What is the sign that you've stayed up too late?

either when my phone reads 2am or when my dad gets up for work (which is usually 3am)… or when it starts getting bright outside, which is the worst one
this is a fun question. i think it's changed a lot throughout the years. when i was younger a tale tell sign was when i started to see light thru my closed shutters. i would stay up well into the morning on summers between school it was not well LOL.

nowadays its my eyes getting really tired and dry feeling. i feel like i reach a limit and my eyes just start to glaze over everything and i can't really focus. also i bump into walls/furniture lol
When one of my cats, Jewels starts knocking stuff off my shelf. She does it too during the day but more so around 3-4 AM or later. 😅

Or if I’m playing genshin, I get a little penguin event decorative item confused with Tubby (npc inside teapot) since I have the penguin close to where Tubby is 😅.
i usually only stay up super late when i'm on vacation unfortunately. i think i'm naturally a night owl and will slowly start sleeping later and later when i don't have to wake up to an alarm. i usually know i've stayed up too late when my eyes start to feel sore and bleary. and oddly enough, i know i've stayed up too late when i've pushed through being tired overall and suddenly get this burst of energy that has me staying up even longer and then i eventually crash.

oh! and a newer sign i've learned is if one of my cats wakes up (it's usually luna), comes to my door, meowing and asking to be fed 😂 they have a pretty good sense of when their meal times are, so i know it's late if they start asking where breakfast is
Typically I feed my cat before I go to bed so if she comes out to meow at me for food that's a sign for sure (she won't really bother me until it's past midnight). If I happen to stay up late enough that it starts getting light out that's when I REALLY am like "oh god what have I done to myself" 🙈
when I see the sunrise

or, if playing games, when I do incredibly idiotic easily preventable things

or, if chatting online, when my posts become a barely legible, if even that, slurry mess of typos
Sometimes I start to feel a little nauseous when I've stayed up too late, so that's usually my cue to pack it in and get some sleep (especially since I don't usually feel like doing much more when I hit that point).

The other sign is when I see one of the neighbor's car lights as they arrive home, typically between 1-3am. ...Which just happened. 😅 Goodnight!
Well I pull all nighters way too frequently. My sleep habits are not good. I'm very sleep deprived. Part of it is anxiety and part of it is bipolar and part of it is my work being retail and having a weird schedule. Generally after the early morning of not sleeping I start feeling really badly and regret staying up. But then I usually have work so I have to stay up till I do that. So it's a bad cycle. I'm working on making sleep a priority though. One of the signs is that the birds start chirping.
A physical sign is that my brain starts getting a little loopy when I'm struggling to stay awake. I lose my filter and just say whatever comes to mind.

An outside sign is noticing when it starts getting light in my room (on a day off). I like sleeping in total darkness, so I will rush to try and get ready for bed. On my work days, I don't really get sleepy even when I want to, so I just put myself to bed and hope for the best.
When my mood kinda hits that low and I start overthinking everything, or when I look out the window and there's light outside.
I’m usually quite good with going to sleep at a good time as I work early shifts but it all goes downhill on days off - either I get distracted watching random clips or going down internet rabbit holes and before I know it I hear someone else getting up for work or the sun starts coming back up and I realise it’s time to go to bed. If I’m staying up with someone else I usually know it’s got too late when they’re talking to me and I have no idea what they’re saying.
When I hear birdsong in the middle of the night I know I ****ed up. Usually by then it’s also not the “middle of the night” anymore, but in fact, dawn 😅 I don’t get tired at night, I usually get carried away doing stuff but as soon as I hear birds, I drop everything, look at the clock (“yep, it’s 5am”) and force myself to bed in a panic 🫠
definitely mine is seeing the sun beginning to rise through my windows or when the streetlights turn off. i tend to be a nightowl so i'm always somehow up later than i should be even when i have work in the morning 😪 another sign is falling asleep as i'm holding my phone while reading reddit or scrolling tiktok.
So, I am kinda a night owl. Which makes things difficult when I have to be up for work in the weekdays. But usually it's when I see the time be like after 1am?
When my eyes feel like they hurt or when I feel like i could nodd of any second, which is dangerous when I have my laptop in bed.
Or sometimes my mum may wake up in the night due to situations, and I quickly just decide to sleep right there and then instead of being found out.

Edit: Anyone gets that thing where you nodd off, and you feel like you're falling? I'll add that, despite not having it in such a long time.