[Poll Closed, Flag Chosen] Looking for a new flag for my island. I need your feedback

Which flag is better for Westward?

  • Flag #1

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Flag #2

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Flag #3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flag #4

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Flag #5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flag #6

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Apr 28, 2022
Blue Hybrid Violet
Rotating Fool's Egg
Chocolate Cake
Oarfish Head
Oarfish Tail
Apple (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
I know it's probably a better idea to post this in Able Sisters, but it's pretty deserted there and I need plenty of feedback so I decided to go here. If you think it should be moved too, feel free to report this post.

Anyway, I've had this flag which looks like this for a while now.

Unfortunately it doesn't really express the ethos of Westward for me, so I've been in search of a new flag to replace it. For those who haven't seen my island yet, I'd describe Westward as a village with plenty of nature and plenty of mysteries, but not in an "in-your-face" kind of way. You can see the island's Dream Address in my profile to get a better understanding. These are some options I have for the new flag...
This one has a cute frog in it. Westward's flag used to have a frog on it and I designed it to be reminiscent of PaRappa's beanie. I'm not as into PaRappa as I was then (but he still holds a special place in my heart), so even though the original flag won't be coming back anytime soon, I wouldn't mind having a frog on my flag again.
(specifically the Sunset Forest one)
Westward has a forest of cedar trees to the east, so a flag like this would be fitting. The sunset helps to evoke the mysterious feel in its own way.
(specifically the Flag-Night one)
Like Flag #2, except it's night time. I like the little details, especially the house on the bottom. It also evokes the mysterious feel too.

The bird here reminds me a lot of the budgie/parakeet in the DSi and 3DS Sound programs. I miss that bird a lot! Also, it reminds me of Twiggy, one of my villagers, and it's pointing westward.

I made this flag with the Custom Design Editor, referencing concept art for some island flags that I searched up. It's like a minimalist version of flags #2 and #3.

This is another flag I made, also referencing concept art I searched up. It uses green and purple, my favorite colors, and there is a crescent symbol on the center.
What do you think? Which option seems better? Polls close on Sunday, so make your choice.
Credit goes to the original sources of the custom designs I did not make.
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Hmmmmm, this was a tough choice to be honest!
I think having designed your own island flag is always a bit more sentimental! I like the atmosphere of number two a lot! I think it fits the "mystery" vibe you want.
But I think my vote will have to go to either flag 1 or flag 5! The frog is very cute and the color scheme is nice.
I really like the bird flag, but it doesn't match the mystery theme you wanted. Flag 2 seems to be the best match for that. Flag 5 is a bit too vague. To me, the bumps look like abstract buildings instead of hills.
Opt 2, sunset forest’s really lovely, and seems like it would fit your island’s theme well. :)
While the birb is adorable, and I do love the landscape trees (particularly "sunset forest"), I think "Flag 6" that you designed is my favourite! It definitely looks the most flag-like, I like the colours, and I like that you designed it yourself to represent your island! 😊 I think it's a nice looking flag!
The poll has finished! 1st place is Flag #4, 2nd place is Flag #2, and 3rd place is a tie between Flags #1 and #6. So now I have to decide between these four... I will update you when I make the final decision. BTW, just because #4 is in 1st place doesn't mean I'm guaranteed to pick it. Thank you to those who participated in the poll!
Update: I'm doing Flag 6! I like it more because I designed it, and I like how the colors are used. I'll be changing the current flag in a bit...
Update 2: I’ve been delayed because of life, but here it is! I changed the flag today at around 9 in the evening so I used a photo filter to make the colors of the flag a bit more clear.