Is my art ready to be sold??


Cat Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2014
White Cosmos
Winter Mittens
Pumpkin Cupcake
Thank you so much for checking out this thread.

I've done little commissions before, but I've never sold anything on etsy/redbubble. I'm debating doing so, but idk if I have enough art experience to attract any buyers.
Would you mind telling me if you think this is purchase worthy? Please be honest!! Criticism is GREATLY appreciated!!


This is the only example I have, but that's a finished product.

I know I have a long ways to go, and it's very basic.. but maybe someone out there would be interested!! >:3

Again, thanks!! < 3
Honestly, I think you can! Your style is really cute and appealing, and I really like your colours.
The only thing I'd recommend is to spend a lot of time and really clean up your lineart. Clean lines are especially important for merch, and I think you'd benefit greatly from smoothing things over, or even adding a slightly thicker outline.
Hope this helped a bit! ^^
I personally wouldn't yet
There may be some nice people out there who will buy your stuff but I feel like most will all go for the super professional artists' stuff that would be around or a little above the same price
So if u do decide to sell and don't get buyers don't be upset or anything there's just a lot of competition
There would definitely be people who would want to buy this! I'd say work on feet, fingers, and detail. The shading is perfect!
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It wouldn't hurt to try. I agree with xCherryskyx on how cleaning up can go a long way though.

Also, not sure if this was intentional or not, but you left out the eyebrows. It could make your drawings more expressive. Looks good either way though.
I think its a lovely style, but like badgrl2 said, There are a lot of artist who undersell them selves who can offer a higher quality art for real cheap, so you may have a more difficult time selling at the normal price I see art at like 10-15$ usually. But you are definitely at a great start, I would clean up your lineart a little bit, add connecting lines/ and thickness variation, do you use a drawing tablet? or uh, you using a program other than say paint tool sai?
All of you, thank you so much!! I do not plan doing any commissions, but I put that on redbubble. I will follow all of your advice! I'm using a tablet and sai, but I'm clueless when it comes to working it. I stay away from all the settings and just use the pencil tool to line ovo

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It wouldn't hurt to try. I agree with xCherryskyx on how cleaning up can go a long way though.

Also, not sure if this was intentional or not, but you left out the eyebrows. It could make your drawings more expressive. Looks good either way though.

I'll be honest I totally forgot the eyebrows ^^; I fixed it on my redbubble gallery.. Thank you so much for pointing that out!!