthplace” of magic in your world. It was where the magic is flowing through first. The Goddess has deemed it the rightful place. Magic needs somewhere to go, it is attracted to new beings. Which is why everyone born there, becomes a gifted.” Callista tilted her head in confusion. That does not make sense. It does explain a lot about her home village, but nothing about her. Callista knew she had to ask about herself, but Elodie beat her to it. “It has come to the point that the amount of magic flowing through has become rather giant lately, to the point it gets stuck in a way. When that happens, magic is prevented from flowing through. That has only happened once, in the last twenty years, when you were born.”

There it is, the answer to her life’s biggest question. Everything has fallen into place. Callista’s eyes widened in realization. It seemed like fate, not a curse after all. From the moment she was born, her destiny has been written out. “What is that you need from me then?”

“You need to come to Niamede. The flow of magic is becoming stuck again. Unlike last time, we were not able to fix it right away. Your world is in danger of being overcharged by magic, that if it all comes out at once, it could be catastrophic for everyone and everything. We’re talking about the end of magic, and possibly the end of all things.” Elodie said without a beat, almost like it was rehearsed.

“Absolutely not.” Callista turned. “This is not me, I don’t deal with magic! Yes, I see how I am involved in this, but it has nothing to do with me fixing it. I am not involved in that way.” Callista ran off, making sure not to trip again. This was dangerous, and she could not wrap her mind around it. It was all too much to take in at once.

Elodie frowned. She knew Niamede really needed her, even the Goddess said so. The Goddess doesn’t interfere most of the time, but when the Goddess mentions something, it is to be taken seriously. Callista was involved, Elodie knew that much. She sighed and ran after Callista. It took a few moments, but Elodie managed to catch up and grab onto Callista. “Sorry, Callista, but time is of the essence here.” Before Callista could react, Elodie threw her hands out, made a motion and a portal appeared. Callista attempted to run in the other direction, but it was of no help. Elodie just motioned the portal to move other them and brought them into another realm, the realm of Niamede.

Once in Niamede, Elodie clapped her hands together in victory. “All right, the adventure starts!” Callista looked around, everything looked more enchanting. She was in awe. So in awe, she forgot she was in another realm, until it all came back to her.

“HOW. COULD. YOU?” Callista angrily yelled. “I WANTED NO PART OF THIS.” Elodie turned to Callista and explained more of the situation and how it was actually the Goddess that got her involved. She wished she could explain more, but more would be revealed soon. Elodie said she was sorry it had to come to this and since they were already in the realm, there was no turning back.

Once Callista calmed down and have come to terms with everything, she realized she just had to go along with it. Elodie was not bringing her back and without magic, she couldn’t do it herself. Callista sighed and followed Elodie along the path to wherever she was being taken. “I guess I’m going on an adventure,” Callista mocked.

Moments later, Elodie and Callista had arrived at a palace, to which the Goddess inhabits. After walking in, Callista was greeted by the Goddess. She was in even more awe, as the Goddess was full of magic, beautiful magic. Elodie bowed and Callista followed, assuming this was how greetings were done in this realm. The Goddess shared a small laughter. “Do not speak, for the Goddess will explain all.” Elodie mentioned.

Callista spent moments looking at the Goddess, but nothing was being spoken. Once Callista was going to ask, a voice appeared in her head. She jumped, but sensed no danger for the Goddess was looking directly at her. The voice explained that she was the Goddess and she only speaks through thoughts. The Goddess has mentioned the same information Elodie provided earlier in the day, but provided new information. Since Callista was born at the unfortunate timing of the Unflowing of the Magic, as this realm called the time of Callista’s birth, she was able to help in a way that would let magic flow again, but without the sudden rush and overcharge, sort of like a magical filter. Once the conversation was done, the Goddess nodded and vanished in a quick flash of light. Before leaving, the Goddess gifted Callista the knowledge of where to go and what she had to do, but also noted that she had training to come, though suspected Callista already knew how. Callista did not know what the Goddess meant by that apparently. “Refer to your Childhood, little one.” was all the Goddess said before vanishing.

“Where to?” Elodie asked.

“The Source” Callista responded.

The path was a long one, and it took several days and nights, but it gave Callista many opportunities to prepare for this moment. There doesn’t seem to be any enemies she would have to face off, but rather the magic itself. Callista still had to figure out how she was going to do it. Elodie offered some history lessons as what was done last time to give a few ideas. Callista liked learning it all, but something told her it was not the right process. There were several times where Callista just wanted to run in the other direction. All this was new to her. She had faced trials before in her life, but nothing like this. She had to figure this all out. She was afraid, but at the same time, she kind of believed in herself. She knew she was just a normal person, but at the same time, she knew everyone had their purpose, maybe this was her’s.

After a couple of treks through woods and villages, Callista got to know the realm more and more. It felt nice, it felt like home, it also felt different. Why was it so peaceful here, and home was more, hectic? Yes, it was home and there was nice moments, but this realm, every moment seemed nice. Must be because of the magic and the Goddess, Callista believed. In this realm, things were just different. Callista wished she could speak the Goddess once more for more information. Little did she know, that was exactly going to happen that night, in her dreams.

“Wake up, little one…” a cheery voice seemed to wake Callista. It felt like she was in haze, but a warm glowing light appeared in front of her. “It is almost time, you will need to hurry.”

“But I still don’t know what I need to do.” Callista mentioned. “Elodie and I visited all these places to gather information and tried some training techniques we thought I could do, but nothing seems to be working.”

“You have always known yourself and who you are.” The Goddess whispered. “You are your own weapon. Use it. Believe in yourself.” The Goddess smiled and gave a knowingly look before vanishing. Callista thought about the Goddess’s words and woke up with a sudden realization. The Goddess has been giving her the answers all along, Callista just never listened to it well enough. Once the morning arrived, Callista explained that it is almost time, and they would have to arrive at the Source by nightfall.

“Impossible” Elodie told Callista. “The Goddess doesn’t help or interfere. Everything is always left to us.” Callista could see Elodie realizing a lot of things, like things hasn’t always been as they seemed. Perhaps Callista was an exception. Perhaps, this event was the exception. Either way, Callista was grateful for the help and felt more confident than ever knowing all this information know. Callista was ready to fight. Or was it a fight? Can you fight magic itself? More thoughts for Callista to think over.

As nightfall came near, Elodie and Callista finally arrived at the source of all magic. Elodie stopped and looked at Callista. “This is as far as I will go, it is all up to you now. I know this “adventure” wasn’t what you wanted, but I can tell that you have grown from it, even if it is small. Now, save your world, no pressure.” Elodie smiled and gave a small hug. Callista turned and kept walking. It would take a few moments before Callista would arrive before a cliff overlooking a giant ball of rainbow light. She could tell it was bigger than normal. Magic was flowing in all sorts of directions, but she knew what she had to do. The cliff was high up as Callista looked down. Magic was everywhere and she hoped that if she could do her job, magic could do its part as well. She took a few steps back and ran forward, jumping over the cliff and into the magic.

Callista panicked after the jump and lost control of her fall. Her fall seemed to go on forever and ever with no stop. She thought back to the time where she didn’t even want to help and how she ran off. She thought about how everyone viewed her one way, but how she would filter all those thoughts out of her head and would replace it with her own thoughts, how she believed in herself to be no more different than any other regular human. Once she collected herself, she realized her descent has slowed down, almost as if she was floating. She righted herself and closed her eyes, focusing on the magic and its flow. She allowed herself what she wasn’t allowed at her birth. The magic flowed through her instead of the many different directions it went. She allowed herself to filter the magic, like she did all those bad thoughts and comments that other made about her. As the magic flowed through, the bigger amounts become small and continuously flowed around Callista in a circular formation.

Once Callista was done, the giant ball of rainbow light was smaller, yet still powerful. Callista appeared over the cliff again and observed the magic in front of her. Instead of many directions, the flow of magic was now in one direction flowing into the top of the sky and beyond in a winding, curved motion. It looked beautiful again. This was the source, and somewhere directly into her world, was her home village, where the magic flows to first. She wasn’t sure why the Goddess allows it if it was never meant to be, but Callista made sure to send out a thanks into the realm for the Goddess. Elodie appeared behind her and smiled. It certainly looks like magic is all normal again, with no sign of it overflowing again. Then Elodie looked at Callista’s hands.

“Your hands, Callista.” Elodie motioned. “Look.” Callista looked down. Her hands were covered with rainbow light sparkles. Then in an instant, the sparkles landed on her skin and seemed to have been absorbed. “Callista, I think you got magic now. I don’t think this has ever happened before.”

“Well, the Goddess did say I was Gifted, just never got the magic because of the Unflowing.” Callista laughed. “I guess letting the magic flow through me at the source also allowed the magic within flow as well. Amazing.” Elodie stepped forward and showed her a few small magic tricks, in which Callista was able to pull off. Callista asked Elodie to make a portal back to the Goddess’ palace as she did not want to travel all the way back. Elodie laughed and told Callista to try instead. She failed. Elodie laughed again and conjured up again and walked through this time.

At the palace, the Goddess was already there waiting for them and smiled. Callista and Elodie both bowed and stepped forward. The Goddess thanked them for a successful adventure and thanked Callista for allowing the magic to flow again. When the Goddess conjured up a Realm Portal back to Callista’s home village, Callista asked about the magic that she now possesses. The Goddess asked what she meant and that she had no knowledge of what Callista was asking of her. As Callista took one last look at the Goddess, she could have swore the Goddess gave one quick wink at her and then vanished into the light. Callista laughed, said her goodbyes to Elodie and walked through the portal. She was home again. However, she was now with a new challenge. She had to learn magic, just like everyone else.

When she arrived home, she expected everyone to ask where she has been for so long. However, she was met with her mother asking for her ingredients. In her surprise, she has forgotten about initial reason why she took off. She put her hands behind her back, did a quick motion, and gave her mother the basket full of ingredients that appeared out of thin air. She thanked the Goddess for that successful trick because she didn’t think she could pull it off. Imagine telling her family that she was pulled into another realm, had to go on adventure, saved all of magic, and then returning home with said magic without anyone none the wiser? And that it took weeks rather than the mere hours everyone else experienced in this world? Callista had a lot more to do now than before she left. How is she going to explain to everyone that the only Non-Gifted in a village full of Gifteds is now a Gifted? One adventure after the other she guessed.

Quick Edit: Had to fix the Spoiler BBCode
I am attempting my story at the moment and I have noticed that I may have switched some of the steps in the beginning around, such as a character meeting the mentor before the call to adventure and refusal. If you looked at it, it may seem the mentor is the call for adventure?

So I guess my question is that are is it ok if we go out of order slightly? Not in a way that it rearranges everything around, just perhaps one step happens before it should be, according to the steps?
Noticed that you already posted your story, but for anyone reading that has a similar idea. Yea, you can establish the mentor as a character earlier in the story, so long as it doesn't, as you said, rearranges everything around.

For our characters, if they aren't Animal Crossing Characters do they have to be OCs or can we use existing characters from other franchises in a Alternate Universe?
Besides AC, fanfiction of other properties won't be allowed. The characters must be your own OCs.
would it be possible to dm you a very basic outline of what i plan to write, just to make sure it would be accepted? i just don't want to end up spending multiple hours writing 1k+ only for it to be denied 😭
Just asking, but are we allowed to illustrate something that pertains to the story, like a drawing? Not a whole landscape, but just a small picture (that you drew) to go with it? Or are drawings not allowed here, as this is mainly to do with writing?
If I made up original characters and an original world, but it was inspired by D&D and uses the same general magic and mythology, would that be acceptable, or does it need to be more original than that?
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