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What Is Your Family Like?

Well, my branch of my family (husband, son and I) are supportive, loyal, and playful with each other :) we do have our moments of seriousness but through it all we stand by each other no matter what. The values we want to teach our children are integrity, compassion (my husband is super compassionate and son is becoming that), and honesty. Even if the truth hurts I want to know the truth and I’ll tell them the truth. :)

The “main” branch of my family (my mother, father and siblings) are more tough hearted. One of my sisters is super blunt which can be problematic with my other siblings and I. My parents showed me “tough love” to “toughen” me up in life, though are now being more loving towards my other siblings (Ill admit im a bit jealous, but’s it’s made me the woman I am today). My mother is goofy now that I’m an “adult” with children so she treats me more like a friend than a daughter. But over all we are mostly loving. :)
In a short, general summary, I'd say my dad's side is very relaxed and with the times, but they have questionable morals.
My mom's side is more old-fashioned, serious, logical, etc.
my family is not the best family. they always fight and yell and i only really like my dad, but he's pretty psycho too. they're my motivation to go to do something with my life tho, so i guess that's pretty decent.
idk they're crazy and not very supportive, but that's why i have friends so
beautiful precious amazing lil humans. so blessed and thankful for them every single day
my family is pretty chill but i'm not close to them. i think my siblings (at least one of my brothers and my sister) are closer to my parents than i am but idk. there's not a lot of drama or anything lol but my dad is a bit conservative and my mom worries a lot and neither are great at talking about difficult issues even tho my mom tries, wwhich my dad doesn't.

extended family is uhhh Alright but my aunt's husband is stupid as hell and always starts talking about politics and saying racist, homophobic, misinformed and "everything was better in the old days" things which gets really annoying and awkward, especially because he says it in a way that implies that everyone agrees with him and he's just stating facts....
my immediate family is chill. my brothers are both 10+ years older than me so i'm not as tight-knit with them as i could be, and the oldest is a bit distant anyways. i love my parents and i'm very grateful for them.

i don't know much about my dad's side. i never met his sister before she died, and only met his brother at her funeral. meanwhile my mom's side i see very often. they're all good people and i'm glad to have them.
My dad and his family are all amazing, kind and accepting people. They're a strange mix of being very conservative and religious but also very politically liberal which is interesting. Unfortunately my mother and her family have all passed away, and my stepmom's family is awful. A bunch of drunken bigots who really ruin the holidays.
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on my dad's side, they're very loud and petty. fortunately, that's the side of the family that i'm stuck with since all of my mom's relatives are in the philippines. there's always so much drama going on, i swear we could have a reality tv show and it'll be better than the kardashians. and its usually one of the lolas, or grandmas, that start it with their love of gossip and fights. all the parents usually team up to fight against one of them or this really obnoxious aunt, or sometimes it's just a massive understanding. and the best thing about them is that because they're all extremely religious, they're all really conservative and close-minded concerning certain things, like race and politics. this usually causes problems with me the one (1) liberal in the family.
and on my mom's side, well, i don't really like any of them either. they're all so self-pitying while being solely dependent on my mom for a source of money and never doing anything for themselves. i can't really stand for such behavior, even over face time.
My family is completely problematic. It is a community of extremely false people and everything should happen exactly the way they want and if nothing happens the way they want, take care of your sanity because they will want to end it.
They are terrible people.
My mother's side is good. They are incredibly nice, but my maternal grandparents can be a bit strict and annoying -- but I love them.
My father's side ... don't get me started. Absolutely disgusting, pathetic excuses for human beings. I don't mind my dad's sister, Linda; she's a lovely woman, but I haven't seen her in years. As much as I hate my dad for the things he's done and doing, I miss him. It's a double-edged sword.
Short and concise: A garbage fire. Some people just shouldn‘t have kids - and looking at my family, I’m well aware that that very much includes me.
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Well, my mothers side are pretty funny people to have around. They’re good company, and also loving people who really have a place on their heart for you. C:
My fathers side are people I wish to not really interact with... I mean, some of them talk to me and I think like me... but with others, they act like they love me. There’s been a lot of family secrets and rumours going around in my Dad’s side, and it makes me wish that I could go up to them and yell at them so much.
Dysfunctional because my mom is basically a sociopath (she has naricisstic personality disorder, and the two are a lot more similar than they seem).
I don't really associate myself with either of my parents, my younger brother is... not a bad person or anything, but isn't trying at all to figure out what he wants to do in life even though he's miserable working the variety of crap jobs he's had, and in some ways he's turning out to be a lot like my mom which is not a good thing at all. So I worry about him and his future a lot.

My nana is a genuinely cool person and I love her to death. She's a super successful programmer, has a great personality, is hilarious, wise and cares a lot about the people that care for her. We get along really well and I just spent christmas with her.

My two uncles are also hilarious and generally awesome. They talk endless **** to each other any time they're around each other (in a funny way not like they hate each other). One is tattooed from his neck down to his ankles and makes vape pens/ juice for a living, the other has very few tattoos, and recently got married and became a dad. Their dad (my grandpa) is an old hippy with hair down to the middle of his back.
Crap to be honest. Some of my cousins are okay but the rest I can live without man.