did you come up with lore for your villagers?


pompom's #1 protector
Nov 7, 2021
Spring Sakura
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Perfect Peach
Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom
Shooting Star Plush
My Melody Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Peach (Fruit)
on my island, Asteria, my current lineup is: Sparro, Apple, Maple, Zucker (takochan), Jitters (ji), Ruby, Marina, Raymond, Marshal, and Static. i'm happy with this lineup, and they're basically all my dreamies (minus static, he was an autofill after i maxed out on my reactions)

this is my island since launch date and Sparro was one of my two starters ( ˘ ³˘(◡‿◡˶) !! he now holds a special place in my heart. i got Jitters from a friend after he moved out and now he's best friends and workout buddies with my Sparro. they are my jock birds ♡

next i have the married couple Zucker and Marina who runs a beachside restaurant near the docks, Zucker catches everything fresh in the early hours, but they both run the restaurant together.

i then have my smugs, Raymond and Marshal, who love to gossip with one another near the museum for The Roost. they love talking to my peppy girlies for the latest and newest trends.

i have my little squad of Apple, Maple, and Ruby who love having picnics, creating choreographies, and holding concerts together.

and lastly static, he's not a dreamie so i'll move him out eventually. i currently have him alone on the beach and he's just chilling, he's friendly with everyone else but mostly keeps to himself.

do you come up with lore for your villagers? or, how did you come up with your lineup of villagers?
I didn't come up with lore for any villagers, but I did use alt villagers to create thematic areas from different stories that I have wrote. So one area is a run down post-apocalyptic arcade, a farm struggling to give life to their land on a dying planet, a haunted library ect.
The only lore I came up with was with my favorite villager Molly. She has been with me for the longest time. Ever since I found her back in June 2020 she has been with me all the time. When I finally got her card I just said "now I can invite you no matter if you move away or I restart you will still be with me no matter wthat" she may not remember who I am but deep down in my heart I still remember who she is.
I didn't come up with lore for any villagers, but I did use alt villagers to create thematic areas from different stories that I have wrote. So one area is a run down post-apocalyptic arcade, a farm struggling to give life to their land on a dying planet, a haunted library ect.
oh that’s so cool!! what a cool theme ☺️
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The only lore I came up with was with my favorite villager Molly. She has been with me for the longest time. Ever since I found her back in June 2020 she has been with me all the time. When I finally got her card I just said "now I can invite you no matter if you move away or I restart you will still be with me no matter wthat" she may not remember who I am but deep down in my heart I still remember who she is.
oh!!! molly is so cute, i would have loved to have her on my island if she came naturally to me but fate wouldn’t allow it 😞
when i see old villagers at the hhp, i know they don’t remember me but i like to pretend they do ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
I did write the backstory and lore for my villagers in my island journal during the "New Year, New Horizons" Island journal contest.

Raymond and Knox are the most "fleshed out" in terms of backstory because I basically thought what Raymond and Knox would be like and play around with some information presented in Animal Crossing canon ( personality type, birthday, dream job, etc.)

The rest of the lore is basically Raymond being a former secret agent who lost half of his memory and crash landed onto the mystery island after failing his mission to the nearby storm. After being saved, he now works for Able Sisters as an assistant.

Knox on the other hand, is a knight from a prestigious family who wanted to pursue being a writer instead. And his family is a lineage of knights who serve the island of Royale-3.
the most lore that i’ve come up with for my villagers so far is that whitney and sprinkle are best friends who are kind of balancing on the line between being besties and girlfriends haha. it started with a story i wrote for a contest on here a couple of years ago, and i’ve stuck with it ever since! they’re neighbours on my island, and they celebrate each other’s birthdays together every year, are constantly hanging out and talking about the other, are always asking me to deliver/return something to the other etc. i haven’t really fleshed out their story beyond what i wrote for the contest, but i hope to eventually!

i also plan to write backstories for and give “island roles” to my other villagers, i just haven’t gotten around to it yet 😅
I did write the backstory and lore for my villagers in my island journal during the "New Year, New Horizons" Island journal contest.

Raymond and Knox are the most "fleshed out" in terms of backstory because I basically thought what Raymond and Knox would be like and play around with some information presented in Animal Crossing canon ( personality type, birthday, dream job, etc.)

The rest of the lore is basically Raymond being a former secret agent who lost half of his memory and crash landed onto the mystery island after failing his mission to the nearby storm. After being saved, he now works for Able Sisters as an assistant.

Knox on the other hand, is a knight from a prestigious family who wanted to pursue being a writer instead. And his family is a lineage of knights who serve the island of Royale-3.
woah, that’s so interesting :0 !! hehe i made my raymond run the clothing store at hhp
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the most lore that i’ve come up with for my villagers so far is that whitney and sprinkle are best friends who are kind of balancing on the line between being besties and girlfriends haha. it started with a story i wrote for a contest on here a couple of years ago, and i’ve stuck with it ever since! they’re neighbours on my island, and they celebrate each other’s birthdays together every year, are constantly hanging out and talking about the other, are always asking me to deliver/return something to the other etc. i haven’t really fleshed out their story beyond what i wrote for the contest, but i hope to eventually!

i also plan to write backstories for and give “island roles” to my other villagers, i just haven’t gotten around to it yet 😅
that’s so cute 🥺 sometimes the game just naturally works in your favour heh
Oh I've had lore for my island for awhile, or rather just back stories for my couples. Since these guys hangout and do alot with each other, I've cannonized them into couples. With who they spend the most time with:
Kid Cat and Marshal:

Kid Cat is my only jock, he's very enthusiastic about working out, loves Volleyball. He only started to get into Volleyball after Haikyuu came into his life. Then aspires to be a hero for his friend esspecially his smug little Boyfriend Marshal

Marshal is pretty relaxed but hes also very stern and isnt afraid to speak his mind in any situation. The only one he humors is his eccentric boyfriend who sometimes doesn't know when to stop taking. Hes still waiting for Kid Cat to propose to him, even though Cat is too caught up with other stuff. Marshal is confident he will one day.

He refuses to do it himself. As it would ruin his image. Which no one but him understands. In reality just wants a romantic story he can tell people and really hopes Kid Cat wont purpose to him at one of his cons. He hopes Cat will pull out his romantic sleeves.

Kid Cat has no idea Marshal wants that. He thinks getting proposed too at a con or a football game would be way more romantic. But the only time romance slightly catches his mind is when he's with Marshal. Marshal gives him alot of manga and always shows off one page. Marshal's way of trying to remind his oblivious boyfriend is to point out marrage scenes in manga.

He still firmly believes Cat will take that leap eventually. Regardless hes happy with his dorky jock and doesnt plan on leaving his side.

Marshal is good friends with practically everyone but Static. Static frequenctly pushes Marshal into the water if he sitting by a lake. Which Cat has to rescue him sometimes.

Cat finds his good friends with everyone though some can't stand his constant talk about sports or worse. His anime. Lopez and Raymond are surprised Marshal hasn't lost it, or gone crazy. Marshal always replies that Cat is the cutest when hes excited about something, even if its nerdy things.

Marshal and Kid Cat run the Hospital which is hero/scifi inspired. Kid Cat is the head doctor (Jock doctor talk is so funny) and Marshal is the receptionist.

Static and Raymond:

Unlike Marshal waiting on Kid Cat. Static and Raymond became commited to each other as the only married two. Raymond says that Static pulled out a surprsing romantic side on a beach outside of the island. With a starlite dinner and made sure it was a night full of shooting stars. Static in reality got the idea from listening to Marshal's dream proposal.

But he did want it to be memorable. He met Raymond at a trainstop in a thunderstorm, so he wanted it to be something special. But anything that upsets Marshal is also a huge plus.

Static for the most part is still a rebel at heart, can be still quite snappy with others though Raymond tends to calm him down. Static used to pull pranks on everyone and the only prank he still pulls is pushing Marshal into the water. But used to prank everyone. Raymond however was not all a lawyer and always avoided Static's pranks. Which honestly drew Static in more.

Raymond for one grew up a fancy feathered cat but Static ultimatly changed that. Having grown a sense for adventure and even getting dirty. Being as his home with Static is an adventure bunker. Raymond doesn't mind cuddling in a sleeping bag in fact prefers it more so. He likes being at his vacation more so then his regular plsce. It surprises Marshal, and sometimes Lopez. That being said Raymond always makes sure him, and Static are always in the latest in fashion camping clothes and gear. Static doesnt mind, it's never long before the gear is covered in dirt. So the spiffy part bever phased him.

The only thing he isnt a huge fan of is Raymond's social outing where hes stuck hanging around a bunch of chatty cats for hours on end. He's not much of a social butterfly. At least Raymond understands that. But Static still attends them.

On the island Static is closest to Bruce and Chief. Sasha looks up to him and thinks he's amazing. Sherb also thinks hes pretty cool, but not as cool as Cheif.
Raymond is friends with practically everyone he's close to Kid Cat. Being as Kid cat is the only other cat. Though unlike Marshal, he can only take so much dork talk. Much prefers his moody other half.

They run the club on my hhp.

On my island they are the Rat and Shion of my island. Which are two characters from No.6


Lopez and Bruce

No one knows if Bruce and Lopez are offically commited. As the two did do a drive through wedding because they were both a bit tipsy. Both don't seem to care either way.

Lopez is loud and proud, he has no problem showing who he is, and being proud of it. Hes very fem, and very stylish, unlike his other half who is the most introverted deer on the island despite them both meeting at a fashion class.

Though both were competing in a class challenge and had to be under code names, Lopez found most competition against him, though was unaware it was the weird silent deer. Bruce did win, however passed his grand prize onto little Fauna, who was his *Friend* at the time.

Lopez however decided to stick with him, and Bruce did not object. Though Lopez was a bit playful and sometime cocky. Bruce does push that aside (Sometimes doesn't mind it) Leading to the two eventually getting together after Bruce randomly asked if Lopez wanted to try dating a buck. Lopez wanted to (He had already dated boys before) and they did. On a trip away from Fugiree, they ended up having a drive through wedding when both were a bit drunk and barely remeber it. Lopez still refuses to tell anyone if that makes them offically commited or not.

Bruce is probably the most standoffish on the island and much prefers to be alone, and do his own thing. Deciding not to persue his degree, as Lopez has decided not too either. Bruce instead just enjoys the island life. Bruce is open to pretty much everyone and isnt angry but more of a one liner deer. So far no one on the island has gotten on his nerves. Toby is still isistant after learning Bruce surpassed Lopez, wants to know his skills in style that he refuses to share.

Lopez isn't afraid and would gladly tell you his whole life in a heartbeat and before bruce was the most flirtatious deer in class, and flirted mostly with the men. He currently decided to take online classes for make up and uses his very patient boyfriend as a make up canvas. Bruce started to wear a bit of eye liner due to that. He quite liked the look. Lopez is happy that Bruce isnt opposed to being his model. Also that Bruce hasn't pushed him away. When in reality Bruce considers lopez as the only bit of light he needs in his life. Making him a happy deer.

Chief and Sherb

Chief agreed with Sherb that they aren't ready for commitment to that level. But Sherb isnt opposed to a massive cake in the future.

Chief was the kinda wolf who aspires alot when he first arrived. But no one to really look up to before the lazy goat. Sherb defently helped change his out look in life, and made it brighter as well

As Chief was incredibly stand offish when he first arrived, Sherb broke through that barrier. Which was not expected, since Chief didn't really have any sort of positive out look in life, Sherb however is incredibly positive and goofy, whenever he talks. He even was the only one who braved talking to an annoyed wolf, and even sat through his rants though would often fall asleep on him.

Chief one day randomly asked Sherb if he was in a relationship to which Sherb replied how he was with Sasha. Then after seeing Chief'a reaction said he's not dating anymore because a butterfly broke his heart. To which Chief asked him out, but was confused on the butterfly. But knowing this little goat for so long, it didn't really surprise him.

Sherb is the kinda goat who says all the rights things but in his own way. He enjoys being outside and likes getting lost with Sasha, who's his best friend. Sherb has his own lingo at points and seems to understand others however his responses confuse or amuse. Chief kinda just accepted that, and enjoys being around the goofy goat for a little happiness

The only time he sees Sherb sad is when people don't listen to his weird dreams which Chief cheers him up by listening to them. Sherb in turn happily listens and lightens Chief's rants about whoever or whatever.

Sasha and Sherb sometimes make their Partners sing together so they can see who's the better singer. Which left Chief in a bit of a riverly with Toby since like Toby does, wonders if Toby is better. But it always ends in a draw. Its usually just an excuse to get them to sing. Since both lazies are well aware they can sing

Though even though Sherb keeps says Chief should join a dance group cause hes amazing Chief just gets awkward and says hes happier here.

Sasha and Toby

Honestly you see these two around each other 24/7 in my island ♡

Toby met Sasha on a vacay to a concert and Sasha was mostly oblivious thinking Toby just wanted to be friends, though Toby started to invite Sasha out with him on weekends to mostly his tours and Sasha eventually caught on that toby wanted to be more

Toby eventually decided the touring life wasnt for him anymore, now a retired former star whos got big plans growing. Toby for one fits into Marshal and the other Smug's group though never gossips about Sasha, who blatently tells Sherb all about his life.

Toby is fairly nice, very awkward, too egocentric for a bit, thinking people wanted things because they knew him. Sasha however had no idea who he was. Marshal fan boys along with the others about how a former star is living on the island.

Sasha is a ray of sunshine who sometimes tells Toby his weird conspiracies on life. Often funny random ones. Like the fish will secretly rebuttle and the seabass will take over in a few years. Or how everyone is already ruled over by seabass. In other words if Toby asks Sasha about how he feels about something, Sasha will give very amusing answers. Toby doesn't see a problem in that.

Toby being very musically inclined has found rivelry with the other music lovers, Marshal and Chief sometimes try a bit too hard. Toby and Sasha sometimes song together, well Toby will be singing and Sasha will join in sometimes and has grafually gotten better.

Toby is ready to take a next step though is a bit awkward when he thinks about it. He doesnt think Sasha is. So he did completly miss when Sasha was trying to ACTUALLY propose, with one of his random chats. Toby too invested to notice a real message Sasha was trying to say.

When in reality Sasha found out that if you get married you get a massive cake made for you, and he wants a massive cake made for him. Maybe he'll ask for real advice next time and not talk about Butterfly romance rituals. Since he asked his bug friends for advice.

Toby and Sasha work at the resturaunt along with Bree and Claude, and run the kitchen. Sasha is the head chief and Toby is his apprentice.

I included my wedding season head cannons for fun lol.
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Oh I've had lore for my island for awhile, or rather just back stories for my couples. Since these guys hangout and do alot with each other, I've cannonized them into couples. With who they spend the most time with:
Kid Cat and Marshal:

Kid Cat: Kid Cat is my only jock, he's very enthusiastic about working out, loves Volleyball. He only started to get into Volleyball after Haikyuu came into his life. Then aspires to be a hero for his friend esspecially his smug little Boyfriend Marshal

Marshal is pretty relaxed but hes also very stern and isnt afraid to speak his mind in any situation. The only one he humors is his eccentric boyfriend who sometimes doesn't know when to stop taking. Hes still waiting for Kid Cat to propose to him, even though Cat is too caught up with other stuff. Marshal is confident he will one day.

He refuses to do it himself. As it would ruin his image. Which no one but him understands. In reality just wants a romantic story he can tell people and really hopes Kid Cat wont purpose to him at one of his cons. He hopes Cat will pull out his romantic sleeves.

Kid Cat has no idea Marshal wants that. He thinks getting proposed too at a con or a football game would be way more romantic. But the only time romance slightly catches his mind is when he's with Marshal. Marshal gives him alot of manga and always shows off one page. Marshal's way of trying to remind his oblivious boyfriend is to point out marrage scenes in manga.

He still firmly believes Cat will take that leap eventually. Regardless hes happy with his dorky jock and doesnt plan on leaving his side.

Marshal is good friends with practically everyone but Static. Static frequenctly pushes Marshal into the water if he sitting by a lake. Which Cat has to rescue him sometimes.

Cat finds his good friends with everyone though some can't stand his constant talk about sports or worse. His anime. Lopez and Raymond are surprised Marshal hasn't lost it, or gone crazy. Marshal always replies that Cat is the cutest when hes excited about something, even if its nerdy things.

Marshal and Kid Cat run the Hospital which is hero/scifi inspired. Kid Cat is the head doctor (Jock doctor talk is so funny) and Marshal is the receptionist.

Static and Raymond:

Unlike Marshal waiting on Kid Cat. Static and Raymond became commited to each other as the only married two. Raymond says that Static pulled out a surprsing romantic side on a beach outside of the island. With a starlite dinner and made sure it was a night full of shooting stars. Static in reality got the idea from listening to Marshal's dream proposal.

But he did want it to be memorable. He met Raymond at a trainstop in a thunderstorm, so he wanted it to be something special. But anything that upsets Marshal is also a huge plus.

Static for the most part is still a rebel at heart, can be still quite snappy with others though Raymond tends to calm him down. Static used to pull pranks on everyone and the only prank he still pulls is pushing Marshal into the water. But used to prank everyone. Raymond however was not all a lawyer and always avoided Static's pranks. Which honestly drew Static in more.

Raymond for one grew up a fancy feathered cat but Static ultimatly changed that. Having grown a sense for adventure and even getting dirty. Being as his home with Static is an adventure bunker. Raymond doesn't mind cuddling in a sleeping bag in fact prefers it more so. He likes being at his vacation more so then his regular plsce. It surprises Marshal, and sometimes Lopez. That being said Raymond always makes sure him, and Static are always in the latest in fashion camping clothes and gear. Static doesnt mind, it's never long before the gear is covered in dirt. So the spiffy part bever phased him.

The only thing he isnt a huge fan of is Raymond's social outing where hes stuck hanging around a bunch of chatty cats for hours on end. He's not much of a social butterfly. At least Raymond understands that. But Static still attends them.

On the island Static is closest to Bruce and Chief. Sasha looks up to him and thinks he's amazing. Sherb also thinks hes pretty cool, but not as cool as Cheif.
Raymond is friends with practically everyone he's close to Kid Cat. Being as Kid cat is the only other cat. Though unlike Marshal, he can only take so much dork talk. Much prefers his moody other half.

They run the club on my hhp.

On my island they are the Rat and Shion of my island. Which are two characters from No.6


Lopez and Bruce

No one knows if Bruce and Lopez are offically commited. As the two did do a drive through wedding because they were both a bit tipsy. Both don't seem to care either way.

Lopez is loud and proud, he has no problem showing who he is, and being proud of it. Hes very fem, and very stylish, unlike his other half who is the most introverted deer on the island despite them both meeting at a fashion class.

Though both were competing in a class challenge and had to be under code names, Lopez found most competition against him, though was unaware it was the weird silent deer. Bruce did win, however passed his grand prize onto little Fauna, who was his *Friend* at the time.

Lopez however decided to stick with him, and Bruce did not object. Though Lopez was a bit playful and sometime cocky. Bruce does push that aside (Sometimes doesn't mind it) Leading to the two eventually getting together after Bruce randomly asked if Lopez wanted to try dating a buck. Lopez wanted to (He had already dated boys before) and they did. On a trip away from Fugiree, they ended up having a drive through wedding when both were a bit drunk and barely remeber it. Lopez still refuses to tell anyone if that makes them offically commited or not.

Bruce is probably the most standoffish on the island and much prefers to be alone, and do his own thing. Deciding not to persue his degree, as Lopez has decided not too either. Bruce instead just enjoys the island life. Bruce is open to pretty much everyone and isnt angry but more of a one liner deer. So far no one on the island has gotten on his nerves. Toby is still isistant after learning Bruce surpassed Lopez, wants to know his skills in style that he refuses to share.

Lopez isn't afraid and would gladly tell you his whole life in a heartbeat and before bruce was the most flirtatious deer in class, and flirted mostly with the men. He currently decided to take online classes for make up and uses his very patient boyfriend as a make up canvas. Bruce started to wear a bit of eye liner due to that. He quite liked the look. Lopez is happy that Bruce isnt opposed to being his model. Also that Bruce hasn't pushed him away. When in reality Bruce considers lopez as the only bit of light he needs in his life. Making him a happy deer.

Chief and Sherb

Chief agreed with Sherb that they aren't ready for commitment to that level. But Sherb isnt opposed to a massive cake in the future.

Chief was the kinda wolf who aspires alot when he first arrived. But no one to really look up to before the lazy goat. Sherb defently helped change his out look in life, and made it brighter as well

As Chief was incredibly stand offish when he first arrived, Sherb broke through that barrier. Which was not expected, since Chief didn't really have any sort of positive out look in life, Sherb however is incredibly positive and goofy, whenever he talks. He even was the only one who braved talking to an annoyed wolf, and even sat through his rants though would often fall asleep on him.

Chief one day randomly asked Sherb if he was in a relationship to which Sherb replied how he was with Sasha. Then after seeing Chief'a reaction said he's not dating anymore because a butterfly broke his heart. To which Chief asked him out, but was confused on the butterfly. But knowing this little goat for so long, it didn't really surprise him.

Sherb is the kinda goat who says all the rights things but in his own way. He enjoys being outside and likes getting lost with Sasha, who's his best friend. Sherb has his own lingo at points and seems to understand others however his responses confuse or amuse. Chief kinda just accepted that, and enjoys being around the goofy goat for a little happiness

The only time he sees Sherb sad is when people don't listen to his weird dreams which Chief cheers him up by listening to them. Sherb in turn happily listens and lightens Chief's rants about whoever or whatever.

Sasha and Sherb sometimes make their Partners sing together so they can see who's the better singer. Which left Chief in a bit of a riverly with Toby since like Toby does, wonders if Toby is better. But it always ends in a draw. Its usually just an excuse to get them to sing. Since both lazies are well aware they can sing

Though even though Sherb keeps says Chief should join a dance group cause hes amazing Chief just gets awkward and says hes happier here. He doesn't ever wanna be a popstar.

Sasha and Toby

Honestly you see these two around each other 24/7 in my island ♡

Toby met Sasha on a vacay to a concert and Sasha was mostly oblivious thinking Toby just wanted to be friends, though Toby started to invite Sasha out with him on weekends to mostly his tours and Sasha eventually caught on that toby wanted to be more

Toby eventually decided the touring life wasnt for him anymore, now a retired former star whos got big plans growing. Toby for one fits into Marshal and the other Smug's group though never gossips about Sasha, who blatently tells Sherb all about his life.

Toby is fairly nice, very awkward, too egocentric for a bit, thinking people wanted things because they knew him. Sasha however had no idea who he was. Marshal fan boys along with the others about how a former star is living on the island.

Sasha is a ray of sunshine who sometimes tells Toby his weird conspiracies on life. Often funny random ones. Like the fish will secretly rebuttle and the seabass will take over in a few years. Or how everyone is already ruled over by seabass. In other words if Toby asks Sasha about how he feels about something, Sasha will give very amusing answers. Toby doesn't see a problem in that.

Toby being very musically inclined has found rivelry with the other music lovers, Marshal and Chief sometimes try a bit too hard. Toby and Sasha sometimes song together, well Toby will be singing and Sasha will join in sometimes and has grafually gotten better.

Toby is ready to take a next step though is a bit awkward when he thinks about it. He doesnt think Sasha is. So he did completly miss when Sasha was trying to ACTUALLY propose, with one of his random chats. Toby too invested to notice a real message Sasha was trying to say.

When in reality Sasha found out that if you get married you get a massive cake made for you, and he wants a massive cake made for him. Maybe he'll ask for real advice next time and not talk about Butterfly romance rituals. Since he asked his bug friends for advice.

Toby and Sasha work at the resturaunt along with Bree and Claude, and run the kitchen. Sasha is the head chief and Toby is his apprentice.

I included my wedding season head cannons for fun lol.
oh my goodness... i love all the lore
  • omg haikyuu, my favourite anime of all time, kid cat has taste
  • poor marshal, he'll propose to you soon!! i believe 🤭
  • hello??? static pushing marshal into the river 😰 and the whole dream proposal... meanie
  • oh wow i haven't thought about No.6 in YEARS haha
  • "When in reality Bruce considers lopez as the only bit of light he needs in his life" 🥺🥺🥺 brb sobbing that's SO CUTE
  • "Maybe he'll ask for real advice next time and not talk about Butterfly romance rituals. Since he asked his bug friends for advice." 😂😂
this was such a fun read, thank you for sharing!
i don't have a lot since i've only been playing for a year but basically flora has a crush on teddy and all of the peppies and nana basically are trying to help her get him even though nana secretly likes her.

edit: why did i just realize this is sm super-similar to sm that happened irl lmao
i don't have a lot since i've only been playing for a year but basically flora has a crush on teddy and all of the peppies and nana basically are trying to help her get him even though nana secretly likes her.

edit: why did i just realize this is sm super-similar to sm that happened irl lmao
🥺🥺 oh no poor nana

Normally, I try not to associate my villagers with open relationships and stuff, but about a week after I moved Poncho in to Wahu, I caught him in his house with Dotty, and the two were, well, just see for yourself:

I laughed so hard when I saw this happen. Anyways, when I remodeled his house, I put Dotty's photo in it as a joke:

Poncho's New House.jpg

I've ultimately accepted that the two just have a thing for each other now.
I don't come up with extensive backstories, but I do like to give them a tiny bit of context. Alli and Roswell have some sort of connection, though I'm not sure what. They both live in the section of my island dedicated specifically to agriculture and like to have cookouts. Bettina, Pate, and Erik are eccentric and slightly affluent villagers who live in the suburbs at the highest point on the island. Ava is my next door neighbor. And Roald and whoever I haven't kicked out yet live in the middle class suburban neighborhood closest to the beach.

This is all decided extremely arbitrarily based on whatever vibe the villager gives me at the time.

Normally, I try not to associate my villagers with open relationships and stuff, but about a week after I moved Poncho in to Wahu, I caught him in his house with Dotty, and the two were, well, just see for yourself:

I laughed so hard when I saw this happen. Anyways, when I remodeled his house, I put Dotty's photo in it as a joke:

View attachment 497861

I've ultimately accepted that the two just have a thing for each other now.
hahah sometimes the game has a mind of its own - omg her photo 🥺🥺
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I don't come up with extensive backstories, but I do like to give them a tiny bit of context. Alli and Roswell have some sort of connection, though I'm not sure what. They both live in the section of my island dedicated specifically to agriculture and like to have cookouts. Bettina, Pate, and Erik are eccentric and slightly affluent villagers who live in the suburbs at the highest point on the island. Ava is my next door neighbor. And Roald and whoever I haven't kicked out yet live in the middle class suburban neighborhood closest to the beach.

This is all decided extremely arbitrarily based on whatever vibe the villager gives me at the time.
i totally get that! just by playing and seeing how they interact with each other, i come up with ideas on their relationships and friendships.

i love the dedicated areas - alli and roswell are just keeping things hush hush 🤫
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Yes. Here, have some of my shameless self promotion. I also involved my best friend @Dunny County and we've created a whole universe for all the bears and cubs in acnh.
SOOOO CUTE, i've headcannoned that maple and teddy (from my friend's island) are brothers and sisters heh

marty!!!! he's my last dreamie that i want to move in, but i'll keep my 10th lot free for visitors. i plan on moving him in once my island is a little more complete, he'll be best friends with the girlies (apple, maple, and ruby.)
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Okay, time to get creative and actually create some lore. Only had time to do the five longest-tenured villagers from Wahu (it's after midnight for me as of posting this), but I'll definitely do the other five and may also do Parkwood at a later date.
Intentionally avoiding sensitive and debatable topics because this is an E rated game soz :(

It was tough for Patty growing up in the countryside. There was no one around for miles, and she became quite a lonely cow. The few friends she had all abandoned her because she would often build up steam quickly whenever she was upset, and there was always destruction involved due to her size and nature.

Patty knew that her occasional erratic behavior was unacceptable, and wanted to start fresh elsewhere, preferably an area where she could make many new friends. On a random visit to the local travel agency, desperate to find some new neighbors in a new town, she came across a pamphlet for Wahu, advertised as "the place to make lifelong memories". Immediately intrigued, she immediately packed her bags and booked the next flight to the quaint island.

Even though it took some time to adjust to her new island life, she eventually grew to like the new scenery, and made a pact to remain a permanent resident on Wahu. Now that she's been there for a while, the other villagers sort of look up to her as a role model, though sometimes they still get intimidated by her presence in a few tense situations that arise because of her past history, but for Patty, her behavior today is miles better than it was back when she lived in "Nowhereland". She loves being the popular cow in town, and likes to spread her positivity in any way she can.

Bob never quite grew out of his childhood phase. Ever since the "crayon" incident long ago, his thinking functionality hasn't really improved a whole lot. He became hyper-focused on video games, but only those that are considered "edutainment" to many. He has yet to learn how to speak at a slower pace, as his quick speech patterns tend to cause him to start talking gibberish and make less sense to others.

One day, while living in his Grandma's house, Bob wanted to ride in a plane, just to see what it was like to reach the clouds and "taste" them as they reminded him of cotton candy. Grandma was a bit hesitant, but agreed that she wanted to go on a vacation to somewhere. On the flight, Bob started licking the window, but realized he couldn't make his tongue go past the glass. It got to the point where Bob nearly opened the emergency escape door and caused a scene on the plane. DAL officials (and Grandma) realized that he was being a danger to everyone riding the plane, and agreed to dump him off at Wahu.

Once there, he met the island representative, Trevor, and they became fast friends because they found each other incredibly funny. Bob decided to set roots then and there, and his older relatives all agree that he needed the taste of adulthood. Only time will tell if he will start showing some maturity...

Oh, where to start with Mallary. Let's just say that she's more of the "city-dweller" kind, and wanted to remain like that when she previously worked as the secretary for a famous TV lawyer. However, there were various allegations that said TV lawyer was bribing city officials, which Mallary eventually heard about through social media, and wanted nothing to do with it. After every TV network in the area wanted to interview her about her boss' shady deals, she had enough and wanted to get away from this swarming media storm.

Mallary went to the International Airport and told the attendant behind the counter that she wanted to get as far away from the city as she could, no questions asked. Since Mallary kept a neutral profile throughout her career and prevented her boss' habits from spreading to her, she was able to get away and not look back. The attendant booked a flight for Wahu, since it was a tiny remote island with some friendly folk that got along with each other well. Mallary called her boss, told him "good luck" with his situation, and was on her way to a better life.

Once in Wahu, Mallary immediately felt like she was home all along after finding a property that resembled hers back in the city. Her neighbor, Dotty, sometimes gets on her nerves due to her rather bubbly personality, but at least Dotty doesn't spread rumors like certain villagers back in the city that Mallary would like to keep unnamed. She grew accustomed to island life rather well, and doesn't look back.

Cherry was one of the "cool kids" back in her hometown. Having had lots of friends and having connections to some rather famous rock musicians back in school, Cherry was the one the other kids wanted to be.

However, after graduating school, Cherry realized that all the fame she had would go to her head rather quickly if she continued to live the life she had clamored about for so long, and could eventually put herself in danger. She had to come up with a plan to somehow lower her social profile, and an idea struck her after hearing a suggestion from one of her old rock buddies: "If you want to get away from the big crowds, you've got to lay low. Find a place you can dig, and start living the life you want to live. Only trust yourself; don't let others influence your decisions."

Cherry called up one of her musician friends, and they suggested that she seek a permanent vacation on Wahu. They said that there's not many villagers to worry about, and everyone likes each other equally, so nobody can be the super popular one. Besides, no one else can move there once the island fills up, and she could lay low there as long as she wanted to. Interested, Cherry flew to Wahu, signed some housing contracts, and was on her way to living a more private life. Today, she still maintains her "popular kid" mentality, but only with the island residents and never with the outside world, and she couldn't be happier with her decision.

Tom had been retired from the Junior Bantamweight League for a long time, having won several championships, and at one point being named the Junior Bantamweight king by several magazines. After his retirement, Tom started to become bored with everyday life, and missed the glory days of when he was a sports superstar.

One day, Tom decided that he wanted to go back into the ring one last time and prove to everyone that he can still take on anyone he faces. His first opponent, Lucha, was just coming off a massive victory against reigning champion Stinky, and wanted to prove to everyone that he is the new king of the ring. In the first round, Tom couldn't even land a punch, and faceplanted onto the floor after losing his balance. In the second round, he regained his composure, and started to take on Lucha for real. Unfortunately for Tom, due to his age, he got tired rather quick, and Lucha won the match after knocking Tom stone cold.

Incredibly embarrassed by his defeat, Tom retired again and moved to Wahu to remind him less of his old days. Even though he may act a bit cranky towards the other islanders, he is still the most respected one of all due to his wise and mature way of handling situations, and has completely put his fighting career in the rear view mirror.


oh yeah also flora and teddy are a couple now.

to nana's dismay. nana's that one girl who doesnt seem gay, but is actually a lesbian.
@TN4U oh...my... okay time for me to make some notes as i read !!
  • poor patty :c glad to hear she's adjusting well! i act on my emotions a lot and that's caused some issues before, so i get it patty, i get it 😞
  • bob's.. crayon incident 👀 whatever could this mean. me too!!!! sometimes i can get too excited and talk way too fast, way quicker than my mouth can keep up so i'll have to take a breather then start the sentence over but sloooowly this time. THEY JUST DUMPED HIM....poor baby
  • honestly, good for you mallary. you did your job earnestly only for other factors come into play to ruin that, and it's good she was able to get away from it all. nice to see she isn't one of those who try to bring the city onto the island 😌
  • glad to see cherry realize that early on! i bet she collabs with kk slider during the weekend concerts heh
  • oh noooo poor tom 😭😭 he'll definitely become the resident grumpy gramp of the island, complain about things but still offering to help out the other residents
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oh yeah also flora and teddy are a couple now.

to nana's dismay. nana's that one girl who doesnt seem gay, but is actually a lesbian.
omg flora and teddy, cute 💖
nana deserves someone to love too 🥺
Nothing in depth, but I like to think of what their relationships and little quirks are based on how they interact with each other of the things they do. Like Apollo is ALWAYS singing so he must be into karaoke as a past time. Reneigh and Raymond hang out a looot so they are definitely very good friends, Gala is 100% a bank robber Um, maybe forget that last one....